Mouth Hygiene Search Results

How To: Draw a basic horse

Watch this how-to draw a horse video for a walk through of this horse drawing. To begin with you want to start to define the major areas of the head like the nose, mouth ears and eyes of the horse along with the general shape of the head. At this stage keep your lines loose and light so that if you make any mistakes they will be easy to erase later.

How To: Make Bubbles and Squeaks

I saw this on the Food Network and tried it out. We loved it. It is a great way to use leftovers and with the holidays upon us, I know you'll want to try it. I think it was Jamie Oliver who presented it although I couldn't find it on the website. It was described as a common thing done in the UK as the evening meal after a Sunday lunch. It is great with leftover turkey, dressing, and potatoes and gravy. The name comes from the sounds that it makes when it cooks. When you put the patties in th...

News: 10 Unconventional Hangover Cures

For most Americans, the bane of the hangover is typically remedied by lots of water, painkillers, greasy food, and a day wasted on the couch. But if you're tired of potato chips and fried eggs, perhaps it's time you enter unfamiliar territory. Below, a combination of unorthodox methods for taming the beast, derived from science, sparkly Whole Foods new ageism, and the far East.

How To: Milk a live rattlesnake

This video could benefit from some commentary, but the illustration is straight forward. Squeeze the snake head to open its mouth and press the fangs onto a permeable covered jar and the venom will automatically release into the jar. Keep a firm hold of the snake throughout as they don't like this. Milk a live rattlesnake.

News: Google+ to Support Pseudonyms, Google Apps & More

Since its inception, Google+ users have been a loud, vocal bunch, and they've made their displeasure known about many issues, especially on the lack of support for pseudonyms, Google Apps, and brand pages. It's been especially galling for many Google loyalists, who found their Google+ profiles suspended, when they ended up violating the Google+ "common name" policy.

News: A History of Print Ads from Wild Turkey Bourbon

There's no doubt about it, we all owe a great debt to one Reverend Elijah Craig and his invention of one of the most delicious and intoxicating (no pun intended) drinks known to man—bourbon whiskey, a sweet mix of corn, rye and barley malt. But we also owe respect to T'sai Lun and Johannes Gutenberg, because without them there would be no means to print the signature Wild Turkey Bourbon ads seen below.

News: Balloon Twisting Hints and Tips

Here are just a few little random tips that may help you while making balloon animals for fun and profit. This list is only a collection of random balloon tips and tricks that I've come up with on the fly tonight. If you have any other suggestions or questions, please feel free to post them in the comments section and I'll do what I can to help as well.

“Wow, You Look Great!”: Giving Compliments Without Being a Jerk

As someone who’s entering a time of life that involves weddings, reunions, and generally running into people I haven’t seen in awhile, I find myself being shocked by how much people have changed over the years. A lot of times, people will have dropped a bunch of weight, or have turned into a kind and articulate human being, or have obviously stopped doing so many drugs. It’s important, when complimenting people on positive life changes, to let them know how well you think they’re doing withou...

News: The Green Kitchen

Alice Waters and The Green Kitchen So what, yes I admit it I am drawn to all things Alice Waters. So sautee me. A new discovery was made today while walking through my local bookstore. I found a sweet looking cookbook with Alice on the cover. Naturally I stopped. The item of my interest was a sort of "how to" cookbook called In The Green Kitchen

News: FarmVille Harvests the World via iPhone?

Word of mouth is that Zynga is preparing to harvest the world.  Is this a horror movie?  No, but FarmVille has already invaded millions of homes, and now it wishes to conquer our pockets.  They're gearing up for a mobile platform, one that will reach millions more via the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android.

News: Suck Queen Neck Rape

Ive noticed when Im drunk I SUCK HARD. By that I mean I give some serious hickeys. Not a little romantic pink mouth size thing. Im talkin some major black, blue, purple, red broken blood capillary, teeth included, raping the whole side of a neck type shit. It looks majorly brutal and takes months to go away.

How To: Make A Whistle From A Sycamore Twig

I will show you how to make a loud whistle from a twig from a sycamore tree. In fact they are so loud that they could be used in an emergency situation to attract attention from potential rescuers. The international distress signal is 6 whistle blasts in quick succession.

News: eee yea

one i had in mind is you pick up a mexican worker by the home depot and you pay him to get on the metro bus with you and you have a gag in your mouth and a spiked collar and he whips you on the bus while your hand cuffed up i did that before shits the best !or another one is you go to any fast food place and go up to the cash register and ask the worker for 1 back flip to go then after you say that climb on the counter and do a back flip

News: The Horse Jizz Cannon

Set up a Potato Gun like contraption filled with Mr Ed's special sauce and wait for Pontius to walk in somewhere and when he does BLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! All because he likes horse jizz in his mouth lol. I doubt this will make it but hell it was worth a shot. You guys are my fuckin heroes and I can't wait for Number 3.

How To: Understand The Process of Inflammation

In each day of our life, we see inflammation. We see it during sore throats and abscess formations in our bodies, and even slight tooth pain is a form of inflammation. Sometimes it's good when it fights to protect us from invading organisms, but sometimes it becomes bad when it occurs in inappropriate ways, like acne.

News: Are You a Mac Yuppie or a PC Nerd? Find Out if You Fit the Stereotype

With over 60 commercials, chances are you've seen one of the Get a Mac spots run by Apple, which brands Mac as intuitive and hip, compared to their boring and clunky PC counterpart. You also probably saw Microsoft's response in their I'm a PC campaign. But who are Mac and PC users really? Do jeans and hoodie-wearing yuppies really use Macs? Are the suit-and-tie types strictly operating PCs?

News: Of Coyotes and Chickens

In my earlier post about long-term strategies I promised I’d ask some of my neighbors who do what I call factory chicken farming (Let 1000 Chickens Bloom) if the coyotes that have shown up will change the way they play the game. The one guy who replied in any detail said that he wasn’t sure what he was going to do yet, but he thought that he was losing 50 chickens each time he harvested them pressing “Collect Bonus” using a coop.


Get lots of fake blood, put it in little packets that can be broken easily. Strap someone up with rollerblades and knee pads helmet etc. Put the fake blood pouches on your body, tape them ore something, then go to a area where there's stairs and lots of people and attempt to jump them or roll down them. You fall on purpose and make sure you pop all the fake blood packs (have some in your mouth and helmet). act like your in serious pain and get up all dazed and confused. Quickly stumble or bla...

News: Blood Drive Donor

In a nutshell...go donate blood at a one of those buses that just drives around and parks at shopping malls etc...act confused about the ENTIRE process. I mean, like you have NO idea whats about to happen. All's you know is that you're gonna get some free cookies at the end....when they hook you up and your blood begins flowing into the bag for a while, pull out a real blood bag and tube, except its full of some type of fake edible blood. Put the tube connected to your fake blood bag in your ...

How To: Use YouTube

The trend of online video sharing came to the mainstream with popularization of YouTube, which let users view, submit and share video clips. YouTube started off in the year 2005, and quickly became one of the most visited websites on the internet. Sensing the emerging trend, large companies like Google joined the trail and launched their own video sharing sites (Google later bought YouTube).