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How To: Build a basic site using ActionScript 3 in Flash

In this video tutorial, Creative Cow leader Tony Ross revisits the tutorial how to build a basic site about Colors in Flash. This version is created using Actionscript 3. The basic principles learned from this tutorial will enable the user to create a variety of simple websites. Elements covered are basic Actionscript 3, navigation, labels, button and graphic symbols. Build a basic site using ActionScript 3 in Flash.

News: Introduction to Link Building

This article is going to cover the basics of link building. Why do we want to build links? First of all, what is a link? A link is a hyperlink, actually. You click on it and it brings you to another webpage. I'm sure you've all clicked on links before. Well, what we want to do is we want to build links from other sites back to our own site. Why do we want to do this? Google’s problem, as I see it, and this is based on thousands of hours of research, reading articles and watching videos and li...

News: Should You Change Your Password? Find Out If You've Been Hacked or Not

Six months ago, 1.3 million registered users of Gawker Media had their passwords compromised when the site was hacked by Gnosis. The passwords were encrypted, but 188,279 of them were decoded and made publicly available for all to see. Just three weeks ago, Sony Pictures was hacked by LulzSec, with 1 million passwords taken and 40,000 made publicly available. Comparing the two data sets, Troy Hunt found 88 accounts on both sites that used the same email address, and of those accounts, 67% use...

How To: Use Content For Promoting Websites

This article is all about creating content. This is a very important concept to grasp because the content that you create for a website is going to be the basis for how you will advertise and promote that website. Content, meaning articles, videos, and even podcasts is now really the new advertising. Instead of traditional types of advertising and instead of the traditional separation between editorial content and advertising, that has gone the way of the dinosaur.

A Kit-of-No-Parts: "Crafting" Electronics at MIT

I recently came across this amazing MIT media lab site, Kit-of-No-Parts. Though not directly related to the content Cory has been posting, it is an interesting "craft" approach to technology/science. The site was created as documentation of a student's thesis work in the High-Low Tech research group at the MIT Media Lab:

News: Meet Luxirare, WonderHowTo's New Culinary Contributor

Luxirare is a site of mystery; the genius behind the intricate and painstakingly photographed projects remains somewhat anonymous, despite her culinary mastery, fashion pieces and e-shop being featured in the likes of Vogue, Lucky Mag, ABC, NBC, and the New York Times. Insanely stylish and original, Luxirare has been blogged about all over the web.

News: Balloon Library Site for Learning Balloon Animals

Balloon Library is a great place to learn how to make balloon animals. There are free tutorials and also paid tutorials as well. There is a section for basic, intermediate, and advanced balloon tutorials. Additionally, there is a section for eBooks on balloon twisting and a balloon forum also. It is a site I highly recommend to anyone asking me about learning balloon animals.

News: Wind Guru

This weather site has hundreds of locations. Giving you the benefit of viewing wind-direction, wind-speed, waves, temperature, almost anything to do with wether on the water. Although geared to Wind-surfers, this site is usually accurate and is great for sailing.

How To: Find your external IP address

In this tutorial, we learn how to find an external IP address on your PC using different websites. First, find a website that will let you find your IP address for free. Once you find this site, it will not only give you your IP address, it will show you where you are in the world. Not only will it tell you where you are in the United States, it will tell you your exact coordinates and pin point your location on a map. There are many sites available online that will do this, a great site is I...

How To: Define a site using PHP pages in Dreamweaver 9

As it ships, Dreamweaver typically has more built-in behaviors for ASP and Cold Fusion than it does for PHP. Still, developers are quickly writing PHP extensions to make Dreamweaver quite a robust tool for developing PHP/MySQL Web Applications. In this Dreamweaver 9 video tutorial you will learn how to define a site to use PHP pages. Make sure to hit "play tutorial" in the top left corner of the video to start the video. There is no sound, so you'll need to watch the pop-up directions. Define...

How To: Promote a Web Comic

There’s a lot going on in your head when creating a comic book and it doesn’t stop after it’s done. There are other things that you have to do once your comic book goes online. You have to market it, introduce it to the right market, and find a way how to get it published.

How To: Break through a Facebook firewall at school or work

Have you ever tried check your e-mail for an important project at school? Were you blocked from the site because of the school's firewall? Stop the block by watching this video tutorial. By following its short and simple instructions, you will be able to access that e-mail at school and get that project turned in on time. By watching this video, you will be able to access any site at work or school and bypass any firewall that will try to stop you. Break through a Facebook firewall at school ...