Obesity Statistics Search Results

How To: 60 iOS Features Apple Stole from Jailbreakers

Overall, iOS is more impressive than ever with its stability enhancements, security tools, suite of apps and services, and intuitive user interface. With each passing update, things just get better and better for iPhone users. But don't think for a second that this is all because of Apple's genius — many of these features were at least partly inspired by tweaks made by the jailbreak community.

News: Take Action! Sign the Child Nutrition Act!

The United States is plagued by a growing epidemic, Child Obesity. While children need to be educated in the home about nutrition and the power of good foods vs bad foods, it is also important that the educational institutions they attend also uphold these same goals. Please sign the Child Nutrition act and aid its mission to get healthy and safe food into schools. We believe that federally funded nutrition programs should provide all children with the healthy food they deserve. This includes...

How To: 9 Surprisingly Toxic Foods

Tin cans have resin linings that contain bisphenol-A (BPA), which has been linked in animal lab testings to a number of ailments that include reproductive problems, heart disease, and obesity. Tomatoes are high in acidity, which means that the content of canned tomatoes eats away at the resin lining, which causes BPA to leach into what you eat. Long story short: avoid canned tomatoes at all costs.

How To: Lose Weight The Correct & Healthy Way

Obesity has ballooned into a worldwide epidemic. The World Health Organization estimates that 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and 700 million will be obese by 2015. Over 20 million children are overweight today. The reasons for these distressing figures are common knowledge: The international switch to high sugar, high fat, low nutrient processed junk foods prompted by global fast food chains and their advertising; the increasingly sedentary nature of jobs; children playing video games ...

How To: Get started with a TI-83 graphing calculator

Need to know how to use your Texas Instruments graphing calculator for your college math or statistics class? You're in luck... watch this video tutorial to see how to get started with a TI-83 graphing calculator. This will show you how to turn your calculator on and off as well as how to darken or lighten your screen. Get started with a TI-83 graphing calculator.

How To: How high is your landfill?

Think about how many things you truly throw in the trash, and how many times you empty your trash, only to be taken away by the garbage man and out of your sight. Well, the truth is that its not exactly out of your life. Statistics show that on average each person uses 350 trash bags each year, thats 100 billion all together, and the worst part aboput this fact is that it takes up to 500 years for each of the bags to decay. Thats right in your city at your landfill, bags pileing up, polluting...

How To: How Long Would It Take to Crack Your Password?

If you have any doubt about how secure that strong password you created really is, there's an easy way to check online. Just visit HowSecureIsMyPassword.net, which uses a combination of math and statistics to determine how long it would take for a PC to crack your password. It's sponsored by Dashlane, one of the top password managers available, and also gives you tips on how to make your password or passphrase stronger. The site claims the password submitted is not sent over the web, and its ...

News: Alice Waters and Her Edible Schoolyard!

Oh Alice Waters and her magical Edible Schoolyard! Back in 1994, Alice Waters and King Middle School principal Neil Smith, worked with the community to refurbish their 1930's cafeteria kitchen into a wonderland of food education. The kitchen along with a one acre garden was the begining of what turned into the Edible Schoolyard project.