Nutrient Deficient Search Results

How To: Make compost from homehold kitchen scraps

This video shows you how to make compost from organic debris in the garden and leftover food.To make compost, you must add organic debris or scraps of food to such as pine needles, leaves or fruits to your compost bin. You should use horse or cow manure to speed up the process. You can also use nitrogen fertilizers as long as they do not contain herbicides. Then add water to the whole mixture.It is recommended that the compost bin should be about 3 feet high and 3 feet wide in order to insula...

How To: Care for house plants growing in water

Growing plants in the Southwest is different then other climates. We learn how to grow plants in water. Salt is a factor that we need to be cautious of. Salt is in soil and in water. Water, once absorbed leaves a layer of salt. It can be avoided by watering in a certain way. Changing the water frequently, a dish underneath a potted plant to drain the water and flushing out the salt and re-potting periodically. Sometimes extremes measures must be taken to hydrate a plant. In this case putting ...

How To: Peel a tomato, blanch vegetables, & cut carrots

This video shows you how to prepare a few different kinds of vegetables and fruits to cook with. The first thing that this video shows you how to do is peel a tomato. This video shows you a very simple way to do this using only a knife, a pot of boiling water, and a pot of water full of ice. The second thing this video shows you how to do is cook vegetables like broccoli without them browning and losing all of their nutrients. All you need to do this is a pot of boiling water, some salt, and ...

How To: Make roasted kale

Looking to add some unique greens to your diet? Why not try some kale? Kale is a delicious, leafy veggie that can add some much needed fiber and nutrients to your meal. Kale tastes great prepared in many different ways and in this video, you will learn how to roast it for a yummy cooked flavor.

How To: Fertilize bermuda grass lawns

Watch Southwest Lawn and Garden's John white and Dr. Bernd Leinauer Discuss the importance of Bermuda grass lawn fertilization and the correct techniques involved. You'll learn how to interpret the meaning behind the fertilizer label, and why a complete fertilizer, including nitrogen, phosphorus and Potassium. Along with how to calculate much fertilizer to use per square foot, You'll learn how each important nutrient helps your lawn, and why having the correct balance is so important. Most im...

How To: Identify problems with heat scorch on roses

John White and Rosemary Maddox address garden problems concerning heat and sun damage on their plants. Rosemary grows tomatoes that grow healthily, but are dry and cracked at the top. John identifies the problem as an excessive exposure to heat and sunlight, and recommends putting a netting over the plants to filter and moderate the sunlight. Rosemary also has a similar problem with her roses. The leaves on her rose plants become yellow and brown and eventually die off. John calls it "heat sc...

How To: Become a fruitarian and eat a healthy raw fruit diet

Fruitarians eat only raw fruit and seeds, both for their health—they think cooked food is toxic—and for the environment’s, since they believe that eating vegetables “kills” the plant. This is similar to raw foodist idealogy of eating all live vegan diet. Try it out and you might find you have more energy and lose weight. It's also high in anti-oxidants. They also eat primarily organic and non- GMO (genetically modified foods). This is an eco-friendly diet that uses less energy to get nutrients.

How To: Prepare a raised bed garden for planting

In this video, we learn how to prepare a raised bed garden for planting. First, clear some of the debris that was left from last year. Then, take a pitchfork and loosen the soil all around the bed. Bring the soil from the bottom up to the top to make it stay loose throughout the bed. Then, start shoveling the soil around the bed and then add in some manure to the bed and mix together with the shovel. Worms in the compost will give you a lot of nutrients and help break down the manure. When fi...

How To: Juice a pomegranate

In this tutorial, we learn how to juice a pomegranate. To do this, you will need a power juicer that can handle you juicing this fruit. Start off by cutting the pomegranate open and then scooping the seeds out of it. Once you do this, load the seeds inside of your juicer and turn it on. Then, you will hear the seeds start to become crushed inside. Place a cup underneath the spout of the machine and then finish loading up the seeds to the machine. When finished, you will have pure and natural ...

How To: Eat a diet to help get you closer to six pack abs

With this video, we learn how to eat a diet to help get you closer to six pack abs. At the end of the day, calorie counting is a pain and not worth it. You can spend hours using charts trying to find the calories in each little thing that you buy. For a diet to lose fat, you need to eat whole foods. You will need nutrient dense food instead of foods that have sugar and fat instead of them. If you are eating whole foods, then you will not need to count the calories because you can't go wrong w...

