Meditation Pose Search Results

How To: Do a yoga downward dog pose with pushup variations

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga downward dog pose with pushup variations. Start off in a plank pose with your hands directly underneath your shoulders, then into the downward dog position. Inhale as you go into plank and exhale as you go into the downward dog position. Keep your elbows in line with your shoulders and don't lower your elbows more than 90 degrees. The next variation of this is to put your hands shoulder width apart in downward facing down and push up and d...

How To: Do a yoga eight angle or astavakrasana pose

Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga eight angle or astavakrasana pose in this video. To do this, make sure your arms are strong and you are stretched out. Now, get into a push up position placing your elbows at a 90 degree angle. Next, lay back down and sit in a position where you can rock your right knee. Then place your right knee over your right shoulder and place your hands on the floor to lift your butt up off the floor. Next, hook your feet and lean forward so it feels like you are f...

How To: Do a yoga flying crow pose arm balance

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a flying crow pose arm balance in yoga. After you are warmed up, start in a semi squat position with your right angle over your left thigh. Now, bring your hands together in front of your heart and bring your elbows to the front of your shins. Now bring your hands to the floor and hook the right foot outside the left arm. Next, lean forward and engage the left back leg while lifting it up. Keep this pose for as long as you can, then do it again o...

How To: Do a yoga boat pose with a twist for power

In this tutorial, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga boat pose with a twist for power. First, begin in a boat pose raising your legs up and facing forward. Interlace your hands together and inhale. Exhale and twist to the left and right side while pushing your legs forward and back. Next, place your hands on the floor and fall into a reverse tabletop position. Inhale and exhale several times in this position, then return to the boat twists and do quicker for twelve times each side. Rememb...

How To: Do a yoga bind to stretch shoulders

In this tutorial, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga bind shoulder stretch. Binds are when the hands are clasped together in any pose while you are doing yoga. Start in a side angle pose and take your top arm and place it behind your back while grabbing the other hand. If you have a lower side angle pose you can use a strap to help you stretch out, but not hold the other hand just yet. This is a great way for beginners to learn how to bind. You can also reach your hands under your thigh i...

How To: Do a yoga peaceful or reverse warrior pose

In this tutorial, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a beautiful peaceful reverse yoga pose. Begin in a strong warrior pose and bring your right palm facing up, then bring your back hand to the back of your leg so it's just lightly touching it. Lift into a back bend and gaze up into the air. Make sure to lift and don't straighten your front leg. Draw your navel in to lengthen your spine and remember to control your breathing. This is a great way to strengthen the legs and a gentle way to prepare...

How To: Do a yoga legs up the wall pose

In this video tutorial, we learn how to do a yoga legs up the wall pose with Dina. First, grab some blankets and place them folded up against the wall. You can just simply roll onto the blankets, to make it easier to get onto them. You should roll onto the blankets on your back, with your legs up against the wall. Take the palms of your hands and place them up towards the ceiling. You can also squeeze your legs into a butterfly pose as well as open them to stretch out the legs. This is great ...

How To: Do a yoga extended puppy pose for an easy stretch

For the first version of the yoga extended puppy pose, kneel down on the floor while extending your arms towards a chair or a sofa placed in front of you. Stretch out your arms gently. Keep your back straight and then gently lift it up. Repeat these steps over and over yet gently. Take deep breaths as you do so.

How To: Do a yoga revolved side angle pose

In this tutorial, we learn how to do a yoga revolved side angle pose with Dina Prioste. First, come to a low lung with your right leg forward. Put your hips down so your left thigh gets closer to the floor. Deep inhale and exhale while twisting to the right. You can stay upright or lean down with your elbow on your knee. Keep breathing deeply and find your center while concentrating and relaxing. You can come to a full lunge if you are confident in your strength, or stay in the pose you are i...

How To: Clear your mind using a yoga mantra meditation

Dina Prioste wants you to clear your mind by using simple mantra meditation, and show us how to in this video tutorial. This is a great exercise to use if you have creative block and need help relaxing and clearing your mind. First, begin sitting comfortably on a pillow or folded blankets. Bring your left hand inside your right hand with your palms facing up and your thumbs gently touching. Now close your eyes and sit up tall while breathing through the nose. Begin to observe the sound of you...

How To: Draw a "Ready to Fight" pose

Comic artist Mark Crilley demonstrates how to sketch a classic fighting stance, really helpful in your own character or cartoon drawing. Instead of focusing on anatomy, this rendering technique focuses more on style. Follow along with Mark's great artistic advice and make your own action figure. Watch this how-to video and learn how to draw a "ready to fight" pose.

