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How To: Organize the clothing in your home closet

In this video from DiscountTrendsetter we learn how to organize your closet! First take inventory of what you have an eliminate items you don't need. Place items such as oversized t-shirts in a drawer or in a bag. Keep your closet for your trendy stuff. Items that are ripped, torn, bleached, etc, get rid of them. Items that are still trendy, but you know you won't wear again, get rid of as well! If you haven't worn something in 2 years, give that item away! Now what you have left are the item...

How To: Play the "can you read my mind" kid's party game

Hello! My name is Nicole Valentine and on behalf of Expert Village, I'm here to talk to you about how to coordinate birthday games for a birthday party. Now we're going to discuss the game can you read my mind. This game has a little bit of mystery flavor to it. You'll see what I mean. In this game, you need to utilize 2 rooms. In the first main room, you have all the guests of your party. Then later we'll instruct the guests we're going to play a game called can you read my mind and the goal...

How To: Make a crochet fringe

The great thing about crocheting is the ability to add certain things to items that have already been created. One of the most common things would be fringe. It can be easy to add on to certain items, especially scarves. So check out this tutorial on how to make a crochet fringe. Enjoy!

How To: Get rid of chapped lips

This video involves beauty tips on how to get rid of chapped lips. The video starts out by listing items needed to take care of chapped lips; the first item listed is chap stick. The video specifically recommends a chap stick that has SPF protection. The other items needed are a tooth brush and a clean towel. The video next explains to rub chap stick on your lips. Next, a tooth brush is used on the lips in circular motions to remove dead skin cells. The purpose is to allow your lips to heal m...

How To: Determine whether a given item in a list in MS Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 119th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to determine if a particular item is in a list of items using two formulas: a ISNUMBER & MATCH function formula & a COUNTIF function formula.

How To: Unclutter your bedroom

In showing how to unclutter the bedroom, the information provided focused on jewelry rather than other areas of the room. Tarsa Mar, the host of the video had a huge jewelry collection and showed the various ways to store those items. One of the boxes she shows is a wall case. One of the features of this item is the fact that necklaces hang. This prevents them from becoming tangled with other necklaces. There was space for rings and bracelets but the main objective was keeping necklaces separ...

How To: Teach your dog to ring a bell to be let outside

Learn how to teach your dog how to ring a bell when he wants to go out. 1 Attach an item to a bell with a string. 2 Introduce the new item to your dog. 3 Ask your dog to use his paws to touch item to ring the bell. When he does, reward the dog with food. 4 After your dog masters ringing the bell, switch the reward of food to the reward of going outside.

How To: Create a Spry drop-down menu in Dreamweaver CS4

If you're using Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, the Spry Ajax framework menus make creating dynamic drop-down windows a snap. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular WISYWIG HTML editor or a seasoned web development professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the CS4 workflow, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, and to get started creating Spry drop-down menus in Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 yourself, watch this free video guide.

How To: Organize & unclutter your closet

In this how-to video, you will learn how to organize your closet. You will need motivation first and foremost in order to fully go through with this project. The closet of course is the best way to motivate yourself to clean your entire house. First start by getting rid of the items you do not wear or do not like anymore. You can easily get rid of things you do not love by doing this. Next, purchase matching hangars. You can even just rework what hangars you are currently hanging. Items such ...

How To: Clear Your Web Browsing History in a Hurry

If you've been visiting websites of ill repute, or if you've been Christmas shopping and don't want to spoil the surprise, it would be a disastrous situation if anyone were to come across your browsing history. Visited sites, cookies, and cache can paint a very clear picture of your recent internet activity, and depending on the situation, you may only have a few seconds to delete your history before someone else barges in.

How To: Tweak System Settings & Activate Hidden Features in Yosemite with TinkerTool

Most diehard Mac users have used TinkerTool at some time or another, and if you haven't, it's time to start. Whether it's to change your system's font or to disable UI animations, it seems like anything you could ever think about tweaking in Mac OS X is doable through TinkerTool. And now, developer Marcel Bresink has updated his app to work with Yosemite, so let's see what it can do now.

How To: Pack Household Goods Effectively

When the time comes to move home, the logistics of moving your belongings can easily become tiresome, tricky and even disastrous. However, with a little careful planning and foresight, the act of packing can be a simple process. The key to getting the most from your move is in efficiency, planning and care. Here, we take a look at the best ways to pack in order to ensure a safe and simple move.

How To: Do a Windows XP system restore

Although it is a rare and potentially frightening occurrence, knowing how to do a system restore in Windows XP is an important thing to know how to do. To get started with a system restore, select the Start menu in the lower right of your screen. Then select All Programs. Then from the All Program menu, select Accessories and then from Accessories, select System Tools. There are several items under System Tools, but you want to select System Restore. You will follow through the next few scree...

How To: Safely buy items on eBay without getting scammed

eBay has been around for over ten years yet there are many people out there who are afraid to use it, or haven't had a chance to use it, due to negative hearsay. This video tutorial presents a guide to buying items successfully—and safely! There's a lot of things to consider when buying an item in an eBay auction, so make sure to pay attention to all of these four tips.