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How To: Don't Buy Vitamin Water—Make Your Own Healthier Version at Home Without All That Sugar

How many of us actually drink enough water? It's one of the easiest ways to improve your health, but most people don't get nearly as much as they should. We've grown so accustomed to soda, coffee, and sugary juices that water just seems bland by comparison. That's why drinks like VitaminWater are so popular. They're marketed as being just like water, but better tasting and with even more vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and antioxidants. Who wouldn't want all the benefits of drinking water a...

How To: Make Your Own Homemade Glow Sticks

Glow sticks, a popular favor at parties and outdoor events, and a must-have on Halloween, can be traced back to the United States Navy in the mid-1960s. The military desired improved visibility during night operations, and glow sticks, with their small-size portability and lack of batteries, were a perfect tactical solution.

How To: Remember Your Life One Second at a Time with the Upcoming 'One Second Everyday' App for iPhone

While one second may not seem like much, it's the perfect amount of time to encapsulate your day. Photographs are just that, instant snapshots of your day that can send you flying back to that exact moment of time. A couple of months back I visited New York, but I don't recall what I ate, what I wore, or even what I felt. Whenever I look at this picture though, it all comes flooding back to me. I remember that it was a Friday. I remember I ate a brownie, because after I got off the bus I was ...

How To: Add Extra Storage Space to Your Microsoft Surface That Your Apps Can Actually Use

Microsoft's first venture into the tablet market, the Surface RT, combines many of the capabilities of a normal Windows 8 laptop into a super compact tablet, whose super-thin touch cover and kickstand can transform it into a functional mini-laptop, small and light enough to go anywhere you want. But like most tablets, the Surface comes with a rather limited amount of storage space. The tablet comes in either 32 GB or 64 GB, but we all know that's not the actual amount of storage space you can...

How To: Send Self-Destructing Spy Messages via Google Docs, Texts, and Private Links

There's really nothing safe about transmitting sensitive information electronically, but even if it gets there safely without being seen by prying eyes, there's no guarantee what happens to it once it reaches its destination. And let's face it, there are some things that you just don't want floating out there forever. So what can you do? Whether you want to send an email, a text, or a link, there are ways to send messages that self-destruct so that once they're read, they immediately vanish. ...

News: Brain Hacking and Thought-Controlled Quadcopters: The Good and Bad Future of Mind-Reading Devices

Until recently, brainwave-reading devices have pretty much only existed in science fiction. Sure, electroencephalography (EEG), the technology that powers these devices, has been used in medicine and psychiatry since the late 1800s, but diagnosing people's brains and reading their minds are two totally different things. The first EEG headsets available to the public were used mostly in gaming and even in fashion, but in the last few years, they've gotten a little more sophisticated.

How To: Find Out If the FBI Is Keeping Tabs on Your Apple Device (UPDATED)

It's no secret that there's a lot of surveillance going on these days. It's easier than ever to end up in a database, and even former government agents are speaking out about the atrocious amount of spying being done against our own citizens. They've targeted our laptops, cars, IP addresses, and now they're coming for our iPhones. AntiSec hackers managed to get their hands on a list of over 12 million Apple UDIDs (Universal Device IDs) from an FBI computer, and they published 1,000,001 of the...

How To: Build a Frame for the Mega Solar Scorcher

Here is how you can build a frame for your MEGA SOLAR SCORCHER in under an hour, and for less than $8!! This is effectively a 4 foot magnifying lens that concentrates insane amounts of heat from the sun. What would you do with all this free solar power? My design for this custom "Scorcher Frame" is easy to use, and incredibly cheap to make, as you can see in this step-by-step video.

How To: Create a Grease Splatter Screen Out of Pantyhose and a Wire Coat Hanger

We've all been there. You wake up early, hungry for breakfast, but not just any breakfast will do. You want bacon and eggs. So, you blindly stumble into your kitchen, underwear-clad, and begin fumbling about with pots and pans. After a few minutes, you fill your pan with delicious and smokey rashers and turn the heat on. Everything seems okay... until the bacon actually starts to cook. With a splat, burning hot grease flies out of the pan and bombards your skin, causing intense pain and great...

How To: Hack WPA WiFi Passwords by Cracking the WPS PIN

A flaw in WPS, or WiFi Protected Setup, known about for over a year by TNS, was finally exploited with proof of concept code. Both TNS, the discoverers of the exploit and Stefan at .braindump have created their respective "reaver" and "wpscrack" programs to exploit the WPS vulnerability. From this exploit, the WPA password can be recovered almost instantly in plain-text once the attack on the access point WPS is initiated, which normally takes 2-10 hours (depending on which program you use).

How To: Potty train a puppy in one week

Puppies are so adorable, but they can also be a lot of hard work at times. Training your puppy to go potty is often times a very daunting task. This video will be showing you how to easily potty train your puppy in just a week. Learn when the best times to take your puppy out for a walk are and how frequently you will need to do it during the day. Follow this tutorial and find out all you need to know in order to successfully potty train your puppy in a short amount of time.

How To: Write a limerick and haiku poem

Ever thought about writing your own poems? You can learn how to in minutes by watching this adorable video. In it, you will discover how to create your own Limerick and haiku poems. A limerick is a rhyming poem that contains 5 lines and a haiku is a Japanese style poem containing 3 lines. This tutorial will teach you all about the amount of syllables you will need in each of the poems as well as several example poems for you to use for reference. Also, don't forget to take notes!

Coinbase 101: Fees & Fine Print You Need to Know Before Trading Bitcoins & Other Cryptocurrencies

Coinbase is the primary go-to for many users when it comes to investing in Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), and more, due to its user-friendly interface. But before you join them, know that the ease of use comes with a price. Coinbase charges fees for each transaction, and your bank might even add charges on top of that. Plus, there is some fine print to be aware of.

How To: Straighten hair with a Brazilian blowout treatment

Ever hear of the Brazilian Blowout? No, it's not that… pervert. The Brazilian Blowout is a special hair treatment that perfectly straightens your hair. It leaves the hair totally frizz-free, shiny and effortlessly manageable. And this treatment is not a relaxer for the hair. Relaxers are very damaging to hair, and the Brazilian Blowout is the exact opposite. It infuses the hair with keratin, a hair protein, that makes the hair exceptionally soft and smooth for at least 12 weeks.

How To: Dwarf a tree

Love the beauty and fresh fruit of trees but have limited space? Try your hand at dwarfing a tree. You can enjoy all the benefits of a tree without any worry of the tree outgrowing the area or roots damaging side walks and property. Plus, they just look adorable.

How To: Clean antique porcelain and pottery

Show your antique porcelain and pottery a little TLC. Spruce up your favorite antiques with these safe cleaning techniques. Remove the dirt and let the beauty of porcelain and history shine through. Just because your pottery is old, doesn’t mean in needs to look like it came out of a tomb.

How To: Form a successful work group

Forming a successful work group is tough but a great way to complete tasks in a shorter amount of time. Learn how to get the most out of a work group from a communications and public speaking expert in this free instructional video series.

How To: Agility train dogs

Elise Paffrath began her dog agility career in the early 1970s. Dog agility is a sport in which a handler directs a dog without a leash through an obstacle course in a set amount of time.

How To: 16 Tips for Staying Awake When You're Tired

While there's an art to surviving the all-nighter, there's also an art to staying awake throughout the day when you're operating on little to no sleep. In 1964, the record for sleep deprivation was set by 17-year-old Randy Gardner, who stayed awake for an incredible 264 hours and 12 minutes. Now while we're not out to challenge Randy for his title, we can certainly look to him for inspiration in beating back our own fatigue.