Mid January Search Results

News: Solar Flare Gives Earth Biggest Radiation Storm in 7 Years; Auroras Likely

NASA reports that the sun erupted late last night with a large solar flare—an M8.7 class flare. The classification is calculated according to the peak flux of 100 to 800 picometer x-rays near Earth measured from the GEOS weather satellite. There are 5 letter classifications for solar flares, each with a linear 1-9 number scale of severity. M is the fourth most powerful class, with X leading the way. But last night's earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME), captured by the Solar Dynamics Ob...

News: SOPA and PIPA Blackout!

As of today (January 18, 2012) many websites have "blacked" out their content for the day, one of the more notable websites is Wikipedia.org. As this can be a small compromise as an act of protesting against the heinous bills going through the United States' Congress. A lot of these websites are using a type of Java-Script or JS for short, and others are using simple little Pop-Ups to block the sites. Through the use of some clever addons everyone that cares about their online security should...

News: Get Inspired! 20 New Year's Eve Photos Taken with Cell Phones

For some, the end of the year is an opportunity to turn over a new leaf and create a new beginning. For this week's Phone Snap Challenge, take plenty of photos on your cell phone this New Year's because we want to see how you're going to ring in 2012. Or show us what the start of the new year means for you. Post your image to the corkboard by Monday, January 2nd at 11:59 pm PST for a chance to win a Fotodiox Thermo Lens Mug.

How To: Make Hanging Dried Persimmons (Hoshigaki)

A seasonal tradition brought over from Japan to America by Japanese-American farmers, making hoshigaki (as they're called in Japanese) is a fun outdoor autumn project you can do before the winter season really kicks in. Hang a bunch of peeled persimmons on a string outside, wait for three to five weeks, and harvest yourself some naturally dried persimmons during the winter months. Though peeling the fruit and then regularly massaging the fruit every few days after hanging may be more labor in...

News: Ka$hA TaKe$ ThE To0p

As far as new artists go, 2010 more or less belonged to this 23-year-old Nashville native, who released her hit debut, "Animal," in January, then followed it up last month with a nine-track mini-album, "Cannibal."

News: Exit through the Gift Shop (2010)

Here is the movie trailer for the Bansky film "EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP" I can't highly recommend this film enough which is now out on DVD and BluRay. It is truly a genius film about mad men. The film is clever and provides a tremendous insight into the art world and underground poster art culture.

Shot on 7D: Ruins of Failaka Island, Kuwait

In January of this year, I went to Kuwait with director Fawaz Al-Matrouk to complete photography for the film "To Rest In Peace". We shot the majority of the film in Southern California, duping air force bases, homes, and beaches for authentic Kuwaiti locations. Because traveling was a significant theme for the film, we went to the small, nearly deserted island of Failaka (about 20km off the mainland). Captured by the Iraqi army and deserted by its citizens almost 20 years ago, this island wa...

News: The Importance of Xavier Becerra

Born in Sacramento, CA on January 1, 1958 and raised by two Mexican immigrant parents, Xavier Becerra was the only Hispanic on the House Ways and Means Committee. He was elected vice chair of the Democratic Caucus for 111th Congress and was a reprensentative from California's 31st district. From 1987-90, he was the California Deputy Attorney General. Xavier Becerra was part of the California State Assembly (1990-92) and has been a member of the U.S. State House since 1993.Xavier Becerra is a ...

News: James Cameron to Shoot Alien Lifeforms in 3D

How do you top a movie like Avatar? James Cameron's recent release pioneered in 3D technology, and was the first film to gross more than $2 billion, as well as being the highest grossing 3D movie of all time. What do you do after wrapping up a project like that? Well, Cameron's current plans truly place him at the crossroads of science and art. Cameron has paired up with NASA to shoot Mars in 3D.

News: Samsung Galaxy S7 Likely to Have iPhone-Like Pressure-Sensitive Screen

It sounds like Samsung is impressed enough with Apple's 3D Touch feature on the iPhone 6S models that the company is planning on implementing a similar feature on its upcoming Galaxy S7 handsets. A source told The Wall Street Journal that the latest iteration of Samsung's flagship will feature a similar design to this year's Galaxy S6, and will again feature both standard and curved AMOLED models. It's also rumored that the standard design will once again support microSD cards, which should p...