Middle Location Search Results

How To: Wrap a gift the easy way

In this tutorial, we learn how to wrap a gift the easy way. To begin, lay the wrapping paper down on a flat surface. Next, lay your gift down upside down on the middle of the paper. Next, fold the paper over half the gift, then tape it. After this, measure the other side to meet in the middle, and make a crease. fold it over the middle and tap it. Now, fold in the sides. To do this, fold in the edges first, then push the top layer down, and bring the bottom layer up. Tape this. Now, turn the ...

How To: 10 Privacy Settings in iOS 13 That Everyone Should Double-Check

Apple has seemingly always made it a priority to show how much it cares about user security and privacy — enough that it has a page dedicated to it, proclaiming that "privacy is a fundamental human right." It's true that there are few issues more important than user privacy when it comes to technology, and Apple only makes things better in iOS 13.

How To: Everything You Need to Know About 'Find My' — iOS 13's New App for Find My iPhone & Find My Friends

If you've ever used the Find My iPhone and Find My Friends apps in iOS 12 and below, you may be surprised to hear that those apps have joined forces in iOS 13. Now, instead of two separate apps, they're combined into one convenient package. But what does that mean for you and your privacy and security?

How To: Make a pop-up book

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a pop-up book. First, take a piece of paper and fold it in half. From here, take another piece of paper that is the same size and fold it in half. Then, cut small slits in the middle where you folded it. Then, fold these slits into the middle and pop them out from it. Then, fold the paper again and it will be a stand for the middle. Add glue to the middle and then place what you want to pop up onto this. Let it dry and then fold it down. Then, glue the m...

How To: Disable Facebook Places on your Facebook page to preserve your privacy

Facebook Places is a new location-based sharing tool that Facebook unveiled not too long ago. It works like Foursquare, in that you can check yourself into locations. Not only that, you can check other people in, and other people on your Friends list can also check you into other locations as well. So if you don't want to broadcast your every move to the universe, you'll have to go into Facebook and update your privacy settings. Again. Better to be safe than let your boss know by accident tha...

How To: Draw a daffodil for St David's Day

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a daffodil for St. David's Day. Start off by drawing a circle to measure out where all of the different petals are going to go, then draw a circle in the middle you know where the middle will go. Next, start to draw out the petals onto the circle. After this, draw the middle of the daffodil with the seeds that are in the middle. After this, draw the lines that are in the middle of the leaves. You might want to use a real flower for a reference picture on...

How To: Add location shortcuts to KDE open file dialog

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to add location shortcuts to KDE open file dialog. This task is very easy, fast and simple to do. Begin by opening the program. Then click on File and select Open. In the Open File window, right-click on the left side panel and select Add Entry. In the Edit Quick Access Entry window, type in the description, URL and select an icon. Finish by clicking OK. This video will benefit those viewers who use the KDE program, and would like to learn how to add ...

How To: View location details with the Foursquare iPhone app

Looking for a primer on how to view location information with the Foursquare application on an Apple iPhone 3G, 3GS or 4? This clip will show you how it's done. It's easy! So easy, that this video tutorial can present a complete, step-by-step overview of the process in about two and a half minutes. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this video guide.

How To: Build your own backyard patio

In this tutorial, we learn how to build a backyard patio. First, determine the location keeping in mind other buildings and landscape features. There should be a retaining wall around the patio so measure out all the different dimensions. Position a cap block at the highest center location. Then, use a level to transfer the patio height over the proposed location. You will then have to figure out how many blocks you need. When you calculate your digging depth, take into account your foundatio...

How To: Start reading sheet music for the piano

In this tutorial, we learn how to start reading sheet music for the piano. To be able to read the notes, you need to visualize what you are doing on the piano. A good starting point is the middle C on the keyboard. For a piano, you have horizontal lines in two sets on the sheet of paper. These lines are called "staffs" and the vertical lines are the "bar lines". The sections are called "measures". The top of those staffs is all the notes above the middle c. The bottom is all the notes below m...

How To: Tie a plafond (lanyard) knot

In this video, we learn how to tie a plafond knot. First, make a loop with your string, then make a smaller one directly underneath it. Make a larger loop underneath this, followed by another small one. After this, grab the bottom and lift it to the middle of the one on top of it. Next, bring the top down and push it into the middle of the bottom loop. Bring the left hand side of string through the top of the loop, followed by the right hand side through the right hand side middle. Now, pull ...

How To: Fold a great origami water bomb

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to fold an origami water bomb. Users will need a square paper. Begin by folding the paper in half both horizontally and vertically. Then fold the paper diagonally in half both ways. Now fold the edges into the middle to form an isosceles triangle. Then fold the edges to the middle to form a diamond shape. Fold all the tips to the middle and then fold all the corners to the middle. Finish by tucking the triangle edges into the pockets and blow up the p...

How To: Make a tin foil airplane glider

Learn how to make the perfect tinfoil airplane glider, every time. Obtain a rectangular sheet of tinfoil. Fold the shorter side of the rectangle foil in half and make a crease. Unfold the foil. Fold one of the corners into the middle crease. Fold the opposite corner into the middle crease. Fold the side into the middle crease. Fold the foil in half along the middle crease. Fold each side down so that it meets with the bottom crease and creates flaps. Press down on plane to strengthen the crea...

How To: Find the biggest "off map" glitch in Call of Duty 4

Glitches are everywhere in the video game world, and you can call them what you want... glitches, cheats, cheat codes, hints, secrets or tips. In order to find a glitch, you have to keep your eyes open or follow a recommendation from a gaming friend. Either way, to catch a secret glitch, you need to be ready; the cheats for the taking, whether a weapon or secret passageway, so take it, before it gets patched.

How To: Find the under "Ultimatum" glitch in Call of Duty 4

Glitches are everywhere in the video game world, and you can call them what you want... glitches, cheats, cheat codes, hints, secrets or tips. In order to find a glitch, you have to keep your eyes open or follow a recommendation from a gaming friend. Either way, to catch a secret glitch, you need to be ready; the cheats for the taking, whether a weapon or secret passageway, so take it, before it gets patched.