Memorable Emblem Search Results

How To: Make a Call of Duty Black Ops emblem on your PC

Video game controllers are designed for just that: playing video games. When you try to use them for other things it seldom works well, and making custom Call of Duty Black Ops emblems is no exception. Fortunately, this video is here to teach you about a free web app you can use to make custom emblems on your PC with a mouse, which is much better suited to the task. It also allows you to use more types of images and textures from Photoshop and elsewhere.

How To: Do hammer-ons on the guitar to increase articulation

If all guitarists did was play chords with a single strum or individually pick notes, the music industry - and guitar music - would be dead as we know it. Some of our favorite songs, both past and present, are so memorable because they vary the articulation of notes on the guitar. This means that rather than boringly stick with the same strumming pattern they include cool sounding tricks like pull-offs and hammer-ons.