Never Before Seen Giant Search Results

News: Lots and Lots of Panties Make For Good Mood Lighting

We've seen chandeliers made from paper, light bulbs and Chiquita banana cartons, so why not ladies' undergarments? Video artist Pipilotti Rist recently showcased her glowing underwear chandelier at New York's Luhring Augustine gallery. Rist's underwear of choice (granny panties) aren't exactly sexy, but there's something oddly interesting about the cascading, pastel skivvies.

Adrenaline Rush vs. Death: The Science of Risk

For some, adrenaline beats out every time. Though I've seen countless videos of base jumping, the sport never ceases to amaze. The video below, Last Walk Around Mirror Lake – Boom Bip (Boards of Canada Remix), is no exception to the rule. Shot in Norway, FroschYankee's footage is nothing short of stunning. *For more info, check out Adrenaline Rush (The Science of Risk), the film which this clip was featured in.

News: Is This All-Robot Band Better Than the Beatles?

Will the bot band be to 2017 what the boy band was to 1997? You be the judge! In the videos below, two such groups offer electro-mechanical renditions of the B-52s' "Rock Lobster" and Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody." Creator James Cochrane writes, "What do you get when you combine retro computer parts and an up and coming robot band? The Bit-52s! This idea has been simmering in my mind for the last couple of years and after many months of procrastinating it is finally complete. I was also motivat...

News: To Live in Augmented Reality Land

What if everything in life was controlled by augmented reality? Keiichi Matsuda imagines: "The architecture of the contemporary city is no longer simply about the physical space of buildings and landscape, more and more it is about the synthetic spaces created by the digital information that we collect, consume and organise; an immersive interface may become as much part of the world we inhabit as the buildings around us.

News: Public Diaper Use

Do you ever go to a baseball game, football game or even the movies and always get up to take a poo or a piss. Well now you don't. How about Knoxville dressing up in old man and wearing a diaper to a game and letting it all out. Meaning taking a s**t and seeing how long people get grossed out by the smell. BETTER YET go into a movie theater were there is no ventilation and see how bad it gets. Or the same time walk into a room smelling like you are or in line and see the reaction by the peopl...

News: Screwed Awakening

I'm sure you've seen in The Parent Trap (or most likely on YouTube) a sleeping person set afloat so they wake up in the middle of a lake. I wanted to add a little more excitement to that concept. It would take a lot more preparation and skill, but ultimately we replace the lake with air. Pick your least favorite friend, wait until he's asleep, get him in a plane, strap him with a parachute, and film him as he opens his eyes to the earth thousands of feet below.

News: Eulogy for Kodachrome

Matt Zoller Seitz from writes this beautiful ode to Kodachrome. "To shoot a roll of film was to take a leap of faith. The digital evolution has eliminated a lot of uncertainty from the process, and that's probably a net gain -- especially if you're an amateur shutterbug. Unfortunately, some other, wonderful elements have disappeared as well: mystery, poetry and the element of chance."

Mathematical Beading: Accessories to Thought

Math is unreasonably effective in describing the natural universe. Anyone who's seen Walt Disney's Donald in Mathmagic Land knows this to be so. Well, the axiom works in reverse, too: The physical stuff of the universe can model math right back. And to great effect.

News: Red Frog Bungalows Surfing Bocas Del Toro

Red Frog Bungalows Eco-Ocean Resort guided Team RVCA to this right handed. The heaviest in Central America. Of course we were the only ones out! Surf guide and Owner of Red Frog Bungalows (Scott Balogh) is seen taking a massive drop. Come to Bocas and let us get you into the best waves of your life! Red Frog Bungalows is the most experienced surf outfit in Bocas Del Toro. Our guides breathe, eat, and are addicted to good surf. If you are the same come and visit. We would love to show you arou...

News: Top Gun 2 Starring Tom Cruise?

Desperate Career Move or Box Office Gold? Many of us saw the $20 million opening weekend of "Knight & Day" as a nail in Cruise's closing coffin. Others disagree. Check out this article and interview with Producer Jerry Bruckheimer on the prospect of putting Tom Cruise back into the fighter jet for a Top Gun 2.

News: Separation of Church & State

Who new the South Whidbey Assembly of God sponsored our annual 3rd of July fireworks in Freeland. And does anyone care? I just like fireworks and having the celebration on the 3rd suite me fine as I can't get enough fireworks. Alas this year we will miss for the 2nd year in a row (last year watched awesome show from the water in Poulsbo). We will be seeing what St. Simons GA has to offer. I think they are sponsored by the local synagogue (watch out for exploding matzo balls). At least being f...

Animal Kingdom (DP: Adam Arkapaw)

Every summer, I pick one or two films I can't wait to see. Some of them are conventional blockbuster choices (Transformers, Star Trek) and others are guaranteed to deliver (Dark Knight, etc.). The obvious choice for this summer is Chris Nolan's new epic "Inception". But if you're interested in an indie-epic all its own, check out "Animal Kingdom", directed by David Michod. The early Scorsese-esque fan favorite at Sundance (and Dramatic winner) has some of the best looking stuff I've seen in a...

News: May feels like November

A November release week in May It used to be that games marked to be blockbusters (expected to sell more than a million in their first month) would always be released during the holiday September to December season. November was always the month companies chose to release their best game. This release model worked fine until the last few years, when too many games were being released in November and companies started to see diminishing returns on their titles because of the release rush.