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News: Save aluminum can tabs for extra $$$$$

I have heard rumor's about this save a milk carton full and get 100 buck's cause they use the pure aluminum for medical supply's. If you still belive that sorry to bust your bubble they use a mild steel and not aluminum. Good news though if you got carton's of tabs laying around on ebay you sell the regular one's for 1 to 2 cent's and the colored one's like on monster's for 5 to 8 cent's a piece.

News: Maxine Waters Article with Video

This is an article about Maxine Waters and how she has tried to defend herself against accusations that she helped bailout OneUnited Bank because her husband had stock there. The article also has a link to video of the news conference she held at Capitol Hill in Washington D.C.

News: Elena Kagan & Monsanto

This is not the type of news I like to read, but the headline popped up like a glaring alarm. While Solicitor General, it appear pending Supreme Court Justice candidate Elena Kagan may have enabled the defense of Monsanto in its fight for GE control of alfalfa seeds in the US. 

News: Netanyahu ‘Determined to Attack Iran’ Before US Elections, Claims Israel’S Channel 10

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “is determined to attack Iran before the US elections,” Israel’s Channel 10 News claimed on Monday night, and Israel is now “closer than ever” to a strike designed to thwart Iran’s nuclear drive. Netanyahu 'determined to attack Iran' before US elections, claims Israel's Channel 10 | The Times of Israel.

News: Army Admits Re-Education Camp Manual “Not Intended For Public Release”

Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs director Tiffany Wood has provided the first official response to the shocking U.S. Army document that outlines the implementation of re-education camps, admitting that the manual was “not intended for public release” and claiming that its provisions only apply outside the United States, a contention completely disproved by the language contained in the document itself.

How To: How Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks Sneak into Unprotected Websites (Plus: How to Block Them)

XSS stands for cross-site scripting, which is a form of web-based exploitation that uses client-side vulnerabilities in a web page to execute malicious JavaScript codes. JavaScript is referred to as "cross-site" because it usually involves an external website containing the malicious code. That code is most commonly used to steal cookies with a website that the attacker created and hosted on another server. The cookies can then be used to escalate privileges and gain root access to someone's ...

How To: Give Credit for Images

Ah, a perfect combination of two things that I love: well-designed flowcharts and proper image crediting! The internet may seem like a free-for-all, but posting uncredited images can land you in a legal scuffle (not to mention that it's bad manners). Most of my article images are either public domain (found through Wikimedia Commons) or stuff that I've made myself. Otherwise, I add credit, just like I'm about to do right now.