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Networking Foundations: Subnetting Madness

Hello everyone! How's subnetting going? Did you practice a lot? I hope you did, but even if you didn't we will go through some more examples so you can be feeling confident after reading this article. It's all about that bad boy binary!

How To: Lose Weight with Smoothies & Shakes

It should come as no surprise that, according to Details Magazine, nearly half of all people who make New Year's resolutions pledge to lose weight, eat healthier, and/or get fit. There are innumerable companies out there that are ready and willing to take advantage of this momentum: from those hocking "magic bullet" pills that will increase your energy or reduce your belly fat to the myriad shake- and juice-based diets that put you at a near-starvation calorie input—and will probably have you...

How To: Light Up Your Walls with Stars

Everybody loves the stars. Well, I certainly do. As a child I'd spend hours outside during summer nights marveling at the seemingly endless amount of sparkling dots spanning the sky. Maybe you have children of your own and want to create a sparkle in their eyes, or in your own. This tutorial will provide a basic method of bringing the stars inside—at least, in part.

How To: Build Sawhorses. Easy, Cheap and Sturdy!

How to build a set of strong, stackable sturdy sawhorses. Let's face it, one of the most useful pieces of carpentry equipment would have to be a set of sawhorses. Every worksite, garage or workshop needs a set of sawhorses. They have numerous uses from stacking timber on, using as painting racks, to using as a temporary workbench by laying a door or some ply across two sawhorses. You can even use them as trestles for a dining table!

How To: Disable the High Volume Warning When Using Headphones on Your Samsung Galaxy S4

I've been told numerous times that I listen to music way too loud, to the point of potential hearing damage, especially when I have my headphones plugged in. Not only do my friends tell me this, but my Samsung Galaxy S4 likes to nag me as well. Once I pass a certain volume threshold (nine steps) with my headphones, I get that annoying high volume alert. Sorry, my hearing isn't as good as it once was, so let me jam in peace!

Fearmongering 101: The Case of the Samsung Galaxy Backdoor Exploit

Yesterday, the Free Software Foundation published an article written by Paul Kocialkowski. A software developer for the the Android fork system Replicant, Paul stated that his organization discovered, and later patched, a "backdoor" vulnerability that existed in older Samsung Galaxy devices, including our beloved Galaxy S3s. Only problem is, it's kind of bullshit—but we'll get to that later.

How To: Group and Organize Your Start Screen Tiles in Windows 8

Keeping your computer organized and your desktop clutter-free can be pretty difficult. And with last week's official release of Windows 8, users have another screen they need to get used to organizing—the new Metro-style Start Screen. It uses large rectangular or square tiles in place of the standard icons you've seen on older Windows operating systems. For better organization and grouping, you can group similar items onto a page (similar to many smartphones), you increase or decrease the siz...

How To: Draw the Dark Knight Batman

In the following article I'm going to go over how to draw the dark knight. How to Draw Batman, basically. I;m gonna go into the Bruce Timm deign. The reason for that is I feel he is very noticeable, and I feel is easier then other versions. This is the same version of batman that was in the Animated series in the 90s. Good source if you like art tutorials, fantasy art, how to draw fantasy art videos, etc. In some cases this version can be one of the easy things to draw. Watch the video below ...

News: Shocking Videos Reveal Truth Behind Syrian “Freedom Fighters

No one can deny that Bashar Al-Assad’s regime has been responsible for violence. But in failing to equally acknowledge the fact that NATO-backed rebels have also carried out innumerable atrocities is not only dishonest, it represents a deliberate effort by the press to manipulate the narrative of unfolding events in Syria as a one-sided war crime rather than the truth – which is the fact that Syria is in a state of civil war.

How To: Make Glowing Green Candy

If there ever was a day to eat green candy, St. Patrick's Day would be it. But is there something better than the banality of green candy swarming the streets on St. Patty's Day? Yes—glowing green candy, and Instructables user BrittLiv wants us to show you how it's done.

How To: Read YouTube Videos as Articles on Your Phone Instead of Watching Them

Millions of people use YouTube every day, whether it's for trailers, new music, or gameplay walkthroughs. But according to Pew Research Center, over half of U.S. adults use YouTube to figure out how to do things. If you fall into that crowd, adult or not, sometimes it's good to have written instructions to follow along with the video or in lieu of it completely.

How To: Make Your Headphones Always Control Your Favorite Music App on Your Galaxy

I don't know about you, but I like to listen to music throughout the day. As I am writing articles or doing some cardio at the gym, I go through my playlist, only stopping the music in situations where I have to. And ever since I switched to the Samsung Galaxy S10+, this has gotten even easier to do.

How To: View Your Saved Apple News Stories & History in iOS 12 on Your iPhone

One of the best features in the Apple News app is the ability to save stories for later. If you see an interesting or important article but don't have time to read it right away, there's a good chance you'll never find it again unless you save it. Ever since News' birth in iOS 9, accessing these bookmarked stories was as easy as going to the "Saved" tab, but that's no longer the case in iOS 12.