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News: Why Social Media Is for Women (& the Men Who Want to Date Them)

Gender standards are entirely pervasive. We raise our sons to be masculine and our daughters to be feminine, which perpetuates the gender role formula when they grow up to be parents and raise their own children. Part of this whole equation is that boys are supposed to remain stoic and project an air of strength, and girls are expected to be amiable while being held to unrealistic standards of outward beauty.

How To: Use Traffic Analysis to Defeat TOR

As was mentioned by the great OTW last week, TOR, aka The Onion Router, has had its integrity attacked by the NSA. In an attempt to reduce the anonymity granted by the service, the NSA has opened a great many nodes of their own. The purpose is presumably to trace the origin of a communication by compromising some entrance and exit nodes. Once both are compromised, it is much easier to correlate traffic with a particular individual.

How To: Learn to Code for Free with These Online Programming Lessons

While becoming the next Mark Zuckerberg may be out of reach for someone just getting introduced to code, the skill has never been more valuable. Just understanding basic programming language is a great thing to put on your resume, and if you know how to code, you’re golden. Software developers and programmers have been the most resistant to the recession, as jobs in the tech industry continue to grow.

How To: Program faster with some PHP speed tips

If you're looking to shave a few milliseconds off the Zend Engine's work load, check out this tutorial for some PHP programming speed tips. This efficency will pay off when you have tons of traffic to your site and save you valuable server resources.

How To: Use the Facade design pattern in your PHP programming

This tutorial from JREAMdesign reviews the Facade design pattern and how it specifically relates to PHP programming. In the facade pattern, a complex subsystem and calling class are hidden from each other through the use of a Facade class. This video guide walks through the construction of a Facade and demonstrates its use.

How To: Utilize the MVC Pattern in PHP programming

The "Model View Controller" pattern, or MVC, is a paradigm of programmatically organizing an application into three parts: the Model, the View and the Controller. This video tutorial from JREAMdesign summarizes the purposes of the various components and how they interrelate with the program within this pattern. Several options for working with MVC are also highlighted.

How To: Use the string class when programming in C++

Want to know how to use the string Class in C++? Let this video be your guide. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular general-purpose programming language or a seasoned programmer merely looking to brush up on the basics, you're sure to find much to take away from this helpful video lesson. For all of the details, take a look.

How To: Store text in an array when programming in C++

Interested in storing text in an array within C++? Let this video be your guide. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular general-purpose programming language or a seasoned programmer merely looking to brush up on the basics, you're sure to find much to take away from this helpful video lesson. For all of the details, take a look.

How To: Program Roland TB-303 or TR-909 synthesizers

The Roland TB-303 and TR-909 synths are two of the four most important pieces of gear in the history of electronic music, but every year they get older, more cranky, and further away from our contemporary ideas of what an interface should look like. They can be really hard to figure out how to use, but fortunately for you this video will teach you how to program both instruments and start creating the phat tracks these devices were made to create.