Murders Carried Search Results

News: Fun at a Funeral

This is a stunt i think would best be suited for Bam Margera due to how "close" he is to his family. The basic idea is to fake Bam's death. Due to his dangerous life as a stunt man it would be easy to believe. Once Bam's family has been informed he "died" set up a fake funeral for Bam. Once everyone is there, the goal is to act as inapropiatley as possible. Do this by sleeping, farting, laughing, droping the coffin or even lighting somthing on fire, ect. . Finally make Bam "rise from the dead...

News: Whale vs Japanese Fisherman

So the basic idea is that you have someone who's in a whale costume and they could be handing out flyers, walking around or just whatever it is someone in a whale costume could do. And while there doing that some guys who look like Japanese fishermen, with fake spears and all that fisherman stuff, run up to him and try to catch him.

How To: Benefit from Effective Internet Marketing Strategies

Business owners and marketeers are diverting from traditional marketing techniques, including billboards, radio and TV advertising, brochures, and any other outdoor promotions, to cheaper but effective Internet marketing strategies. Under the new arrangement, business owners reach out to the final consumers through advertising on the World Wide Web.

How To: Choose a Speech or Writing Topic

Whether you're a student, a toastmaster, just writing, or making articles on WonderHowTo, you will have to come up with a topic. The topic should be able to guide you to some of the things you want people to know about. Here are some ways that you can can come up with a topic.

DIY Scientists Beware: When NOT to Use Household Chemicals for Your Projects

The only thing better than successfully pulling off a new experiment is doing it with household materials. You get to laugh in conceit as professional scientists everywhere spend all their grant money on the same project you just accomplished with some under-the-sink chemicals! However, there are times when DIY gets dangerous. Some household chemicals are not pure enough to use and some are just pure dangerous. Let's take a look at two problems I have encountered in the course of mad sciencing.

How To: Create a Redstone Sorting Machine in Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. A redstone sorting machine can not only cure a cluttered unmanageable Minecraft home, but make for an integral part of an efficient work space. With the redstone sorting machine, your items can arrive at the mere press of a button.

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: TRAVOISE

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: TRAVOISE [n] Today's word is in honor of Joel Sherman, whose record-breaking game last weekend netted him seven bingo plays, one of which was TRAVOISE. A travoise is a type of sled, but no… it's not like a toboggan or snow sleigh. Though it can be, it's not used primarily on snow, but on any soft ground, like forest floors and gentle soils.

How To: Reverse Check a Phone Number

Prank Calls, Masked NumbersWho is calling your phone or your child's? Pranksters use a lot of tricks to make sure they can get on your nerves. Being able to trace prank calls is important because you're not going to learn much from your Caller ID, since most prank callers use an unlisted number - such as, a cell phone number. Many also use special code *67 to mask the number so your Caller ID will show "Blocked Number" or "Private Number". There are a lot of mild cases of so-called phone bull...

News: Police Use iPhones to ID Suspects via Face, Iris and Fingerprint Scans

Some cops already have the ability to extract data from your cell phone using handheld forensic devices, but soon police officers will have a new mobile data collection toy to play with—an Apple iPhone. Actually, it's an iPhone-based device that connects directly to the back of an iPhone, which is designed to give law enforcement an accurate and immediate identification of a suspect based on their facial features, fingerprints and even their eyes.

News: Hot Summers = Solar Shades

Solar Shades Looks like it's going to be another hot summer and this time of year, I always get questions about the best kind of Shades for the home! I may be a little bias in my opinion because I'm going through a more minimalist "less is more" style in my life right now. Taking the more modern design approach that is very popular right now, I wanted to talk a little about Solar Shades for the home.

News: Pirates! Possibly the Purest RPG Ever

I love role-playing games. They tell great stories, require intense strategy, and make minimal demands of my tyrannosaurus-like hand-eye coordination. The idea of an RPG experience, at least on paper, is to allow users to play the role of a character. However, real people do not gain generic experience points for killing things, nor do they pause for each other during combat or have the ability to carry hundreds of potion bottles without slowing down. These can be fun gameplay mechanics, but ...