How To: Know the differences in quinoa

In this tutorial, we learn to know the differences in quinoa. Quinoa is a complete protein that's very mineral rich. There is a tan and red variety, both are delicious. This is an ancient South American grain that is gluten free for the wheat intolerant. When prepping this, you will first need to rinse it off thoroughly. Cooked quinoa can be mixed with toasted sunflower seeds, lemon juice, sea salt, and olive oil for a great taste that is full with nutrients. It's a great replacement for rice...

How To: Blend greens into a nutritious smoothie

In this tutorial, we learn how to blend greens into a nutritious smoothie. The key to making a smoothie with a lot of greens is to balance it out with fruit to mask the taste of all the vegetables. A great recipe will have things in it including: spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, kale, bananas, apples, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and more. If there is a whole fruit or vegetable near you, try using it in your smoothie as you make it! This can make you feel much more healthier and live ...

How To: Make pizza dough from scratch

Instead of picking up a Digiorno pizza from Albertson's tonight, try doing something a little different for a change. As many a good cook knows, fresh always tastes better, enhancing the overall flavor of your dish (not to mention offering heftier amounts of nutrients).

How To: Make a compost tea maker

Watch this 3 part video tutorial series to learn from James Rowe, owner of Earth First Lawn Care on how to make your very own compost tea maker. Compost tea will help provide nutrients to your garden, and help it to grow healthy and strong. It also helps the environment because you're recycling organic waste.

How To: Prepare a Crested Gecko Diet

In this video, we learn how to prepare a meal for a Crested Gecko with Wally. The complete nutrition for gecko's is the two-part MRP pre-packaged meals. All you have to do for these is mix with water. These are the only meals that combine all proper nutrition for your gecko and avoid killing insects that don't last long and don't provide all nutrition they need. These packages come in two parts that can be store in Ziplock bags that will last for 6 months when stored in the fridge. Not much e...

How To: Identify problems with euonymus, chinese holly & pines

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to identify problems with euonymus, Chinese holly & pines. Japonica plant is very susceptible to powdery mildew which shows up as white spots on the leaves. It also affects some other plants like roses. This will discolor and deform the leaves. You need to spray with recommended fungicide. If the disease has gone too deep into the plant, you may have to remove some badly affected foliage and then spray. You may also think of replacing th...

How To: Incorporate cancer-fighting foods into your diet

This informative video will teach you of the types of food you should include in your diet to fight against cancer. 1. In general whole grain and fiber intake help the body to fight breast cancer and other cancers. 2. Amongst the benefits of a diet rich in fiber and whole grain there is the fact that there are lower levels of insulin involved, they have anti inflammatory properties. This helps to fight cancer. 3. Oats, in particular, are a rich and unique source of anti oxidants for your body...

How To: Make a raw kale & avocado salad

The raw food coach will take you through the process of making a fantastic salad made of kale and avocados perfect for any one who follows a raw vegan diet. Avocado is full of healthy oils and just tastes fantastic. Kale is chocked full of vitamins and nutrients. By adding oil and salt your kale will transform into a soft and lovely texture.

How To: Mix a green tea facial scrub

No need to spend money at the beauty shop when you can make your own green tea facial scrub at home. This video tutorial demonstrates how to mix together a homemade facial scrub that you can store and use multiple times. This homemade mask is inexpensive and great for getting rid of dead skin cells (which can pile up giving you a dull complexion). By using the scrub when it is slightly warm, it opens pores allowing the nutrients of the mask to cleanse deep within.

How To: Transition in a triathlon

Professional Triathlon, Jessi Stensland, shows tricks to making quick and smooth triathlon transitions. She takes you through racking of your bike, bike equipment checks, gear positioning, helmet and sunglasses placement, and shoe preparations to minimize the time needed to transition from swimming to biking. Similarly, she covers the biking to running transition and shows how to position shoes, visor, identification, and nutrient packs so that you can quickly transition into the final leg of...

How To: Get rid of acne with 5 easy steps

Acne is a problem for many individuals and by following these 5 simple steps, you can be on your way to nice, acne-free skin. First, cleanse your face gently and not more than twice a day. Do not pop your pimples, which could spread the bacteria and allow them to get deeper into your skin. Avoid using too much acne medication, which could cause your skin to become too dry and irritated. Also make sure that you use noncomedogenic products. Finally, a healthy diet that has the correct blend of ...

