Mildew Growth Search Results

How To: Feed and mulch roses properly

This video shows you how to feed and mulch your roses properly. Choose a fertilizer that is labeled as being especially for roses. It will have the right balance of nitrogen for top growth, phosphorus, which stimulates the bloom, and potassium for root development.

How To: Perform single cell electroporation of neurons

Single-cell electroporation (SCE) is a specialized technique allowing the delivery of DNA or other macromolecules into individual cells within intact tissue, including in vivo preparations. The distinct advantage of this technique is that experimental manipulations may be performed on individual cells while leaving the surrounding tissue unaltered, thereby distinguishing cell-autonomous effects from those resulting from global treatments. When combined with advanced in vivo imaging techniques...

How To: Choose fish for a cold water fish tank

This film will show you how to select fish for a cold water temperate aquarium. It will help you decide which types to choose and how many to keep in your tank. The type and number of fish you can keep will depend on the size of your tank. An easy formula for calculating how many fish you can keep is to multiply the length of the tank by the width to get the surface area, and then divide this number by 60. There are several species of cold water fish, also known as temperate fish, which can b...

News: Polish Artist Recycles 300 Dead Computers into Giant Installation

Electronic waste (or e-waste) is becoming a bigger and bigger problem thanks to the rapid growth of technology. In 2009, the United States produced 3.19 million tons of e-waste in the form of cell phones and computers. It's estimated that 2.59 million tons went into landfills and incinerators with only 600,000 tons actually being recycled or exported. Recycling programs just aren't cutting it, so what's the next best thing? Art.

News: FarmVille Snowman Construction Links

Snowman Construction parts for FarmVille! In FarmVille you can now build a snowman! To get the pieces you need you'll have to ask for a few from your friends. You can ask once/ day and the friends are supposed to reset each day. Mine didn't thus far, so I'm providing the links so you can ask for them here!

How To: Look after a goldfish

Goldfish are very easy to care for, making them a popular pet and perfect for beginners and first-time pet owners. To get started you need only a goldfish and a fish tank. The type of aquarium you choose to keep your fish in is very important and often overlooked. This video will help you choose between a flat-sided tank and a round fishbowl. The second choice you must make is which type of goldfish. There are two types, the first being the long-bodied types such as the Common Goldfish and th...

How To: Remove Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are non-cancerous growths that can be found on the heel or ball of the foot, and in some cases, even on your fingers. They most often are very painful and are hard to get rid of. Most removing methods can be very painful and uncomfortable.

News: Do the Do!

We are embarking upon a new year. As usual, some of us will make "resolutions." There isn't anything wrong with setting goals for the year. It's actually a good idea. It may help focus the energy we bring to life.

How To: Perform spring cleanup in a daylily bed

Spring cleanup involves removing dead foliage from your perennials as growth resumes. The cleanup process is simple, provided you know what to do. Happily, horticulturist Greg Stack is her to show you what to do. Learn how to do spring cleanup in your daylily garden with this horticultural how-to. Perform spring cleanup in a daylily bed.

How To: Control Running Bamboo

Most bamboo in the United States is running bamboo, because nearly all cold hardy bamboo is the running or invasive type. The tropical bamboos are mostly "clumpers" and stay in a nice, tight clump. Running bamboos spread far and wide and can be very invasive. I grow many kinds of running bamboos and over the past 20 years I've had to learn how to control it's spread.

News: Carnivorous Furniture Eats Flies and Mice for Energy

PETA wouldn't consider James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau's ingenious flypaper clock very eco-friendly, but I might beg to differ. The clock doesn't require any electricity or batteries. Instead it captures flies and converts the bodies of the dead insects into energy. Eight dead flies makes for roughly twelve days of power. Not bad.

News: Shibumi

In the dojo, what ISN’T said is often as important as what IS said. To most of us who’ve been raised in the USA, the reticence we encounter in the dojo can be off-putting. American society is very “content” oriented. Our legal contracts, for instance, run for pages and pages. Everything needs to be spelled out. In “context-oriented” societies there is far less reliance on such a literal approach. Much more importance is placed on the relationship between the two parties entering into an agree...

