Meditation Pose Search Results

How To: Perform a simple levitation trick using Photoshop

This video tells us the method to perform a simple levitation trick using Photoshop. Take the photo of the background and the person sitting on some object posing as if he or she is levitating. Select the 'Move Tool' and hold the 'Shift' key down. Drag the picture on to the background and release the shift key. Select the layer containing the person and go to the mask tool. Select the foreground color to black. Go to brush tool and set the 'Master Diameter' to 70 pixels and the 'Hardness' to ...

How To: Do the Pedigree pro wrestling move

First of all there is warning that nothing that you are going to see in this video tutorial should not be done at home without the supervision of the trained professionals. The opponent kicks you in the gut with his toe. Now you have to bend down and this pose is also called ‘classic bent over position’. Now you have to stick your head into the opponent’s thigh. Now you have to force the opponent to land on his face in spite of him trying to avoid the fall. In the first place you have to hold...

How To: Have an eye-catching online dating profile

Make a great online dating profile with this tutorial! Having a good profile is very important because when it comes to catching someone's eye and getting them to contact you. You have maybe a few seconds so your profile has to stand out, be interesting, and personable. Photos are also very important. You need 3-5 nice solo photos to put on your profile. Photos will help a person decide if they are interested in you. Posting good head and shoulder and full body photos is important. Do not use...

How To: Dial phone numbers (with letters) on a Blackberry

A lot of phone numbers these days use letters so that you can remember them easier. For example, 1 800 BEST BUY or 1 800 FLOWERS. On a normal touchtone telephone, you would associate these letters with numbers on your keypad. With a Blackberry, however, this poses a problem. Blackberries do not have the traditional letters above the numbers.. so how are you supposed to dial?

How To: Do yoga sun salutations

A yoga sun salutation is a series of flowing yoga poses often used to warm up for a yoga routine. Learn how to do yoga sun salutations with tips from a yoga instructor in this free yoga lesson video series.

How To: Perform breath of fire

The breath of fire is used in Kundalini Yoga both in meditation and in physical exercises. It is a quick powerful breath through the nose. This video is a demonstration of how to learn to perform breath of fire properly.

How To: Pose people for photos with Erin Manning

When it comes to working with people, the photographer can face quite a challenge. Everyone has a mind of their own, and with these few tips you will know how to advise your subject so they look fantastic in a picture. Join Erin Manning, professional photographer, as she shows us 5 handy tips for working with people.

How To: Practice Jnana yoga

Jnana yoga refers to wisdom and discernment in meditation. Learn how to practice Jnana yoga in this video lesson. To practice Jnana yoga you should center on a question, reject all knowledge, and meditate on intuitive knowledge. With the steps from this how to video you will be able to practice Jnana yoga.

How To: Play a Tibetan singing bowl

Shakti from demonstrates the right way how to play a Tibetan singing bowl. Since the time of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni (560 - 489 B.C.E.) the harmonics of singing bowls have been used to induce meditation and assist spiritual seekers to the state of enlightenment.

How To: Do a Disturbia vampire dance move

Watch this video to learn how to do a Disturbia vampire dance move. Start with a slide to the right with your arms going out to the side. Your left leg goes behind while your arms come down to your side. Your right arm will come up and swing to the left as you pop to your toes. Next ball your hands into fists and squat into what looks like a running pose. As you rise up bring your hands up to the heavens with open palms. Your legs move in a motion that looks as if you are climbing a ladder. T...

How To: Do yoga for kids

Yoga poses are great for relaxing kids and getting them great exercise. Learn about kids' yoga from a yoga instructor in this free fitness and exercise video series for children.

How To: Do chair yoga

Chair yoga exercises are great for building muscles and increasing flexibility. Learn how to do a variety of chair yoga poses and exercises from a professional yoga instructor in this free fitness video series.

How To: Crash Apps in Mountain Lion with 8 Characters (Plus Fix iMessage If Someone Pranks You with Them)

If you have a Mac running Mountain Lion, I'm sorry to tell you that all it takes to crash almost any app on it is eight little characters. This strange bug seems to only affect Mountain Lion and doesn't cause your computer any harm. Apparently, it even crashes the error reporter. On its own, the bug doesn't really pose a threat—just don't type it.

Steampunk R&D Podcast 04: Matt Silva on How Artists Can Succeed in the Film Industry

In this episode of Steampunk Research and Development, our guest is Matt Silva, the co-founder and art director of Penny Dreadful Productions. While his current love is producing, Silva is also responsible for bringing to life some amazing creations in PDP's Remnant line, which we talk about on the show. Silva, who supports himself entirely from his work as an artist and a producer, talks about how he got to where he is today and offers advice for anyone interested in following in his steel-p...

News: Windows 8 Reports Your Downloads to Microsoft, But Is It Really a Security Threat?

Security researcher Nadim Kobeissi has discovered that the Windows 8 SmartScreen feature, meant to screen downloads for malicious software, actually reports the data about which applications users are installing to Microsoft. He also says that "the Microsoft server is configured to support SSLv2 which is known to be insecure and susceptible to interception." The two main concerns are the ability of law enforcement to subpoena Microsoft for the information and of hackers to intercept user data...

How To: Do a forearm stand with Tara Stiles

Having a healthy lifestyle is very important. In this video, learn how to do a forearm stand with Tara Stiles in her "Let's Get Physical" Challenge. First, lay your forearms on the ground. Make sure your elbows are directly below your shoulders. Have the rest of your body in plank pose (your feet on the ground and your body flat.) After a little bit, walk your feet back up so that your body now forms an arch with your butt in the air. Walk back to your plank pose and stay there. If you're loo...

How To: Do a backbend for yoga

In this online Yoga video series, learn advanced Yoga poses from certified yoga instructor Leta Koontz. Leta will demonstrate and teach advanced yoga backbending poses and positions to prepare you for the foot to head pose.

How To: Sell baseball cards

Tired of grandpa's baseball card collection rotting away in your attic? Well, unlike his pop bottle collection, baseball cards could yield a decent amount of income for you, if you know how to sell them. There are different outlets available for selling an individual baseball card or card collection. Know how to sell the fruits of your hobby and avoid getting ripped off.

ARCore 101: How to Create a Mobile AR Application in Unity, Part 3 (Setting Up the App Controller)

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of programming languages and variations of those languages that exist. Currently, in the augmented reality space, it seems the Microsoft-created C# has won out as the overall top language of choice. While there are other options like JavaScript and C++, to name a few, C# seems to be the most worthwhile place to invest one's time and effort.