Medical Concerns Search Results

How To: Remove ticks and treat tick bites

Tick bites should be treated immediately, the concern being transmission of Lyme disease. If you've received a tick bite, what you should do is to remove the tick promptly and carefully. Use tweezers to grasp the body of the tick near its head and pull out very gently to remove the tick whole without crushing it. Learn more about tick bites and how to treat them in this medical how-to video.

How To: Grasp the human physiology of the heart

Want to know what a septum is? An aorta? The bicuspid valve? These are all parts of the human heart, and in these educational tutorial videos, you'll learn all you need to know about the physiology of the human heart. Anatomy, biology, physiology... it's all science, so no matter what field you are studying, these will be very helpful for you in your further medical studies, or for just know-it-all knowledge.

How To: Suture a wound in a hospital setting

Suturing wounds is one of the most important parts of any doctor's job, and learning how to do so should be among the first priorities of any medical student. This three-part video covers all of the basics of suturing a wound in a hospital setting. It features information on infiltrating anesthetic, choosing how many sutures to use, and other techniques.

How To: Perform fundoscopy or opthalmoscopy on a patient

The opthalmoscope is one of most basic tools of the modern opthamologist, and is essential to the diagnosis of the eyes. This five-part video, performed by a medical student, will walk you through the necessary steps in performing fundoscopy or opthamalscopy on a patient, covering talking to the patient, an overview of the equipment, and all of the rest of the information that you will need.

How To: Dissect a human to see into the deep neck

The first step in this human anatomy video tutorial is reflecting the sternal cleidomastoid muscles from the attachment to the sternum and the clavicle. Sounds fun, huh? Well, science is fun, and dissecting a human is great, especially for an anatomy class. Here, you will learn how to take a closer look at the deep neck of a human cadaver, like the muscle tissue and the arteries.

How To: Dissect a human to see the superficial face

You can begin your dissection of the human face if you would like. This video tutorial will help you through your tough times in your anatomy class. It will show you the correct steps to dissecting the superficial face of a human being with your scalpel, to see the musculature. You will also see the branches of the facial nerves. Science is a great step towards learning more about ourselves, so educate yourself with this anatomical look at a corpse.

How To: Dissect a human to see the split pelvis

If you want to know more about the science of the human body, just stop right here at this video tutorial on the dissection of the perineum. This anatomical look at the pelvic outlet will show you right down to the bone, then will show you the osteology of the split pelvis, which is a pelvis in which the symphysis pubis is absent and the pelvic bones are separated, usually associated with exstrophy of the bladder. You'll check out both female and male pelvic regions in this educational look a...

How To: Dissect a human to see the abdominal autonomics

Need to check out the posterior abdominal wall of a human being? Well, go no further. This human anatomy video tutorial will show you how to dissect a human for a closer look at the abdominal autonomics, the genital and urinary systems, the diaphragm, and the posterior abdominal wall. You need to get most of the superficial layers out of the way, so get your scalpel out and get cutting. You'll even check out the kidney itself in this educational look at the insides of a corpse.

How To: Dissect a human to see the organs in the thorax

The science of the human body is a glorious thing, and educating yourself through its anatomy is a great way to learn. Here you'll learn how to dissect a human to see the organs in the thoracic cavity. You'll also see the lungs and pleural sacs, and the heart and pericardial sacs in the thorax. So, cut out that heart and lungs with a scalpel or knife and extract it for a closer anatomical look. This video tutorial is all you'll need to pass anatomy 101.

How To: Eat properly in the 24 hours before a 5k race

The day before a 5K race can be an exercise in stress as you wonder what to eat and drink and when to do it, as well as about the race the next day. This video should help alleviate the first concern by giving you tips on what to eat and drink in the 24 hours leading up to a 5K to ensure that you are as well-nourished and hydrated as possible for your race.

How To: Review for North American Veterinary Licensing Exam

Before obtaining the permission to practice as a veterinarian, all veterinary students must pass the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination, or NALVE. This video animal medical tutorial covers a lot of the basic concepts of anesthesia, including equipment and drugs, on both small and large animals that were taught in veterinary school and would be tested in the final examination. Learn how to review anesthetic procedure and prepare for the North American Veterinary Licensing Exam by ...

How To: Set up a habitat for a baby Green Iguana

Possibly the most popular reptile pet in the world, the Green Iguana is beautiful and interesting lizard. Senior Herpetologist Ron Dupont passionately conducts a four-part tutorial on the lizard's habitat, lighting, diet and health. Ron, with the aid of his daughter Hillary, begins the tutorial on creating an iguana habitat, covering topics like enclosure choice, substrate concerns, background decoration, plants, and wood piece.