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How To: Cook a hamburger properly

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that 73,000 people contract E. coli O157:H7 each year. The primary source of these illnesses is ground beef that has been improperly handled and cooked. Watch this video to learn how you can avoid the spread of this bacteria.

How To: Hang pictures properly

Hanging pictures on your walls adds style and elegance to your rooms. Meghan Carter shows you the right way to hang pictures so you don't damage your pictures or your walls. With her simple tips, you'll be hanging pictures in no time, and you'll avoid common mistakes that can not only look bad, but also damage your home and pictures.

How To: Use NTFS

NTFS? What is it? It stands for New Technology File System, but what does that mean? Well, it's the standard system for filing in Windows NT, including all later versions, up to the current Windows 7, but Mac users can take advantage of this file system, too. If you’re confused when it comes to your hard drive’s format, this guide will show you the way to get the most out of your system.

How To: Write a landing page that converts

Starting up a website can be daunting if you know nothing about web design or setup, but there are some tips to get the right people finding, looking, and returning to your site. A good landing page gives visitors exactly what they are looking for, and converts them from browsers to customers.

How To: Bathe your pet cat

Joey Garr demonstrates how to give your cat a bath. For this operation you will need to have ready a towel, Q-Tips, shampoo, a cup and some treats.

How To: Repair damaged hair with shampoo

Before beginning you should start to focus on shampooing your roots and scalp and conditioning your hair and ends of hair. This will help by saving the ends of the hair and the main body of your hair from unnecessary damage. Shampoo is a very strong product and as you work it into your scalp and roots it will naturally move down your hair grabbing dirt and old product from your hair. So, focusing on shampooing the ends of your hair and the main body of your hair is not needed and it can be da...

How To: Avoid being a Kook while surfing

Basically, a "Kook" is the type of surfer everyone hates. Kooks put themselves and others in danger by their actions in the water. In this video, learn the rules of the ocean and avoid everyone staying far away from you at the beach.

How To: Make a tin frame out of soda cans

How to Make a Tin Frame with Soda Cans You don't have to throw out your old soda cans anymore. Laura and Claiborne show how to recycle old cans into a craft project that creates a frame. You will need a wooden frame, soda cans, 5/8 of an inch nails, tin snipers, and a glue gun. While cutting the cans, make sure to be careful to avoid cutting your hands. Smaller square scissors tend to be more effective at cutting the cans. When cutting, try to cut the can in a rectangular shape. Try to avoid ...

How To: Study for a test

In this how-to video, you will learn how to properly study for a test or for homework. The author offers a few great tips. You should avoid cramming and study well before the test date. Make a list of everything that is going to be on the test. Memorize facts and formulas. Make up questions that you think are going to be on the test. Take all the school tools you need in order to complete the test. Lastly, if you prepare well, you will have a great chance of doing well. You should try to stud...

How To: Shave correctly to avoid razor bumps

One of the biggest problems men face today is razor bumps. They are irritating and unsightly. This problem occurs more frequently in people who have curly hair. You need to follow the steps below to minimize ingrown hairs and the unsightly razor bumps they create. Use a facial scrub before shaving. This helps raise the hairs from under the skin and prevents them from growing back into the skin. Do not pull the skin tight when shaving. Always allow your skin to expand under hot water for at le...

How To: Quit drinking

Thinking it's time to give up the juice? If your need to drink has become a problem, quit. This lifestyle change requires planning and ferocious self-discipline, but everyone has it in them.

How To: Protect your online reputation

With social networking systems, YouTube comments chains, chat rooms, bulletins boards, Twitter updates... It seems as if almost everyone has at one time publicly stated an opinion on the Internet. Nearly half of all prospective employers research job applicants online. Make sure that what you’re posting today doesn’t cost you a dream job tomorrow!

How To: Prevent gas

While intestinal gas is a normal occurrence within the digestive process, it can also cause bloating, burping and flatulence. Follow these tips to remedy the problem.