How To: Choose healthy snacks for preschoolers

Young children have growing bodies and need healthy snacks for supplying nutrients and energy, especially preschoolers. Their little stomachs just can't handle it. Therefore, it's very important to incorporate some snacks into their daily routine. Try these tips for buying snacks for preschoolers in this nutrition how-to video.

How To: Top dress your roses

Top dressing is important for roses. Add one or two inches of good organic matter in and around the plants, taking care not to disturb the roots. Lori likes a material that is well composted, something with a lot of different sized particles, a product with a little nutrient charge included. Something with phosphorous, nitrogen, even some bone meal as well as some iron is good, since these ingredients tend to green the leaves. Top dressing will keep Roses looking good year after year.

How To: Get rid of your cold sores

Have you ever had a cold sore that just won't seem to go away? In this video, we learn how to get rid of your cold sores for good! Since there is no complete cure for cold sores, you must start with prevention. Eat a healthy diet with lots of nutrients, which will restore your immune system to fight against cold sores before you get them. If you end up still getting one, don't bite it or irritate it. You can use natural remedies or over the counter products to help relieve these and get rid o...

How To: Stop binge eating & get healthy

In this video, we learn how to stop binge eating & get healthy. Food often acts like a buffer that helps people overcome their emotions. If you are not eating enough during the day, you will be more likely to binge eat at night when your body is most craving nutrients. Late night and dinner time is when the cravings and the binge patterns most occur. When you eat more during the day you will not want to binge at night because your body doesn't crave anything. Don't skip breakfast and eat a go...

How To: Make a Nutritional Meal Plan for Youth Sports Players

Kids love sports drinks, but are they healthy for them? This video answers that question, and dissects all of the information pertaining to the diet, nutrition and metabolism of a child playing sports. Healthy eating is important for any sports player, but there are some special considerations for young children. Variety is important, but you need about 40 different nutrients to keep the kid playing well. And believe it or not, chocolate milk is actually one of the best recovery foods.

How To: Grow your own vineyard

This video explains some important things you need to know if you are thinking about growing your own vineyard. First, think about the types of grapes you want to grow, depending on whether you want to make raisins, grape juice, jelly or wine. Talk to your extension agent to find out which grapes work best for your purpose. It's important to thin out the crop and not have too many leaves on the vines, or too many grapes, because a good balance will send the sunlight and nutrients to the plant...

How To: Make oatmeal raisin asparagus cookies

Jolene Sugarbaker of The Trailer Park Cooking Show has a crazy new recipe that she wants to share with everyone. It's called oatmeal raisin asparagus cookies. Sounds interesting? Jolene insists that they are delicious. Learn how to make these oatmeal raisin asparagus cookies by watching this episode. These cookies are filled with essential vitamins and nutrients that you can't get from just any cookie. Your guests will never be the wiser that these cookies even contain asparagus in them. Alth...

How To: Master Asian beauty secrets

The alluring beauty of Asian women is celebrated around the world. And they often look years younger than their true age. Ever wondered what the secret was to the gorgeous skin of Asian women? We’ve uncovered a few.

How To: Streak an Agar Plate

Check out this video tutorial on how to streak an agar plate. What's an agar plate? Well, an agar plate is a sterile Petri dish that contains a growth medium (typically agar plus nutrients) used to culture microorganisms. Selective growth compounds may also be added to the media, such as antibiotics.

News: Living Bacteria in Clothing Could Detect When You Come in Contact with Pathogens or Dangerous Chemicals

While at work, you notice your gloves changing color, and you know immediately that you've come in contact with dangerous chemicals. Bandages on a patient signal the presence of unseen, drug-resistant microbes. These are ideas that might have once seemed futuristic but are becoming a reality as researchers move forward with technology to use living bacteria in cloth to detect pathogens, pollutants, and particulates that endanger our lives.

How To: Plant garlic in your garden for a plentiful harvest

David Epstein provides tips and shows garlic lovers how to plant garlic in their very own garden. It is best to grow garlic in the fall season from the months of September to November when the temperatures are cooler. Some people grow garlic in the spring, but it’s been found that growing garlic in the fall time will give a better crop. To begin, gather some plantable garlic bulbs making sure that you find ones that are either organic or from a seed catalog. At all cost, avoid conventional ...