Money Loan Search Results

News: >>>>>>>>>>>CELEBRATION FOR ME<<<<<<<<<<<

For Christmas i will be getting a brand new computer a*IMAC AIR* and then for my birthday i will be getting an IPOD TOUCH i basically come from a family that does not have a lot of money but i still get big stuff for holidays so cant wait and i will keep you's up to date on facebok and youtube and twitter if you can find me. OH im also on USTREAM so i can chat to you every now and then and i will be uploading houses to youtube and here every first day of the month

News: Why the High Bill?!

During the cold months customers often call because they recieved a higher than normal bill, during the winter your usage may spike. This video will break down where your money may be going to specifically, and show you ways to avoid high bills during cold temperatures.

How To: Cut corrugated roof sheeting

In this how to video, Darren Baensch explains how to cut corrugated roof sheeting. His tips include why two pairs of shears will make the job easier and why power tools may turn out to be a costly shortcut. With this tutorial you will be able to repair your roof and save time and money. Cut corrugated roof sheeting.

How To: Hire cast and crew for your independent film

Ben Lyons (Producer) gives expert video advice on: What is 'scale', what different unions will I work with, how can I get actors, make-up artists and crew to work for little or no money? What if the actor or actress belongs to an agency? What safety precautions should I take while shooting my independent film? Hire cast and crew for your independent film.