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How To: Intercept Images from a Security Camera Using Wireshark

It's common for IoT devices like Wi-Fi security cameras to host a website for controlling or configuring the camera that uses HTTP instead of the more secure HTTPS. This means anyone with the network password can see traffic to and from the camera, allowing a hacker to intercept security camera footage if anyone is watching the camera's HTTP viewing page.

How To: Use MDK3 for Advanced Wi-Fi Jamming

You may have heard of a signal jammer before, which usually refers to a device that blasts out a strong enough radio signal to drown out the reception of nearby devices like cell phones. Purpose-built jammer hardware is outright illegal in many countries. Still, Wi-Fi is vulnerable to several different jamming attacks that can be done with Kali Linux and a wireless network adapter.

News: Augmented Reality App Lets You See the Tesla Model 3 Before It Ships

Buyers can't wait for their Tesla Model 3 to be delivered. But with no clear arrival date in sight, buyers are starting to get a little antsy waiting to see what the Tesla Model 3 will look like up close. Luckily, Tesla accessories seller EVANNEX partnered with technology firm Kinetic Vision to try and satisfy buyers for a while by creating an app that lets you view an augmented reality Tesla Model 3 that's nearly life sized.

Mac for Hackers: How to Organize Your Tools by Pentest Stages

With all of the bare-bones setup out of the way in our Mac for Hackers series, your Apple machine should be ready to run a significant amount of pentesting tools. We can pull tools from GitHub and compile them, we can pull dependencies or tools from Homebrew, we have both Python and Ruby. Everything is ready to go and now it's time to start building a toolbox on our local host.

News: Augmented Reality Turns Rock Climbing into a Real-World Video Game

Augmented reality (AR) generally exists through the lens of our smartphones as information layered on top of what the camera sees, but it doesn't have to. Developer Jon Cheng worked with an indoor climbing facility in Somerville, Massachussetts, called Brooklyn Boulders, to turn rock climbing into a real-world video game where participants compete in a time trial to hit virtual markers on the wall.

How To: Use Meterpeter on OS X

Hello all, this is my first submission to null byte! I noticed something a little strange, particularly that whenever Meterpreter is discussed, it is virtually always in the context of Windows. Granted, the Windows Meterpreter is more powerful than the version that can run on OS X (it has several more commands/options), but I think it is still worth noting how to do it. I've even seen some people mistakenly say that Meterpreter can only be run on Windows, which is not true. Meterpreter can ea...

How To: Auto Move for Android Puts Your Files Exactly Where You Want Them

While I consider myself to be a pretty organized guy, there are often times where I just can't find a file I put on my phone. Most of the time, when I download a file it goes automatically into my Download folder, but when I use a third-party to download other files, like torrents, they could end up in a number of places. Filtering abilities on file explorers often fall short, so it was time to find an app that would automatically sort files in real time.

How To: Use a Light Bulb and the Sun to Make a Fire

Don't throw away your dead light bulbs, they may come in handy one day. This video will show you how to start a fire using a dead lightbulb. And no electricity. The tricky part is emptying out the insides, but this can be done with sticks and stones, assuming you're in a survival situation and just happen to have a light bulb with you for whatever reason.

How To: Hack UnrealIRCd Using Python Socket Programming

UnrealIRCd is an open-source IRC server that has been around since 1999 and is perhaps the most widely used one today. Version was vulnerable to remote code execution due to a backdoor in the software. Today, we will be exploiting the vulnerability with Metasploit, examining the underlying code to understand it, and creating our own version of the exploit in Python.

How To: Use LinEnum to Identify Potential Privilege Escalation Vectors

The art of privilege escalation is a skill that any competent hacker should possess. It's an entire field unto itself, and while it's good to know how to perform the techniques involved manually, it's often more efficient to have a script automate the process. LinEnum is one such script that can be incredibly useful for privilege escalation on Linux systems.

