Music Files Search Results

How To: Do the freestyle soccer Inside Around the World ATW

Whether you engage in competitive yo-yo, soccer, or electronic music dancing, the phrase "Around the World" is probably of profound significance to you. This video is for those of you for whom the soccer resonated most. It will teach you how to do the freestyle soccer trick Around the World, in which you kick the ball up, swing you foot over the top of it in a circular motion, then catch the ball again with the same foot.

How To: Use editing tools in Pro Tools

This audio editing software tutorial will show you how to use all the different editing tools in Pro Tools. This includes the zoom, edge, selector, grabber, scrubber, and pencil tools. (Connor Smith also talks about the multiple types of zoom tools, the time compression/expansion and loop tools, and also the object and separation grabber tools). So if you aren't familiar with the editing tools available in Pro Tools, watch this tutorial and get started editing music!