Networking Devices Search Results

How To: Control Network Traffic with Evil Limiter to Throttle or Kick Off Devices

If you find yourself with a roommate hogging limited data bandwidth with video games or discover a neighbor has invited themselves into your Wi-Fi network, you can easily take back control of your internet access. Evil Limiter does this by letting you control the bit rate of any device on the same network as you, allowing you to slow or even stop data transfer speeds for them completely.

How To: See Passwords for Wi-Fi Networks You've Connected Your Android Device To

You've probably connected your Android device to dozens of Wi-Fi networks since you've had it, and your phone or tablet remembers each of them. Whether it's a hotspot at home, school, work, the gym, a coffee shop, a relative's apartment — or even from a friend's phone — each time you type in a Wi-Fi password, your Android device saves it for safekeeping and easy access later.

How To: Switch or Connect to Wi-Fi Networks & Bluetooth Devices Right from the Control Center in iOS 13

A long-standing request for the iPhone has been a way to quickly browse and connect to available Wi-Fi networks and Bluetooth devices without having to dig through the Settings app. With iOS 13, Apple has finally built this essential feature into Control Center, giving you quick access to wireless settings from anywhere, including the lock screen.

How To: Password protect your wireless network

Most of the home wireless networks are not set up by professionals and hence they might lack in security features. People just set up the wireless networks by connecting the devices and powering them up and never care to apply security settings to the network. This may result in your wireless network being compromised by unwanted external entities. How ever you can do a web based configuration settings and secure your wireless network by password protecting it. This settings differ from the m...

How To: Build your own NAS or networked attached storage

If you're just itching for an excuse to reuse that retired desktop PC or laptop sitting in your closet there here's your chance. This tutorial offers a look at the basics of installing FreeNAS, an open-source DIY NAS. So instead of spending money on off the shelf options why not save yourself some cash and make use of the stuff you already have and get a super customizable network storage device to boot?

How To: Set up and secure a wireless router

In this tutorial, we learn how to set up and secure a wireless router. First, take your cable and plug it into your modem from your computer. After this, plug in an Ethernet cable into your modem to a wireless router. Now, plug the wireless router and modem into the wall. Now, look for the icon on your computer that says you have connected a new device to it. Go through the set up wizard to make a new wireless network, once it doesn't find one, connect a USB to the computer. Now, click on the...

How To: Secure a home WiFi network

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to secure a home wireless network. There are 3 types of security protocols for connecting devices. The 3 types of security protocols are: OPEN, WEP and WPA. Users should use passwords that are secure but no so obscure that they are unusable. The password should not be dictionary words. They should be mixed with casing and contain the user's phone number. Go to your router's website and log into the website. Find the setting for wireless security and e...

How To: See Who's Clogging Up Your Wi-Fi Network with These Free Mobile Apps

Android has released a new application called ezNetScan, which is a free app that scans the wireless network you're connected to and gives you a full log of all of the devices connected to that network. This isn't new for smartphone users, let alone Android users. Fing has been around for a while and does practically the same thing that exNetScan does. It gathers information such as the IP and MAC addresses, device vendors, and ISP location. But while Fing is a great program, it does lack a f...

How To: Use a Newstweek to change the news read by others on a wifi network

The Newstweek might be the coolest new device of 2011 that no one is talking about. It's a pocket-sized device that allows you to access the data streaming through a wireless internet access point and change the news being read by fellow users at the hotspot, from any site, however you want. It allows you to do some amazingly inspiring and sinister things, like any really progressive technology, and this video will show you how to use it.

How To: Spy on Network Relationships with Airgraph-Ng

What if you could easily visualize which access point every Wi-Fi device nearby is connected to in a matter of seconds? While programs like Airodump-ng can intercept this wireless information, making it easy for hackers to use and understand is another challenge. Fortunately, a tool called Airgraph-ng can visualize the relationships between Wi-Fi devices from only a few seconds of wireless observation.

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Disabling Security Cameras on Any Wireless Network with Aireplay-Ng

Electronic warfare tactics work by jamming, disrupting, or disabling the technology a target uses to perform a critical function, and IoT devices are especially vulnerable to attacks. Wireless security cameras like the Nest Cam are frequently used to secure critical locations, but a hacker can surgically disable a webcam or other Wi-Fi connected device without disturbing the rest of the network.

How To: Understand & Use IPv4 to Navigate a Network

You may not know it, but the IPv4 address of your computer contains tons of useful information about whatever Wi-Fi network you're on. By knowing what your IPv4 address and subnet mask are telling you, you can easily scan the whole network range, locate the router, and discover other devices on the same network.

How To: Hijack Chromecasts with CATT to Display Images, Messages, Videos, Sites & More

Giving up your Wi-Fi password can be giving up more control than you think. Because of the way Chromecast and other IoT devices communicate, anyone on the same Wi-Fi network as your device can often make it do whatever they want. With a script called "Cast All the Things," we can hijack a Chromecast to play nearly any kind of media with a single command in terminal.

How To: Use an ESP8266 Beacon Spammer to Track Smartphone Users

Smartphones and laptops are constantly sending Wi-Fi radio signals, and many of these signals can be used to track us. In this guide, we'll program a cheap IoT device in Arduino to create hundreds of fake networks with common names; This will cause nearby devices to reveal their real trackable MAC address, and it can even let an attacker take over the phone's data connection with no warning.

How To: Secure a Linksys wireless router when running Windows

Ever had router trouble? Got router trouble? Well don,t worry the people over from have made this video to help! More specifically a linksys 802.11g router. All new routers come with a standard Ethernet cable, which must be plugged into one of the four ports on the router and connected to your computer as well. This is necessary to change settings, using Microsoft IE (internet explorer) when the routers IP is typed into the address bar. It is strong recommended to change the def...

How To: Access a WiFi wireless network on an iPod Touch

The beauty of the iPod Touch is that it is not only for music. With the iTouch, you can access the Internet as well. You can use this Internet capability to download from iTunes, get e-mail, surf the web and many more options. In this tutorial, learn exactly how to turn your iPod on to a WiFi network so that you can take advantage of all the features your new device has to offer.

Hacking macOS: How to Perform Situational Awareness Attacks, Part 1 (Using System Profiler & ARP)

The first few minutes after gaining access to a MacBook are critical — but where do we begin? Using tools built into macOS, we can develop an in-depth understanding of running background processes, detect antivirus software, locate sensitive files, and fingerprint other devices on the network. All of this can be done without installing additional software or modifying any files.

How To: Tether your Motorola Droid 3G smartphone

In this clip, learn how to use PDA Net to tether your rooted Droid 3G smartphone to a WiFi network. By tethering your device, you will be able to use it as a portable, wireless modem for anything from other phones to computers to hand held gaming systems. Anything that is WiFi enabled can be tethered to your mobile network with this hack.

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