Meditation Pose Search Results

How To: Do dog yoga

While the best way to practice dog yoga, or, “Doga,” is by attending a class, you can get a head start at home with these simple instructions.

How To: Do asanas in Kundalini yoga

Use yoga Asanas to awaken your Kundalini Energy in this video clip about yoga poses and moves. Take action: use same posture as Kundalini yoga, hold pose three to 11 minutes, and expect a challenge. Cindy Mastry, the instructor in this how-to video, has practiced yoga since the age of eight, and also has a background in Jazz and Ballet. Active in the fitness industry for nearly twenty years, she teaches aerobics, kickboxing, and yoga at many fitness centers in the Tampa Bay area. Cindy traine...

How To: Do yoga exercises for flexibility

Stiff? Learn how to get flexible quickly and safely using unconventional yoga poses. Flexibility is not hard if you know which poses to practice and how to practice. Many yoga teachers will tell you to take it easy, be safe, and take your time. Yoga can work miracles, but you have to work too.

How To: Practice yoga poses for insomnia

Having trouble sleeping at night? Did you know that a little yoga could help you sleep better? Practice a supported downward facing dog pose and legs up against the wall to help cure insomnia. Watch this yoga how-to video to learn a yoga sequence that can improve insomnia.

How To: Enhance back bending with a yoga cactus arm movement

Learn a few yoga movements that will help you improve your posture and poses in yoga. In this yoga how-to video Kira Ryders plays with Cactus Arm Action. This yoga Cactus Arm Action helps you find the alignment of the shoulders for upward facing bow pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana) while standing up. This movement also helps bring awareness to the support needed for back bending and inversions in yoga.

How To: How to use a mala (Buddhist or Hindu rosary)

Learn how you can use a mala and the benefits of counting with a mala with this how to video. While you are sitting in meditation you can use the beads to count inhale and exhale. If you become focused on a certain path then you will have mantras to recite. The benefit to counting on a mala is that you are able to gauge the time that you have been sitting in meditation. Often times our mind wanders, we get frustrated or "fidgety" and wonder "Is it over yet?" But with a mala, you know how long...

How To: Do a seated spinal twist pose

Joe Kulak is a dedicated and passionate yoga teacher certified through Yoga Synthesis. Joe has been studying and teaching various forms of yoga for over a decade. Here he shows us how to do a seated spinal twist pose.

How To: Open the shoulders and chest with prenatal yoga

During pregnancy the natural curves of the spine become exaggerated causing the lower back to sway as well as the upper back and shoulders to round. This rolling forward of the shoulders causes the ribcage to collapse down compressing the lungs and diaphragm which results in a breathless feeling along with feeling like there is very little space left for the baby. Another unfortunate result of the ribcage compressing the stomach area is the stomach acid gets pushed up the esophagus resulting ...

How To: Alleviate back pain with prenatal yoga

Back pain is a common discomfort that women experience during and after pregnancy. Though a short, effective standing and seated series, this yoga how to video concentrates on alleviating some of these common aches and pains. Side bending poses help release lower back pain by stretching the latissimus dorsi (lower back) muscles. Forward bend and hip openers release and extend the lower back, hip and hamstring muscles. Twisting poses help stretch and release the back and shoulder muscles, crea...

How To: Take years off your body with SELF Magazine and yoga

In this fitness how-to video SELF Magazine demonstrate how to invigorate yourself and sculpt your body with yoga techniques. Watch as the editor of SELF helps you take year off your body with a few poses. Learn to do yoga warrior, happy baby with chest press, staff, bridge, tree, thunderbolt, triangle and finally child's pose. Increase flexibility, decrease stress, rev your metabolism and sculpt sexy muscles with traditional yoga moves in an anti-aging yoga routine.

How To: Do yoga exercises when pregnant

Cindy Mastry explains how yoga exercises can help with the union between mother and child for a woman who is pregnant. The word yoga translates to "union." The first exercise demonstrated is the Hindi Squat. While working strength and balance, the woman holds herself in the perfect position for giving birth. The next exercise Cindy calls "Cat Circling." The woman stands on her hands and knees and rotates her body in a circular motion, anchored my her limbs. This is supposed to put the baby in...

How To: Draw Captain America in an action pose

In this video, we learn how to draw Captain America in an action pose. Start out by drawing the torso, then the rib cage and pecks. Continue to draw the outline and small details of the rest of the body. Draw in arms gong out of the body so that they are spread apart, then draw in the head. Draw in lines for where the muscles are, then start to draw in the mouth, nose, lips, eyes, and other facial features. Once you do this, start to add in even more details of the outfit that the body has on...

How To: Strengthen buns, abs, & thighs with Tara Stiles yoga

In this video, we learn how to strengthen buns, abs, & thighs with Tara Stiles yoga. First, stretch out your body on a yoga mat, then come into a downward dog position, raising your back legs in the air. After this, come into a warrior pose, except have both of your hands straight in the air while bending the knees. From here, come into the normal warrior pose, then stretch out both sides of the body by lifting opposite hands up in the air. Next, stretch out your legs as wide as they will go,...

How To: Do the Bakasana pose in yoga

In this tutorial, we learn how to do the Bakasana pose in yoga. First, take a deep breath and crouch down on your feet. Now, keep deep breathing and bring your arms out in front of you. Lean forward, and place all of your weight on your hands. After this, lift your feet up off the floor while they are still crouched inwards towards the abdomen. Take several deep breaths while you are in this position. Make sure you aren't placing your weight on your feet, or you won't be able to lift them up ...

How To: Do a yoga triangle pose with tips on proper form

Dina Prioste shows us how to do a triangle pose in this tutorial. Start in a wide stance, turn your back foot in and take your arms out wide with both legs straight. As you exhale reach towards the end of the mat on the right side and reach your arm down as far as you can. Now, take your left arm straight up and look up or look to the side. Remember it's not how far you are reaching, it's how open your chest is. Remember to deep breathe for several seconds while doing this, then do it on both...

How To: Firm your booty with a yoga wall-sit chair pose

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to your booty with a yoga wall-sit chair pose. Start off by sitting flat against the wall with your feet hip width apart. Hold this position for a few breaths. You shouldn't be sitting on an actual chair, just an invisible one. Now, grab a book and place it between your thighs, then squeeze as hard as you can while still breathing and focusing as much as you can. When finished, take a break and get back into the position and do that same move once agai...

How To: Do a yoga crane pose for arm and core strength

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga crane pose for arm and core strength. First, start off with your knees bent and your arms out in front of you. Now bend your elbows and place your back legs into your arms. Now, balance on your arms and push your legs into the air while still pushing them into the arms. You may want to practice this with a blanket in front of you just in case you fall forward. Remember as you try doing this to wedge your knees into the armpit as far as you...

How To: Do a yoga arm balance crow pose

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a arm balance crow yoga pose. Begin by twisting your wrist back to face your fingers to your knees. Feel a deep stretch and take about 5-8 deep breathes. Then go into an easy forward bend, with your hip-width apart and your knees bent. Place your hands flat onto the floor and tuck your chin into your chest. In that position, move forward by looking up and going onto the balls of your feet. Then return to the starting position. This video will be...

How To: Reverse yoga poses to open up shoulders

In this tutorial, we learn how to do reverse yoga poses to open up the shoulders with Dina Prioste. You will want to start off in a reverse table top position, which will give your shoulders a nice deep stretch. To come into this position, sit with your knees bent and take your hands behind you, so your fingers point towards your feet. Now, inhale and lift your hips up and keep pressing your feet into the floor. Keep your chin touching to your chest. A regular tabletop position just includes ...