Money Concerned Search Results

How To: Conserve water in your home

Australian native Scott's biggest concern is water conservation. By overhauling his bathroom, hot water, heater and backyard, Scott saves $360 a year on water costs. Learn how you can save money and conserve water by renovating your plumbing with this how to video.

How To: Conserve at home to help the enviroment

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to conserve at home. One way to conserve at home is to have a recycling bin. Before throwing away a recyclable item, rinse it off first to avoid unpleasant odors. Change all the incandescent light bulbs in your home to fluorescent light bulbs to conserve the electricity. Fluorescent light bulbs consume 4 times less energy and lasts 8 times longer. Use home appliances that have the "Energy Star" label on them. Wash your clothing with cold water. Eat or...

How To: Prepare for childbirth pains (labor pains)

Giving birth is not a walk through the park and there are always concerns from the mother-to-be. Doctors speak about the procedure in applying an epidural talk about different kinds of pain medications available. As much as the mom is concerned, they touch base on what the father's role is during the procedures are as well.

How To: Babysit an infant

Babysitting is the prime teenage job for young women to start learning responsibility and earning a wage, but it isn't all fun and games… you are dealing with an infant, which is far from fun, but it's money in your pocket. Earning a little extra money babysitting infants can be more fun — and a lot easier — than schlepping food at your local diner.

How To: How Do You Know if You Can or Should Start a Business Part 2 of 3

Starting a business has to involve a desire to benefit someone else other than you. If all your reasons for starting a business are to benefit you, chances are good that you have missed the big picture. At least one reason you have to want to stat a business needs to be to help someone else. Either use proceeds from the business to help a charity of your choice or to solve a problem or provide a solution to a need for the target group that your business serves. Focus on one issue to start wit...

How To: Perform the "flying" card trick

As far as your audience is concerned, there are few things less magical than a card trick seen a dozen or more times. As such, as a magician, it's important that you build a strong repertory of tricks to maintain your public's interest. And what better place to start than the "flying" card trick outlined in this free video magic lesson.

How To: Create a good "make money" website

In this video, we learn how to create a good "make money" website. If you are starting out and trying to make money online, it can be done if you do a lot of work. If you aren't making any money, don't do this, wait until you have money so you are a credible source. You must be able to prove to people that you make a lot of money with this, and you can share with people how to do it as well. Your site will just get included with all the other websites that don't give enough information and do...

How To: Stay healthy by drinking coffee

In this video tutorial, viewers learn that drinking coffee will help them stay healthy. Coffee contains antioxidants called polyphenol which helps prevent tiptur diabetes, Parkinson's disease, memory decline and advanced prostate cancer. An average American consumes about 3 cups a day. It's better to take 6-8 sips ever hour until the afternoon and it will keep you alert. Don't consume it all at once in the morning. If concerned about caffeine, drink decaf coffee instead. You will still get so...

How To: Clean your PC and remove malware

If you're concerned that your computer has been infected by spyware and other malicious programs, watch this informational video and find out how to clean and restore your computer back to a normal bill of health. This informative tutorial shows various methods that can be used to disinfect your computer and rid it of those nasty viruses once and for all!

How To: Make your own organic and all natural toothpaste

Concerned about the unpronounceable chemicals you see on tubes of toothpaste? Clean your tetth and keep your breath fresh without having to introduce unpleasant chemicals to your system! All you need is some baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, essential oils (mints are best) and a few drops of stevia (optional). Combine together, and smile! You have homemade toothpaste!

How To: Make an origami money butterfly

Is your love of money and butterflies only surpassed by your love of craft projects? Boy, are you in luck. With this guide, you'll learn how to make a dollar-bill butterfly using origami, the traditional art of Japanese paper folding. For more information, including a step-by-step overview of the folding process, as well as to get started making your own money butterflies, watch this free origami lesson.

How To: Make money on Twitter

This might sound like a bunch of baloney, but there are ways to make money using different social networking websites like Twitter and Facebook. Although you can't directly make money by tweeting something or commenting on a video, but there are ways to help attract attention to a song or video that can be purchased by people. So in this tutorial, you'll find out how to make money using some helpful tips, on Twitter. Enjoy!

How To: Save energy and money by changing your light bulbs

Saving energy is as easy as 1,2,3! There are various places in your home where you can spend money on that will not only save you energy, but money as well. One of the most common and easiest places is the light fixtures. From sconces, to lamps, to the lights above your dining room table, these lights can be replaced with more energy efficient lights easily. They cost a bit more, but in the long haul will save you money and help leave a smaller footprint on this planet.

How To: Play the guitar solos from Pink Floyd's "Money"

When learning to play a piece on the guitar, nothing can really compete with a good tutorial video. Sure, you could have someone show you in person — once or twice, mayb — but you can only ask someone to repeat something so many times before embarrassment sets in. With this particular three-part free video guitar lesson, you'll learn how to play the solos to Pink Floyd's song "Money" from their seminal 1973 album, The Dark Side of the Moon. Enjoy! (And feel free to rewind as necessary.)

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