Moisture Search Results

How To: Test eggs for freshness

It's easy to find out if your eggs can be scrambled, fried, or used in a recipe - or if they need to be tossed in the trash. Watch this video to learn how to test eggs for freshness.

How To: Prevent swimmer's ear

Watch this video tutorial to learn how to prevent swimmer's ear. Don't let this painful infection of the ear canal keep you out of the water! A few simple precautions can combat the excessive moisture that causes bacteria to fester.

How To: Recognize poison ivy

Poison Ivy and Poison Oak are a problem throughout the United States. The resin on the leaves is what bothers us, causing acute dermatitis (a bad rash). If you happen to come in contact with it, quickly wash with hot soapy water, that should at least reduce the amount of irritation. Poison Ivy has three leaves and a little bit of red where the leaf merges with the stem. There is a new product made especially for eradicating Poison Ivy and tough brush. To use this product, spray the leaves tho...

How To: Install a bathtub and shower surround with tile

In this video, The Home Depot shows us how to tile the surrounding walls of a bath or shower. Since these walls stand up to a lot of wetness from daily showers, they need to be sound and waterproof. Ceramic tiles are a great way to go. In this demonstration, the tiles are attached to backer board. Protect your tub with a cardboard inlay before you begin. Then seal the edges of the tub with asphalt roofing cement. Then staple 15 pound felt to the studs, embedding the bottom layer to the asphal...

How To: Remove fake nails

Find a good work area where you can sit down and be comfortable. A kitchen table works perfectly for this. Be sure to cover the surface of your table with a plastic garbage bags and a thick layer of newspaper to soak up spills and prevent damage to your table's surface. Get all your supplies ready at hand. You don't want to be hunting for them mid nail removal. Have them all spread out in front of you on the table. Using a pair of nail clippers, cut the acrylic nails down as short as possible...

How To: Make Pizza Without Dough

I was getting kind of sick of ordering delivery pizza (this happens at least 2-3 times a month). It was time to put a spin on gourmet pizza, but I just didn't know what it would be. Without pizza dough or an oven that is capable of creating the perfect pizza crust (I don't have an oven that can go up to a 1000 degrees), I decided I would use potatoes instead. This recipe is elegant enough to serve at a dinner party, but easy enough that you can cook it within 5-15 minutes.

How To: Transform hair from frizzy to smooth

Do you watch women with sleek and shiny hair with envy? Now you can transform your frizzy hair into a silky smooth style. This isn't magic and does take a little more time than toweling dry. But with a few products, a blow-dryer and a little extra time in the morning you can achieve this look.

How To: The Ultimate Potato Cheat Sheet: Which Potato Goes Best with What?

I've been a fan of potatoes ever since I can remember... but mainly because they weren't a big part of my daily diet (which usually consisted of rice). And because my experience with potatoes was so limited, I only knew of two varieties growing up: big, brown Russets and sinewy sweet potatoes. As for cooking with potatoes—well, I'm embarrassed to admit that the only time I cooked potatoes when I was a kid was with the instant kind.

How To: Keep Your Burger Juicy & Your Bun Dry

There's nothing worse than biting excitedly into your indulgent restaurant-style burger only to find a soggy mess of a bun on your plate. The conundrum of keeping a patty moist but bun dry has perplexed home cooks and chefs alike, and even top burger joints are guilty of soggy-bun syndrome.

How To: Freeze Your Bread the Right Way & Never Have It Go Stale Again

Bread doesn't have a long shelf life, as most of you probably know quite well from firsthand. You get it home from the store and before you know it, the loaf has turned from soft and perfectly pliable to hard and crumbly—and maybe even moldy! So what's the best way to keep your bread from going bad before you've finished off every delicious slice? Put it in your freezer. It's a simple solution that you've probably heard many times before, but one you probably don't use very often because you ...

How To: Everything You Need to Know About Cooking with Plantains

The produce section is full of fruits, both familiar and quite strange. Depending on the season, you may see giant, bright-green bananas on display next to the normal bananas that you know and love. No, those aren't super-unripened bananas—they're plantains, and they are definitely a different fruit altogether. However, once you get to know them a little better, you'll find that they're much more fun to cook with.

How To: This Hair Care Product Will Keep Water Spots Off Your Car for Good

Taking care of your car requires effort, whether you take it to the pros for washes, waxes, and detailing, or you spend time to make it shine yourself—and it often seems that, right after your car is sparkling again, rain or midnight moisture appears to cover its surface in water spots. With a small tweak to your typical car care routine, you may be able to keep your car's surface and windows shining longer and better: you just need to add a little hair conditioning liquid.

How To: Make Soggy, Wilted Lettuce & Other Leafy Greens Edible Again

Sometimes you've got a head of lettuce that you want to eat but it lacks a certain youth. In other words, it's wilted and browning at the edges. Other times, you get to the grocery store near the end of day and the only lettuce or greens available look a little on the sad side. Never fear. You're not doomed to a meal of fast food or mouthfuls of soggy salad. You can easily revive those leaves and have something crisp, green, and delicious for your next meal, so don't dump it in the trash.

How To: Manage second day unwashed hair frizzies

Hairstylists often recommend that you don't wash your hair more than three or four times a week, since the natural hair oils will help maintain hair moisture and keep strands strong and healthy. But any girl who leads an active (read: sweat-inducing) lifestyle knows that second day hair feels greasier than the gulf coast.

How To: Prepare clay for wheel throwing

Georgia Tech resident pottery instructor, Trip, describes how to knead clay and get it ready for use on the wheel. First you need a piece of soft scrap or fresh clay. When kneading, or wedging the clay, try to force out all of the air bubbles. The kneading board should help to absorb excess moisture. Test the kneaded clay by slicing it with a wire cutter to check for air bubbles.

Your Fridge: You're Using It Wrong

When you come home from the grocery store, you probably put away every single fruit and vegetable in the bins and drawers in your refrigerator. Any fifth grader knows that fridges work to preserve food, thus everything should go in there, right? Nope!