How To: Use Metasploit's Timestomp to Modify File Attributes & Avoid Detection

It is said that the best way to avoid detection when hacking is to leave no trace, and often that means not touching the filesystem at all. But realistically, in most cases, it's impossible not to interact with the filesystem in one way or another. The next best thing to do to throw off any investigators is to change the file attributes to hide activity. We can do this with Metasploit's Timestomp.

How To: Change Resolution & Bit Rate in Filmic Pro for High-Quality Video Up to 4K at 100 Mbps

Filmic Pro harnesses the full native power of your iPhone or Android phone — and then some. If your smartphone shoots in 4K resolution, Filmic Pro will let you choose that resolution. However, it's not all about the pixels — bit rate is an essential factor in determining the overall quality of your 720p, 1080p, or 4K video, something Filmic Pro gives you full control over.

How To: Use Websploit to Scan Websites for Hidden Directories

Websites are often misconfigured in ways that allow an attacker to view directories that are not ordinarily meant to be seen. These directories can contain sensitive information such as private credentials or configuration files that can be used to devise an attack against the server. With a tool called Websploit, hackers can scan targets for these hidden directories without difficulty.

Hacking macOS: How to Perform Situational Awareness Attacks, Part 1 (Using System Profiler & ARP)

The first few minutes after gaining access to a MacBook are critical — but where do we begin? Using tools built into macOS, we can develop an in-depth understanding of running background processes, detect antivirus software, locate sensitive files, and fingerprint other devices on the network. All of this can be done without installing additional software or modifying any files.

How to Walkthrough Darksiders: Twilight Cathedral - Tiamat

Get ready for the boss fight of your lifetime in the Xbox 360 game Darksiders. In the boss fight in Twilight Cathedral, spar against Tiamat. When you reach the bat queen Tiamat she will take offf into the air immediately. Quickly dash to the Inert Bomb Growth around the edge of the arena closest to the flying and then throw it at Tiamat. Now you need to use your Crossblade and target a flaming urn then the bomb you stuck onto Tiamat to light the bomb on fire. Once you detonate the bomb on her...

How to Walkthrough Darksiders: Twilight Cathedral- The Jailer

Keep your crossblade near for this level of the Xbox 360 game Darksiders, In the sub-boss fight in Twilight Cathedral - The Jailor, make sure to target the sores. This grotesque monstrosity towers over War. It is almost as wide as it is tall. You'll want to keep your distance from the Jailer as it has a powerful attack in which it slams the cage it carries onto the ground. You'll want to spend most of you time here with the monster targeted while you backpedal away from it. The biggest annoya...

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 61

Caged Fighter: Make your way across town and you'll find an injured soldier on the rooftops that gives you some new information on finding Bartolomeo, who should in turn help you with Silvio. You get a large green area added to your map, but note that it's overlapped by a restricted area. Expect trouble.

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 52

Knowledge Is Power: But can power be knowledge, too? Pay a visit to Leonardo and he'll cook up a new weapon for you based on a mystery codex. After the cut scene, move out to the yellow map marker and you'll get some directions on how to use your new pistol. Lock onto the three dummies across the river and shoot 'em. Holding down the fire button builds up your accuracy, making it possible to hit the distant targets. When all three targets are shot, return to Leonardo to complete the mission. ...

Walkthrough Assassin's Creed 2: Mission 51

Infrequent Flier: Fly through this episodic mission and take control. As you take flight, immediately pause the game and check out your map. You can see the locations of all of the fires in the city, as well as the target to the far, far southeast. If you make a simple beeline for the target, the Palazzo Ducale, you won't get the updrafts you need to maintain your height and infiltrate the fortress. Instead, you need follow the trail of fires that lead you east and then north before finally t...

How To: Use a Swiss ball to do outer thigh lifts

Have you tried working out with a swiss ball? A swiss ball and outer thigh lifts are an essential part of toning your legs and strength training. This fitness how-to video demonstrates how to target the outside of your thighs with outside thigh lifts. Learn about muscle training and exercises in this video workout.