First Round: What really grinds my gears.

What do you guys think about all these "pleasant" ties? I'm so not cool with waking up to watch a game, only to fall asleep again. The lack of goals scored in these first few games is really discouraging and detrimental to new viewers and the growth of the sport in the U.S. This is apparently one of the lowest scoring World Cups in a long time.

How To: Prune trees and large shrubs

When you're doing pruning work, stubs should never be left. Always cut back to side chute or branch. Stubs will die back, creating an entry area for disease and insects. In this two-part tree pruning tutorial, you'll receive advice on using proper pruning techniques so as to ensure healthy, balanced growth over time.

How To: Benefit from Effective Internet Marketing Strategies

Business owners and marketeers are diverting from traditional marketing techniques, including billboards, radio and TV advertising, brochures, and any other outdoor promotions, to cheaper but effective Internet marketing strategies. Under the new arrangement, business owners reach out to the final consumers through advertising on the World Wide Web.

How To: Pinch stem tips on plants

In this tutorial, we learn how to properly pinch the stem of plants. This will help for stems that grow beyond the head and ruin the look of the plant. All you have to do is simply pinch the stems of the leaves that are growing outward and the ones that look unruly. You just need to take your two fingers and pinch the very stem of it, being careful not to damage the plant. For a medium sized plant, this will only take a few short minutes and it will make the plant look much better. It will al...

How To: How This Newly Discovered Amazonian Bacteria Is the Secret Key to Biodegrading Plastic

Since the rise of private property and industrial production, modern capitalism has been on a undeniable crash course with Mother Nature. It's no so much that we'll end up murdering the entire planet, but just that the planet will quietly smother us with a pillow of famine, heat, cold and hurricanes. We over-farm land and replace the nutrients in the soil with oil. To package our oil-based produce, we wrap them in synthetic oil-based plastics, soon to be discarded in a trash heap or ocean.

Weekend Homework: How to Become a Null Byte Contributor (2/17/2012)

Grab your thinking caps and get your hack on. Null Byte is officially seeking contributors on a weekly basis who are willing to take the time to educate the Null Byte community on anything, from hardware hacks to life hacks. Contributors that write tutorials will be featured on the Null Byte blog, as well as the front page of WonderHowTo (providing it's up to par, of course).

Weekend Homework: How to Become a Null Byte Contributor (2/10/2012)

We're officially seeking Null Byters on a weekly basis who are willing to take the time to educate the community. Contributors will write tutorials, which will be featured on the Null Byte blog, as well as the front page of WonderHowTo (IF up to par, of course). There is no need to be intimidated if you fear you lack the writing skills. I will edit your drafts if necessary and get them looking top-notch! You can write tutorials on any skill level, and about anything you feel like sharing that...

News: Google+ Pro Tips Weekly Round Up: Google+ Grows Up

Things have been a bit quiet on the Google+ Insider's Guide this week. With the launch of the new Facebook, Google+ is finding itself a bit on the defensive. However, recent data shows that by making Google+ available to the general public, their traffic has jumped 13-fold, according to Mashable. With the new growth also comes the introduction of cool new features, which further enhance sharing.

How To: Protect Your Facebook Reputation with Reppler

Do you know how you are perceived by your peers? In real life and online? In the physical world, you could be seen as intelligent, thoughtful and hard-working, but on the Web you could be looked at as irrational, selfish and slothful. There's just something about the Internet that takes away a person's judgement and replaces it with impulsiveness—especially when it comes to Facebook.

Instacast: A Better Way to Listen To & Manage Podcasts

Though it could be argued that Apple's popular and widely used iTunes media player was responsible for the growth and explosion of podcasting, I would argue that iTunes is not the best way to manage and listen to your podcast subscriptions—if you're a iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch user. Instead, you will find that a $1.99 mobile app called Instacast (iTunes App Store link) is a much better method. Below, a short video introduction to Instacast, plus a written breakdown of its features. Mobile L...