Non Law Degree Search Results

How To: Create a non-profit Facebook page in 4 minutes

A Facebook page formatted specifically for non-profits can be created in a matter of minutes with this video tutorial from John Haydon. The first step you need to take is to search for any page. In this tutorial, Haydon searches for the page "Facebook Pages/Public Profiles" to use as the example. On the bottom left (of any Facebook page), you will notice that there is a link for "Create a Page for My Business." Click on that link, which allows you to begin the page creation process. Non-profi...

How To: Wear a Kippah (Yarmulke)

In Judaism, men customarily cover their heads with a skullcap as a sign of humility before God, though it is not mandated by law. In Hebrew, it is called a kippah; in Yiddish, a yarmulke. In Europe, the custom dates to the end of the 16th century. Learn how to wear a kippah (yarmulke) with this Howcast guide.

How To: Make a t-shirt memory quilt for beginners

It's always a dilemma when you're organizing your closet and deciding whether you want to keep or throw out a meaningful old t-shirt that you don't wear anymore. Many of our t-shirts have been with us through thick and thin, so preserve their memory (and stop creating more waste) by reusing them.

How To: Make a delicious a molten lava cake

This video demonstrates how to make a delicious molten lava cake. You need 4 oounces of semi sweet baking chocolate,4 oounces of unsalted butter, 2 eggs, 1/3 cup sugar, and ¼ cup all purpose flour. Let the baking chocolate melt in a double boiler. While it is melting into smooth liquid take a medium sized baking bowl and crack your eggs into it. Then add your sugar to the eggs and blend them. You can use a hand blender or a whisk but it may take longer to blend by hand. Next, take the melted...

How To: Bake an easy date and walnut cake

Titli Nihaan shows us how to make Date and Walnut Cake. The ingredients are 200 g. of pitted dates cut in half, 100 g crushed walnuts, 100 g of brown sugar, 100 g of white flour, 100 g butter, 1 tsp. baking power, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. nutmet, 2 tsp. honey and 2 eggs.

How To: Install RAM in a new MacBook Pro

It only takes 15 minutes to install new RAM in a Macbook Pro. Before starting, remember to make sure that the power is off. Turn it over and release the latch in the left hand side. This will release the door and expose the battery. Remove the battery. With a #00 Philips screwdriver, remove 4 small screws lined up on the top of the opening. Next, remove the other 4 screws on the other side next to the hinge. When that is done, remove the cover. You will see the RAM directly in the middle. On ...

How To: Boardslide a rail on a snowboard

Snowboarding: Hit the Slopes With Style There was a time when simply riding a snowboard made you the extreme guy on the slopes. But now, with more people strapping on a board instead of skis, the stakes have been raised. Fortunately, we've lined up this video tutorial to keep you on the cutting edge. See how to boardslide a rail on a snowboard.

How To: Watch TV on the Internet for free—legally

Looking to catch up on your favorite programs while breaking neither the law nor the bank? Believe it or not, you have quite a few options. And this free video guide from the folks at CNET TV will walk you through them. For details, and to get started watching full episodes of your favorite TV shows for free online, give this clip a gander.

How To: Protect your non-stick cookware

Non-stick cookware is a great way to cook and not have to deal with foods that stick to regular pans or deal with the cleaning up after cooking. A few rules to keep in mind are to not preheat a non-stick pan and do not use a heat level above medium. If you break or damage the surface of the pan, it could cause more damage than you think. There have been reports where you could develop flu-like symptoms just from cooking with a bad pan.

How To: Use non-transitive dice to cheat your friends

Need a new prank or trick to play on your friends? Well this video is your solution. All you need a non-transitive dice and to follow this video and you will be cheating your friend in no time. The idea behind this video is to use dice that are non standard, which means instead of having from 1 to 6 on the sides, they have other numbers. By playing with what numbers go on the faces, the viewers can skew with the probabilities of what number comes up. With this idea, the viewers can make dice ...

How To: Make a cartesian diver

In this two-part science tutorial, learn how to make a cartesian diver, easily & inexpensively. A Cartesian diver, sometimes known as a Cartesian devil is a classic science experiment, named for René Descartes, which demonstrates the principle of buoyancy (Archimedes’ principle) and the ideal gas law.

How To: Make a seared beef salad with basil pesto

Celebrate summer as Secret Ingredient host Mark Law and Denver chef Elise Wiggins of Panzano prepare homemade pesto and pair it with tender, juicy grass-fed beef, served with a simple arugula salad. This dish is also knows as bistecca insalata in Italian. Follow along in this cooking how-to video as Whole Food's Markets shows you how to make seared beef with basil pesto and an arugula salad.

How To: Make your own non-toxic flea killer

Educational Specialist, Jennifer Taggard shows her viewers a very easy and accurate process to making non-toxic flea killer. This flea killer will not harm children in a household or any dog being treated. To make the flea killer, 1/2 of a cup of baking soda and half of a teaspoon of orange essential oil was used. The two ingredients were mixed together and simply applied and rubbed into the dog.

Today's Top News: Unions Wise Up to Commercial Trucks

The AFL-CIO's Transportation Trades Division, which represents 32 unions in the US, has successfully lobbied for the removal of 10,000-lb. and heavier commercial trucks from provisions in bills expected to pass that could allow for millions of driverless vehicles on public roads and streets, Bloomberg News reported.

How To: Pick the right sperm donor for you

Just getting the pretty boy genes shouldn't be the only thing you go for. When going for artificial insemination, there's also plenty of rules that you may not be aware of. In this video you'll learn about how the process works to a degree, and what sort of legal actions you should take in the process.

How To: Draw a graffiti design with a mustachioed figure

For those among you looking to improve you small-scale pencil-and ink graffiti skills, you could not ask for a better silent teacher than Wizard. His viewer-requested drawings always demonstrate a high degree of skill while being simple and slowly-done enough to allow his fan to emulate him and improve their own art. His trademark well-chosen electrofunk soundtracks are perfect background music for the graffiti creation process.

How To: Sharpen a swiss army knife

Learning how to maintain and sharpen your Swiss army knife is an important skill for campers and backpackers. You will need to have a sharpening stone that can be dry or wet. To use a wet stone simply add a little bit of water or homing oil. Keep the blade at an angle of 5 to 7 degrees from the surface of the stone and move the blade back and forth or in a circular motion.

How To: Make a baked cheesecake

This video goes through the process of making a baked cheesecake. To do so you will need to mix cream cheese, eggs, fresh cream, sugar, flour and lemon juice in a blender until smooth. The next step is to place the mixture into a cake tin and bake in the oven at 140 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes, or until the cheesecake is golden brown. By following this video you will learn how to make a delicious baked cheesecake quickly and easily.

How To: Do advanced tutting

Learn how to do advanced tutting. Dance tut with different hand moves. You must practice step by step. Make sure you make a 90 degree angle with the correct hand movement. Now ain't dat hot.. you are tutting.