News Agency Search Results

How To: Take advantage of Google News Search as an SEO or publisher

Google is the biggest and best search engine on Earth, and if you are a webmaster and want your website to be a big success it would really behoove you to know as much about how it works as possible. The Google Webmasters series of videos and website were created to teach webmasters, SEO professionals, and others how Google works by answering their questions and giving them insights into how they can best integrate and utilize Google's functionality to improve their business. This video will ...

How To: Why You Learn More Watching Comedy Over Mainstream News

While CNN, FOX News, and MSNBC are valuable sources of information for what's going on in the world today, they may not be the best news stations to watch if you actually want to learn something. They, along with local news stations, are great at grabbing your attention, but if you truly want to learn something about recent events, you're tuning into the wrong channel.

How To: Get your passport

If you are going to travel outside the United States on a ski trip with, you will need a passport. From Skitravel's website you can click the "get a passport" link. The link will take you to the US Department of State's passport form (the DS11 passport form). On the Department of State's form, you have two choices, a passport book or a passport card. The passport book is good for ten years and you can travel anywhere in the world with it. The second choice is the passport card. ...

How To: Adjust news feed privacy settings on Facebook

Want to change your Facebook news feed privacy settings? This clip will show you how it's done. Whether you're completely new to the Facebook's popular social networking site or simply require a small amount of clarification on how to perform a particular task on Facebook, you're sure to benefit from this helpful video guide. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Enable extensions in the Apple Safari 5 web browser

Good news, Apple browser fans: Safari now comes with extensions. The bad news? They're not yet enabled by default, and there's no official add-on gallery from Apple. The better news? There's a workaround, and it's easy. In this How To video, we'll show you not only how to enable Safari's extensions, but how to install them and where to get them, too.

Rules Thrown Out the Window: Ogilvy & Mather's Scrabble Trickster Video Spot

Despite the controversy over Scrabble Trickster across the word world, Mattel's modern take on the classic crossword board game is out in stores— but not in the United States. It's only available in and around the UK, but you can snag your copy just in time for Christmas from Amazon UK. You can also visit the official Scrabble Trickster website. I imagine this is going to be a hot item in the United Kingdom this holiday season, but as for me— it's the one Scrabble game I refuse to add to my c...

News: European Space Agency Wants to Bring Their Own HoloLens Tools to the ISS

At Next Reality, we've been following the Microsoft Hololens because of its enormous potential. Unlike virtual reality, which enshrouds the user in a complete virtual world, augmented reality melds the virtual with what's really there in front of you. And while some of us may use AR technology to stealthily surf the web during working hours, others are looking towards using AR for the betterment of society. Like putting the HoloLens in space.

News: The Government Is Stealing Your Data from Angry Birds, Candy Crush, Facebook, & Other Mobile Apps

If you're spending hours on your phone playing games like Angry Birds and Candy Crush Saga, or posting online to Google+ and Pinterest, you're probably being spied on. The latest releases from NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden reveal that the National Security Agency, and its UK counterpart, GCHQ, are mining the ad networks utilized in these apps to collect a trove of information on you.

How To: Stay Updated on All the Latest News for Your Samsung Galaxy S4 with Drippler

Written news was first delivered by an elaborate courier service used by the Pharaohs nearly 4,500 years ago. About 2,300 years later, Romans would post public announcements via bulletins carved in metal or stone. Fast forward 1,600 years to the first monthly handwritten gazette published in Venice, the forefather of modern newspapers, which didn't become commonplace until the early 17th century.