Medicine Search Results

How To: Become a flight medic

Are you interested in flight medicine? Taking care and transporting critical care patients to and from the sight of their injury to the hospital? In this video, learn from the President of the National Flight Medic Association, Jason Hums MPH what it takes to become a flight medic: what to do after schooling to prep, how to compiete for the job in this highly competitive field, and what wesbites to ceck out for more information.

How To: Stop snoring

It may not bother you so much, but think about your significant other, or your children, your mother… your dog. You may be keeping them all up with your noisy nose. Snoring is no joke, especially if you're the one trying to sleep on the other side of the bed. Here's author and leading ear, nose and throat specialist Dr. Jordan Josephson with some tips to stop snoring. If you want to stop snoring, these tips are your best best. Get more information at Howdini.

How To: Give your dog a pill easily

Whether it's a daily routine or for a short period of time, giving medicine to your dog is an important task that isn't always simple. Learn some helpful tips that will make giving a pill to your dog a little easier.

How To: Cut soft, fresh cheese

Slicing soft, fresh cheeses, like chevre, can become a sticky mess. The cheese either clings to the knife or crumbles into an unwieldy pile. To get perfect slices every time, head to the medicine cabinet and grab the dental floss. Wrap the floss (use unwaxed and unflavored) around your fingers and then use to slice through the cheese. Floss works for slicing cheesecake, too.

How To: Perform Shiatsu and Thai massage

There's such a variety of massage styles to choose from today. Take Shiatsu and Thai massage. They're based on traditional Asian medicine, and are designed to address aches and pains, but are also aimed at balancing the energy of the body to improve health and well-being.

How To: Import Your Health Records onto Your iPhone

Mobile phones are not only essential for work and communication, they're quickly becoming an integral asset to our health. Your iPhone can store valuable data about fitness, nutrition, heart health, and so much more. And since iOS 11.3, your iPhone can even import a list of allergies, medications, immunizations, hospital visits, and other health information from your doctor or hospital.

How To: Remove ink stains from your American Girl doll

In this video, we learn how to remove ink stains from your American Girl doll. If you get ink marks on your doll it's pretty easy to get off with just some Oxy spot treatment clear. The main ingredient in it is Benzyl Peroxide, which is an acne medicine. After you have this, you will put a little bit of it onto the stain on the doll. Apply this using a Q-Tip and not your finger, to avoid oils. Press this all over the spots on your doll, then cover the spots with plastic wrap. Put the doll in ...

How To: Work out your top abs with stomach exercises

In the video, a physical trainer, namely Daryl Stain, explains Fatloss life style exercises. In the video, he explains an exercise to develop top abs with the most time-efficient body transmission exercises. For the exercise, we need a decline bench and a medicine ball. First, take a decline position, then toss the ball to a partner in a slightly bent position. Catch back the ball from your partner. Keep it behind your neck, and go down slowly. Take a deep breath. Relax a second, and come up ...

How To: Build your pecs with nutrition hints & exercise tips

Darin Stein from Fat Loss Lifestyle demonstrates how to build your pectoral muscles with exercise tips. Put two medicine balls into the butt of your palms, not your fingertips, for pushups. Lower your body for two seconds, keeping your elbows apart. Get a real nice stretch in the chest and push your body up. Do fourteen pushups. For an advanced workout, elevate your feet when doing the pushups. Walk a 65 millimeter resistance ball to your toes and continue doing the pushups. In addition to to...

How To: Tape fingers for sports injuries

Taping fingers is good for minor injuries of the middle joint because taping supports the injured area without preventing motion. Learn how to tape fingers and stay fit in this sports medicine video. Take action: injuring the middle joints of fingers is common, try to support above and below joint but allow flexibility in the joint, check for deformities, while ice and anti-inflammatories can help. Mike Vera, the instructor in this how-to video from Live Strong, is an athletic trainer the Rog...

How To: Treat runner's nipple

Runner's nipple is caused by shirt fabric rubbing against the tips of the nipples. Learn how to prevent getting runner's nipple and stay fit in this sports medicine how to video. All you need to prevent runner's nipple is band-aids or petroleum jelly. Watch and see how simple it is to take care of.

How To: Make Aspirin from a Willow Tree

In this article, I will be showing you how to make a crude form of aspirin from the bark of a willow tree. It is a great remedy for headaches, hangovers, and other minor pain. The use of the willow tree as a mild pain reliever goes back to the Native Americans, who used it in much the same way that I do.

How To: Alleviate menstrual pain naturally

Youtipis4u has come up with a few tips to reduce your menstrual pain in a natural way. Many of us ladies opt for painkillers or other medicines to reduce menstrual discomfort. Here is a way that is natural and has no side-effects. One of them is raspberry tea leaves. During the menstrual days, we can opt for a raspberry leaf tea instead of a normal one. Raspberry leaves relax uterine muscles. That way, uterine contractions reduce and hence the pain decreases. This tea is perfectly harmless, h...

How To: Do simple ab workouts to get a ripped six pack

CobraWorkout teaches you how to do simple ab workouts to get a ripped six pack. For the first exercise lay down on your back, heels on the floor, take a medicine ball between your hands. Then angle your body at 45 degrees from the ground and twist it to the left and to the back. Do this 15 times and go straight to the next exercise. This involves getting on the side and having your feet in the air, while moving your upper body up and down. Do 25 repetitions on each side. For the third exercis...

How To: Do the "super abs" workout

This video shows you how to perform a superset of abdominal exercises. The instructor calls this workout the Super Abs workout. The 1st exercise is dumbbell crunches. To perform dumbbell crunches , lay flat on a stability ball with a suitable weight held behind your head and do normal crunches. Do not jerk your neck. Do up to 15-25 reps. Next exercise is hanging knee raises. You hang onto a pull-up bar and raise your knees up to your chest. Do 15-25 reps. The 3rd exercise is ball roll-ins. Pl...

How To: Make an ayurvedic apple crisp dessert

In this video, learn how to make an old classic favorite, the apple crisp, with a healthy "ayurvedic" twist. Ayurveda is an Indian form of alternative medicine. In this recipe, instead of white flour, you will be using whole wheat grains and organic apples, making for a healthier version of this sweet dish.