Mental Attitude Search Results

How To: Render glass in Maya's Mental Ray renderer

Have some glass that needs rendering in Maya? With Mental Ray, it's easily done. Mental Ray (trademarked mental ray) is a rendering application by mental images that's integrated into Maya, and in this video you'll learn about two of the major glasses within it, plus how to render them. It's a very detailed explanation for rendering glass in Mental Ray, so be prepared for a lot of knowledge!

How To: Use Daylight and Mental Ray when working in 3ds Max

See how to work with Daylight and the Mental Ray rendering engine in 3ds Max 2010. Whether you're new to Autodesk's popular modeling software or a seasoned 3D artist just looking to better acquaint yourself with the application, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, and to get started using Daylight & Mental Ray in your own 3ds Max projects, take a look!

How To: Master the Mental Approach to Hitting a Baseball

In all likelihood, there is no living person who knows more about hitting a baseball than former NL MVP Jeff Bagwell. This video features the man himself discussing the mental aspects of hitting, including getting over a slump and learning how to choose your stance properly. Watch this video, there is no one more qualified to teach you about hitting than this.

How To: Teach Mental Tips to Young Baseball Catchers

The catcher is the player on the baseball field on whom the most difficult mental and physical demands are placed. They have to squat for long periods of time, defend the plate from slides and, most importantly, call the game for the pitchers. This video teaches you, as a youth baseball coach, how to train your catcher's mind to make them better at calling games and improve the performance of your whole pitching staff.

How To: Create a mental ray area light in Autodesk Maya 2011

In this clip, you'll learn how to create a mental ray area light within Autodesk Maya 2011. Whether you're new to Autodesk's popular 3D modeling application or are just looking to get better acquainted with Maya 2011 and its various features and functions, you're sure to enjoy this free video software tutorial. For more information, including complete instructions, watch this 3D modeler's guide.

How To: Use the contour shading feature in Mental Ray

See how to use the contour shading feature in Mental Ray to create basic inking or schematic rendering and how you can mix it with standard shaders, ambient occlusion or ink&paint shader to achieve better results. Whether you're new to Autodesk's popular modeling software or a seasoned 3D artist just looking to better acquaint yourself with the application, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, and to get started using Mental Ray countour shading in your ...

How To: Perform a mental photography trick with blank cards

Aspiring card shark? Sink your pearly whites into this easy, impressive illusion. In this free video magic lesson from YouTube user experthowto, you'll learn how to perform a simple mental photography card trick using blank playing cards. For more information, including a step-by-step breakdown of the trick, watch this prestidigitator's guide.

How To: Perform an attitude turn

In this video, we learn how to perform an attitude turn. First, step forward on the right foot, then cross over with the left foot. Then, lunge into the right leg with the arms open in second position. Do a deep plea and press up with the left leg into attitude. Reach your left knee back to your right shoulder to have the proper placement. Do this in front of a large mirror so you can see your body placement in the mirror, and use counts so you know when to do each movement. The counts should...

How To: Do the Lady Gaga "Bad Romance" dance

The Lady Gaga "Bad Romance" music video is one of the hottest videos of the year, if not this decade. Follow along as Jkim shows you how to do the dance moves from "Bad Romance", just like Lady Gaga. Remember that the key is not perfection, but attitude, and lots of it. Without the attitude, you can't pull the moves off.

How To: Beat a polygraph or lie detector test's George Maschke speaks with Nick Frost about how to fool a polygraph (lie detector) test in episode 5 of the tongue-in-cheek 2003 television series Danger: Incoming Attack. Note that the anal sphincter contraction, discussed as a polygraph countermeasure, while effective, is no longer recommended by, and alternative techniques such as mental countermeasures or tongue-biting are to be preferred.

How To: Create a motion blur camera effect with Mental Ray

Learn how to create a motion blur effect with Mental Ray in 3ds Max 2010 or 2011. See how to control the camera's shutter speed, the quality of motion blur, and how to decide if a single mesh has motion blur or the entire scene. You'll also take a look at fast motion blur option using Scanline Fast Rasterizer option. Whether you're new to Autodesk's popular modeling software or a seasoned 3D artist just looking to better acquaint yourself with the application, you're sure to be well served by...

How To: Begin drawing with a philosophal process

Watch this instructional drawing video to begin drawing with a mental philosophy. Drawing is not like photography. You have to decide what is important to you and what details you will include in your drawing. Every line you draw is important only in relation to the other lines you have drawn. Here is an explanation of what might go through your head as you learn to draw.

How To: Stay safe in a big city

Before you get started exploring a big new city or even just getting reacquainted with the one you live in now, make sure you aren’t putting yourself in any unnecessary danger. Memorize good traveler habits that will keep thieves and scam artist off your back.

How To: Meditate to relax with Tara Stiles

Here are some meditation tips from Tara Stiles. Tara Stiles is a revered Ford Models yoga instructor. Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the conditioned, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Meditation often involves turning attention to a single point of reference. It is recognized as a component of almost all religions, and has been practiced for over 5,000 years.

How To: Stop a panic attack

In this tutorial, we learn how to stop a panic attack. Start by reminding yourself that you are having anxiety and do not get upset with the situation. Realize you are just having heightened sensations and that you are not in any danger at the moment. Don't close down, let your sensations run through your body and process the fear. Travel through the anxiety to become free of it. The act of welcoming will change your attitude, and let you flow with the experience. You can mentally feel the se...

How To: Save your marriage through better communication

One of the first examples shown which will help save your marriage through better communication involves keeping a positive attitude. Feelings are brought up as a very important subject to bring up with your significant other to communicate proficiently. Giving your self time to plan out how you need to engage your partner is a very important aspect to communication. Always starting and ending conversations in marriage with a positive attitude is shown to always bring positive communication. ...

How To: Improve your social skills

In this video, we learn how to improve your social skills. First, you should have a positive attitude and try to change how people think. You want to never tell people that they are wrong, just help guide people through life. Communicate with people and really listen to what they have to say to you. Make sure that you offer you opinion but give it with a positive attitude. People will listen to what you have to say and when you are passionate it will make then believe you more. Good social sk...

How To: Do the "Attitude Adjustment" pro wrestling move

John shows us how to do the "Attitude Adjustment" pro wrestling move. Remember not to do this at home, only under the supervision of professionals! What you do, is start off by kicking them in the stomach, then throw their arm over your shoulder. Reach in under their knee to get a good grip, then carry them over your shoulders. You should have one hand on your shoulder and one on your hip. Then, when the other person gives the signal, you can throw them down to the ground. This will look like...

How To: Meet hot women by being playful & goofy

David Wygant discusses how to meet hot women by being playful and goofy. Being playful and goofy during everyday life will attract attention from women. Women often wants to know who you really are. Being goofy shows that you are being playful. It also shows that you are being yourself and attracting positive energy. Women will want to be around you to discover this positive energy for themselves. You don't need pickup lines to meet and attract hot women. Simply be yourself and focus on havin...

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