Mother's Search Results

News: Your Reading Experience Is About to Change Thanks to Augmented Reality

If you're someone who loves to read, you've probably read a book that made you want to hop into the story and live in the world that wasn't your own. Reading has a way of letting us escape into other worlds and experience things that we normally wouldn't be able to. Augmented reality is similar in that way. Which is why it makes sense that the two would be combined to create an incredible, immersive new way of reading.

News: What the Heck Was Stuxnet!?

As many of you know, I firmly believe that hacking is THE skill of the future. Although the term "hacking" often conjures up the image of a pimple-faced script kiddie in their mother's basement transfixed by a computer screen, the modern image of the hacker in 2015 is that of a professional in a modern, well-lit office, hacking and attempting to development exploits for national security purposes. As the world becomes more and more digitally-dependent and controlled, those that can find their...

How To: The Science of Sourdough & Why It Tastes So Much Better in San Francisco

As a lover of food, I'm often asked, “If you could only have one food the rest of your life, what would it be?” My answer is always the same: sourdough bread. (Okay, it's not always the same... I usually cheat and say sourdough, fancy cheese, and a good beer.) Admittedly, I'm biased by my own sentimentality. My mother is an expert bread baker, with a major in making sourdough. Her sourdough starter is older than I am, and in all honesty, she's made thousands of loaves, each better than the ne...


OSAGYEFO DR. KWAME NKRUMAH (1909-72) Founder and Father of the Nation Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, the first Prime Minister and President of Ghana, stands out not only among the Big Six but also among the greatest statesmen of history. It was he who canalized the discontent of the people of the Gold Coast Colony into the highly organized movement of protest against British rule, and within a relatively short period won political independence for Ghana on March 6, 1957. With Ghana independent, ...

How To: Make This Spicy Korean Pork Stew with Only 3 Ingredients (And Almost No Effort)

You either love kimchi or you hate it, but for those of us who love it, its salty, briny, spicy crunch is the stuff of life. Honestly, if you're not eating it regularly, you should start, since it's being studied for an amazing list of health benefits, including anti-cancer, anti-aging, and antioxidant properties; obesity and high cholesterol prevention; and promotion of immunity and skin health. The beauty of kimchi is manifold:

How To: Research Your Family Tree Online

Are you interested in beginning research of your family's history? I began this journey about 3 or 4 years ago and here is what I found. I've done almost ALL of my research online, and gotten farther, faster and more comprehensively than anyone else who has researched my family the old fashioned ways. This is the kind of thing that technology is made for. Here's how to use it.

How To: Paint Carnation flowers in the Chinese brush style

In a special Mother's Day installment of their weekly instructional series on Chinese painting, Blue Heron Art's Henry teaches us to paint Chinese Carnations in watercolor, with calligraphy highlights done in ink with a brush. His grace and accuracy with both the watercolor and the ink would be challenging for many of the less-artistically-inclined to emulate, but the finished product is beautiful and should impress all but the choosiest of moms if their child were to make / buy it for them.

How To: Use a nursing cover for breastfeeding

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to use a nursing cover to breastfeed a baby. This process is very easy, fast and simple to do. It allows the mother to have more privacy when feeding her baby, without having to wear any special nursing clothes or go to somewhere private. The nursing cover simply goes over the mother's head like a apron. People everywhere will not be able to see the mothers nursing, but she can still see everything as she looks down. This video will benefit those view...

How To: Pull off the tablecloth trick

At some point in time on TV or in a movie we’ve all witnessed a person pull a tablecloth clear off of a table without spilling the items on top. This is not an illusion, it can be done. Don’t choose your mother’s fine china to start with but do try it out.

How To: Make borscht

Martha makes her mother's delicious recipe for borscht, a traditional eastern European beet soup.You will need beets, coarse salt, dried mushrooms, vegetable stock,celery, parsley, garlic,sugar,lemon juice,sour cream, and chopped dill. Make borscht.

Nostalgia Challenge: Bells and Whistles

I remember being a child and playing on my mother's typewriter—oh, how simple it all was! Nowadays, we've got our smartphones, laptops, iPads and various other gadgets to type out our documents and complete almost any other task at hand. Sometimes it's nice to get away from all the technology, load up a fresh ribbon, and type away on the typewriter!

One Day Only: Pick Up the HTC One M8 for $99

HTC is gearing up for Mother's Day with a one day only, half-off promotion on their new HTC One M8. Starting May 8th at 12:01am CST, AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon customers can pick up the flagship device for $99 (yes, you'll need to sign a contract). You can take advantage of the deal at your local wireless provider's store, big box retailers like Best Buy and Target, or directly through HTC. The promotion will end shortly before midnight, around 11:50pm CST, on May 8th.

How To: Protect Your Facebook Reputation with Reppler

Do you know how you are perceived by your peers? In real life and online? In the physical world, you could be seen as intelligent, thoughtful and hard-working, but on the Web you could be looked at as irrational, selfish and slothful. There's just something about the Internet that takes away a person's judgement and replaces it with impulsiveness—especially when it comes to Facebook.