Medical Issue Search Results

News: Another Reason to Wash Your Sheets—Deadly Hospital Fungus Linked to Moldy Linens

Six people have died from fungal infections in Pittsburgh hospitals since 2014—that fact is indisputable. The rest of the situation is much vaguer. A lawsuit has been filed against the hospitals on behalf of some of the deceased patients, alleging that moldy hospital linens are to blame. While the lawyers argue over who's at fault, let's look at how this could have happened.

How To: Diagnose five common sounds your car might make

Kim Parent from Drivers Side answers questions received about the diagnosis of sounds your car may make. 1. Squealing sound-Typically means brake pads need to be replaced. 2. Mechanical sound with steering wheel looseness-Probably means you have loose joints in the front of your car. Kim advises that this is a safety issue. 3. Mechanical knocking sound without steering wheel looseness-If you hear this sound when you're making turns this could mean you have a CV Joint that's worn out. Kim reco...

How To: Perform a general eye exam on a patient

If you're a medical student, you'll learn a lot from this video lesson on examining your patient's eyes. If the patient is having trouble seeing, like double vision, blurred vision, pain or any other problem, a proper eye examination is detrimental to properly diagnosing and treating him/her. You can also determine and potential problems which may arise bases on your family history. Watch to see the complete procedure outlined, which is great for any med student or doctor. Even nurses can ben...

How To: Perform a general neurological exam on a patient

As a doctor, sometimes it will be necessary to perform a neurological examination of your patient to rule out any neurological disorders. Your objective is to identify abnormalities in the nervous system, to differentiate peripheral from central nervous system lesions, and to establish internal consistency. This is a great video less that outlines the complete neurological exam procedure. It's great for medical students or doctors, and even nursing students can learn a thing or two.

How To: Perform a general abdominal exam on a patient

Any patient with pain in the abdominal area will require you to perform an abdominal examination, and this video lesson outlines in great detail, how to perform a general abdomen exam. This is great for any medical student or up-and-coming doctor — even nursing students could benefit from this exam procedure. You'll learn about inspection of the abs, auscultation, percussion, palpation, the liver, the aorta, and the spleen. After watching the full procedure, you should be able to identify the...

How To: Perform a HEENT exam (head, ears, eyes, nose & throat)

Most won't know what the acronym HEENT stand for, but if you're a medical student, doctor or nurse, you know that it stand for head, ears, eyes, nose and throat. To perform a HEENT examination properly, you must know all the steps and techniques to diagnose your patient. This video lesson will outline the examination procedure, from start to finish, and shows you general palpation techniques and examining the temporomandibular joint, superficial lymph nodes, thyroid gland, eyes, ears, nose, m...

How To: Perform a cardiovascular exam on a patient

The key to being a good doctor is great patient care and thoroughness, and those are exactly the skills you will learn in this video lesson, as you learn to perform a cardiovascular examination on your patient. This is a great, step-by-step resource for the proper examination procedure. Every medical student should know these techniques, and nursing students could benefit from this knowledge, too. Every cardiovascular exam should include inspection of the pulse, blood pressure, carotid pulsat...

How To: Perform a general chest exam on a patient

There's no better way to learn then by visual media, and that's what makes this video lesson on performing a chest exam so great. It's perfect for any future doctor, and great for nursing students to understand the proper procedure for examining a patient's chest. Medical students can easily learn how to perform a general chest exam, because ever step and technique is outlined and shown. A chest examination is very important to determining what's wrong with your patient, and you will be able ...

How To: Perform a musculoskeletal exam on a patient

Whether your training to be a doctor or a nurse, there is no doubt that this video lesson will help you better understand the procedure for musculoskeletal examinations. Musculoskeletal exams rely exclusively on inspection and palpation and tests using a combination of those techniques. The main purpose of this exam is to identify in your patient any signs of musculoskeletal disease, by way of pain, redness, swelling, warmth, deformity, and loss of function. Watch this video to see the entire...

How To: Examine a patient for vital signs

Any medical student could benefit from this video lesson, whether you're training to be a doctor or a nurse. The very first step to finding out what's wrong with your patient is examining him/her for their vital signs. You must check the patient's pulse, respirations, blood pressure, and know how to use every kind of sphygmomanometer. To see the entire examination procedure, perfect for nursing students, watch the video to see how to examine a patient for vital signs, and refer to the steps b...

How To: Treat a sunburn properly

Dr. Schultz teaches how to treat a sunburn properly in very easy steps. For a regular sunburn, take aspirin to relief for that burning sensation. Use milk and water compress as tropically on the skin. Apply ointments 3-4 times a day. Take a bath not a shower with warm water. Aloe Vera will help the skin feel better. Lastly, avoid topical anesthetics. For a 2nd degree sunburn, apply topical antibiotic ointments after the compresses. If the sunburn gets worse consult for medical attention.

How To: Obtain an international driving permit

This video is provided by "Betty Sell" from AAA travels. In this video she tells about the international travel and also about the important documents to be carried while carrying out an international travel, that is the international driving permit, commonly called as an IDP. It's very important to carry an IDP while traveling overseas because an IDP acts as an important recognizable form of photo identification which helps us to communicate with foreign authorities. To get more information ...