How To: How The Internet Works

Sure, you go online to email and shop and do research. But have you ever been curious about how the internet actually works? Don't worry, you don't need a degree in computer science to get a handle on how your info gets from point A to point B. Learning the basics of the internet will give you a whole new appreciation for all those emails and chat messages that seem to magically appear. Get ready, because we're about to enter the wonderful world of digital data!

News: Getting the best deal on Laminate Flooring

Getting the best deal on laminate flooring can take a little time to research all the choices on the market these days. The two basic choices you have these days are buying online or buying in your local market. Online merchants don't tend to carry the high overhead cost as your local flooring store. There are pros and cons when buying your laminate flooring from either place.

How To: Keep Fit While On Vacation

It’s that time of the year when everyone feels like taking a long vacation from the hustles of life and bend most of the rules. This is especially with regards to eating habits. Most people tend to forget the importance of eating a healthy diet. However, there are the few of us who still want to keep fit even while on vacation. These are the few fitness fanatics.

News: Discover the Hidden Micro-Monsters in Your Neighborhood Creeks and Ponds

There is a secret world hidden just beneath the surface of every pond, lake, and stream. Those waters are filled with wails of hideous creates murdering other hideous creatures for food and sport. Beautiful animals like dragonflies and damselflies that you see in the light of day start their lives in this sparse spartan hellscape. Luckily, being giant mammals, we can pluck these creatures from the depths and look at all of their cool behaviors! All you need is a pond, net, and curiosity.

KONY 2012: Propaganda At It's Finest?

The most recent viral video on YouTube is just that. A viral video. After seeing all the hype and 'support' that the 'movement' is getting, I want to tell you that this is a misleading video and somewhat of a propaganda campaign. These are strong accusations against such a 'humanitarian' cause, but I'm here to show you why.

How To: identify gang graffiti (P1)

Dangers abound in the world of srteet art, however one danger stands out as increasingly dangerous. Gangs around the country use graffiti to mark their terriotory and do not take kindly to street artists. In several parts of los angelos gang members will stop you in the middle of the street and ask you if you have spray paint if you are wearing a backpack or a messenger bag. If you answer in the affirmitive (or if they take your bag and find spray paint or markers) its very likely they will s...

News: Wake Up Sunshine

One night after partying, find the most wasted person in the group. For security purposes, don't be afraid to slip him a roofie or two throughout the night. The next morning, while he is still sleeping, strip him down butt-naked, put a blindfold and a pair of ear muffs on him, and carry him out to the car (this can also be done the night before) and drive to the airport early the next morning. Carefully carry him onto the plane, equip him with a parachute (either this or take him on a tandem ...

News: Seido and The Shadow

Not long ago in Rome during a Master’s Tennis Tournament something remarkable happened. In a tightly contested game, American Andy Roddick challenged a linesman’s call on a ball hit by his opponent. The remarkable thing about this incident was that Roddick argued against his own interest. He insisted that the opponent’s ball had landed inside the line and that he, Roddick, should NOT be awarded the point. Spectators applauded as if they’d witnessed a miracle. Imagine! Sportsmanship in a profe...

How To: Make a Simple Didgeridoo from PVC

Traditional Aboriginal didgeridoos are made from trees that have been hollowed out by termites. Finishing work to smooth out surfaces and decorate the didgeridoo would soon follow. Lucky for you, you don't have to spend lots of money or find a hollowed out tree to create a didgeridoo!

How To: Play The Card Game "Judgment"

Definition Judgment is a game where you have to predict the number of hands you'll make and try to make those number of hands that you predict. It is a game usually for 3 or more players. Even 2 players can play but then the game won't be that interesting. 5 players can play the game using one deck of 52 cards. Jokers have no role here.

News: Terrorist Threat

someone runs into a airport and is wearing a fake bushey beard, turban, and robe and you are carrying a fake bomb. so you run in and say Alicabad then softly you say just kidding then hold up the fake bomb. then the airport secruity will jump on you and cuff you then take you away.Thats it!Warnings