How To: Practice the Shoulder Stand yoga posture

The Shoulder Stand Posture stretches the shoulders and neck. Learn how to do the Shoulder Stand Posture in this yoga video. To do the Shoulder Stand pose you will lie on back, extend legs toward sky, lift back off floor, and breathe properly. With this how to video you will be able to incorporate the Shoulder Stand pose into your yoga routine.

How To: Do the headstand yoga pose

Sirsasana, or headstand, looks quite difficult, but is actually very simple to learn. In most yoga traditions, however, headstand is practiced near the end of a sequence. With this in mind, headstand is probably not a good idea until you are warm and loose from yoga or another form of exercise. This how to video gives you step by step instructions for the headstand yoga pose. Do not use the wall. It's easier, but it's not safe. When you're ready, you'll feel it and you can move safely that wa...

How To: Work on a beginners standing yoga push back

Yoga can be challenging, but with a lot of practice and concentration you can learn to master certain moves and poses. This beginners level yoga how to video shows you how to work your way into a push back from a standing yoga pose. Start from a forward bend, relax you hands, bend your knees, and walk you feet back.

How To: Practice couch yoga with Tara Stiles

Yoga is for everyone, not just yoga lovers. Yoga is even for those couch potatoes. It helps relieve stress and tension. This how-to video has yoga poses you can do on your couch. Watch and learn how to sitting poses and twists that will help you relax.

How To: Pose people for pictures

You will find a lot of information on the web about how to get an exposure reading and using a softbox, but you have to learn the most flattering angles of the face and body (poses) before you can really apply correct lighting techniques.

How To: Practice the yoga crow and crane poses

By themselves, crow (kakasana) and crane (bakasana) aren't all that exciting. They're good for wrist strengthening and concentration, but the best thing about these poses is that they teach you where your center of mass is. That's what this video is all about!

How To: Do the scorpion pose

The scorpion pose is a favorite of Cirque de Soleil performers and contortionists of all stripes, which is to say it's a very advanced position not for the faint of heart—or weak of back.

How To: Do the wheel pose

Something called the wheel pose may sound too circular for your straight body to recreate, but with a little practice you'll become a much more "well-rounded" individual.

How To: Practice Sahej Sukh Dhyaan (meditation)

Sahej Sukh Dhyan is a wonderful and powerful meditation (Pranayama). Bliss, happiness and comfort! What could be better? We practiced it together at Sikh Student Camp last summer and a group of Singhs and Kaurs came together each morning to do it before morning Japji Sahib. If you practice it, it will give you a very calm mind and the ability to listen deeply and understand the root of any situation. Try starting with 5 minutes and work up to 11 minutes. You can do it for as long as you like,...

How To: Do a yoga grasshopper and peacock pose

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga grasshopper and peacock pose. First, get into a grasshopper pose with your elbows close together. Place your chin on the floor and pick your knees up into the air. Remember to focus on breathing while you are doing this, because it will be challenging. This is a really deep shoulder opener, so it will be difficult if you have no tried it before. Make sure you stretch out well before you do this, or you run the risk of pulling a muscle. You...

How To: Do yoga poses for a more flexible body

Yoga is great for improving flexibility, but if you are truly stiff and locked up, there are specific poses that can help you move forward more quickly. Flexibility is not hard if you know which poses to practice and how to practice. Many yoga teachers will tell you to take it easy, be safe, and take your time. Yoga can work miracles, but you have to work too. Learn how to do yoga poses to get a more flexible body.

How To: Practice standing yoga poses

This fitness how to video discusses a few standing poses that might work for tight hamstrings and hips. Ask any non-yogi office worker to sit down on the floor and cross his legs, and 9 out of 10 times, his knees will be way off the floor and his back will be hunched up like Quasimodo. If your hips are really tight, your average yoga class will only help you make small gains. In order to double or even triple your progress, keep going to class, but take ten minutes each day and practice the p...

How To: Pose for photos like a Ford Model

There are a number of basic model poses if you want to look more like a model in your pictures. First, start by turning the hips to the side away from the camera and the shoulders toward the camera. You can put one arm up with your wrist on top of your head or both arms up with your hands on top of your head. Another traditional pose involves putting one foot back and one foot forward and a little to the side of the back foot with one hand on the hip. For the face you can slightly turn the sh...

How To: Do Hindu pushups

This video shows you how to do Hindu push-ups which have been used by wrestlers and martial artists for many centuries. It works all major muscle groups at the same time. You begin with the mountain pose, also known to yoga fans as the downward dog, with your hands and feet spread out. You go down by bending your elbows, until your body is on the ground. Then go into cobra pose, and as you push up into this pose you should inhale. Then push exhale as you push back to the starting position. Ke...