How To: Change a gown on a patient with an IV pump in nursing

Studying to be a nurse? Then here is a nursing how-to video that teaches you how to change a gown on patient who as an IV pump. Every nurse should know the basics of this technique, follow along and see how easy it is to to change a gown without disconnecting the IV pump. These medical tips are sure to help you pass your nursing exam with flying colors. Have your RN or instructor help you change an patients gown who has an IV pump. Watch and learn how to do this technique with an IV gown and ...

How To: Fix MP4 audio issues in Sony Vegas Movie Studio

In this video, we learn how to fix MP4 audio issues in Sony Vegas Movie Studio. First, close the program from your computer. After this go to the website: Download this file and then go to the folder that the program is in and copy the name of it. From here, open the folder where the file is stored within Sony Movie Studio. Then, rename the file "qt7plug.old". Then, insert this into the previous folder and launch the program. This should solve you problem and you sh...

How To: Walkthrough the flash game Foreign Creature 2

In this video, you will be walked through the game Foreign Creature. There are human characters in this one, with word clouds, in an office setting with bulletin board, desks, rolling shelves, and tack boards. In another scene of the game, you will see a hospital setting with nurses, surgery table, patient, medical equipment, and doctors. In this setting, the patient is a foreign creature who blacks out the medical staff and proceeds to stalk the hospital. Police try to capture the humanoid-l...

How To: Deal with liking a girl who's in a broken relationship

If you're in a situation where you like a person in an abusive relationship, then most likely the person seems to be reluctant to get out of their relationship. The person most likely has self-worth issues. Until those self-worth issues are resolved, the person will never be happy with you or anyone else. Most often they feel that they don't deserve to be happy. Until that person feels that they deserve happiness, and want happiness with you, you can forget ever moving beyond the friend zone....

How To: Deal with a boyfriend who has a relationship w/ an ex

Today, Dan and Jennifer are confronted with a difficult question. A woman is in a relationship with a man that still has a 'relationship' of sorts with his ex. The woman is conflicted because she does not like the intimacy that goes on between her boyfriend and his ex. Dan and Jennifer ask several questions to the distraught woman to perhaps allow her to discover the key to her issues. Dan and Jennifer even suggest that there might be a child or maybe even a health issue that has to do with t...

How To: Join the Peace Corps

The Peace Corps -- have you ever thought of it? It crosses everybody's mind at one point or another, but mostly college students. The Peace Corps offers many benefits, like life experience, student loan repayment, and travel. If you are ready for 27 months of hard but rewarding work, a job with the Peace Corps might be for you. These steps will help you on your way toward an unforgettable experience.

How To: Use a Canon 7D & understand recording audio issues

Eyepatchentertainmen teaches you how to use a Canon 7d and understand the recording audio issues. The 5D only shoots 30 frames per second, as opposed to the 7D, which records in a standard frame rate, which will help you sync the audio to the video. The microphone that comes with the Senheiser G2 wireless kit plugs directly into the Canon 7D and works well. There is no manual control over the audio yet. The 5D and the 7D are amongst the best audio recording DSLRs out there. To make sure you h...

How To: Write an argument essay thesis

In this three-part instructional video hosted by English Ryan, learn how to write an effective thesis for an argument essay. In an argumentative essay, one not only relays information about the topic or position they are trying to argue, but also presents an argument with the PROS (supporting ideas) and CONS (opposing ideas) of the argumentative issue. One must clearly take a stand on either side of the issue and write as if persuading an opposing audience to adopt new beliefs or behavior. In...

How To: Massage the shoulder joint

The shoulder is an area of the body that carries a lot of tension. It is very important to check with your person and make sure that they do not have any range of motion issues. Get expert tips and advice on massage and other treatments in this how-to video.

How To: Stretch deltoid muscles with sports massage

The deltoids are the muscles near and above your shoulders. It goes on the front of the arm and it goes on the back of the arm to the shoulder. It gets really tight sometimes. One thing you want to find out from your person before you are doing a stretch on them on any part of the body is to make sure that they don't have any range of motion issues or any dislocations of the joint. Get expert tips and advice on massage and other treatments in this how-to video.

News: Apple's iOS 13.5 Public Beta 3 for iPhone Introduces Updated COVID-19 Exposure Logging Settings

Apple released the third public beta for iOS 13.5 today, Wednesday, May 6. This latest public beta update comes exactly one week after Apple released iOS 13.5 public beta 2, which, among other things, introduced Apple and Google's joint COVID-19 exposure notification API. Public beta 3 updates that settings page to show a more detailed "Exposure Logging" option instead.

News: Apple Just Released iOS 13 Public Beta 2, Includes FaceTime Attention Correction, Cursor Sizing Options & More

The third developer beta for iOS 13 has been out since July 3, and while devs have had fun exploring all the new features, those of us on the public beta have sat on the sidelines running the public version of dev beta 2. But we don't need to wait any longer, as Apple just released iOS 13 public beta 2 and all the goodies that come with it.