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News: Samsung Pulling Latest Oreo Beta Update After Critical Bug

The Android Oreo Beta for the Galaxy S8 and S8+ has been available for nearly two weeks. Samsung started rolling out the Beta 2 update late last week in the UK, and just yesterday in the US. Unfortunately, the US version of the update firmware (G955USQU1ZQK6) experienced a critical bug with the phone app at launch. As a result, Samsung has completely pulled the US Beta 2 update for the time being.

News: With Frenzy, You'll Online Shop Like You Never Have Before

With the massive popularity of online clothing brands like Missguided and Fashion Nova, it seems that shopping in-store is a thing of the past. I admit that I love browsing from the comfort of my own bed, but there's something to be said for actually going to a store, speaking to people with similar tastes and penchants for shopping. Fortunately, with Frenzy — Shopify's new app for iOS — you get all of the convenience of online shopping, plus the opportunity to interact with other users in pe...

How To: Like the Way You Smell? You're Making Yourself More Attractive

Each morning, we spend a significant portion of our time staring into the mirror. From choosing clothes and accessories to perfecting our hair, we try to make ourselves attractive. Yet catching others' attention doesn't have to rely on preening and primping. There's some truth to the maxim of beauty in confidence—all you need to make yourself more attractive is spray on your favorite scent.

How To: Opt Out of Facebook's Creepy New Ad-Targeting Partnership with Datalogix

As if you needed another reason to lock down your Facebook profile, the company's sketchy new partnership with data mining firm Datalogix is geared towards giving advertisers more information on what you're doing—even when you're not online. It's just not enough that they can target ads based on your preferences, now they want to know how those ads are influencing your buying habits in the real world.

How To: Identify the cause of a noise coming from your car

When cars start to get older, their many fragile moving parts start to make noises they never made before. Sometimes, when your car starts making a new noise, it can be very difficult to identify what is causing the noise and what you need to do to repair it. This video offers some great tips for finding the source of different kinds of car noises, from engine noises to suspension noises.

How To: Use Gmail in new, powerful, effective new ways with settings

Gmail is the incredibly popular, powerful, and free email program that Google offers, and stock, it works really well. It has all kinds of setting that you can change to make it work better though. This video features veteran Google video maker Matt Cutts walking you through his Gmail settings, explaining ways in which he has optimized it to work for him in order to give you ideas for improving your own Gmail experience.

How To: Protect your Wordpress blog from hacker attacks

Google is one of the most powerful forces on the Internet, and their technology can be the key to helping you find success in whatever your online endeavor might be, from web design to filmmaking. This video is a part of their Google Webmaster Series, offering help to webmasters the world over on how to best utilize Google in their work. This video will show you how to ensure that your Wordpress blog is safe from the hacker attacks that are so common for Wordpress users.

How To: Optimize your deep web assets for Google

Google is one of the most powerful forces on the Internet, and their technology can be the key to helping you find success in whatever your online endeavor might be, from web design to filmmaking. This video is a part of their Google Webmaster Series, offering help to webmasters the world over on how to best utilize Google in their work. This video will show you how to optimize your deep web content, like databases and forms, to be crawled by Google using a few simple tricks.

How To: Use the Helghast StA-14 rifle in Killzone 2

Killzone 2 is the latest iteration of one of the Playstation 3's only reputable exclusive series. It's a great shooter, and has many guns that are well-balanced and each offer distinct advantages. If you want to master the game, you'd better know how to use each one properly. This video will teach you everything you need to know about the Helghast StA-14 rifle, a semi-automatic but powerful rifle for medium-range combat.

How To: Use the web browser on Android cell phones (2.0)

The browser on your Android-powered cell phone offers numerous features that enhance your overall web experience. Some of the great features include double-tapping to zoom in, searching for text on webpages, sharing websites with friends, and copying and pasting. There's a lot more, so watch this video tip from Google to see how to fully enjoy your web browser.

How To: Create the Half-Life 2 Portal storm in After Effects

Half-Life 2 and it's brilliantly creative baby Portal refuse to die, offering the same great gameplay today that they did when they were released in 2004. This video will show you how to mimic, in After Effects, a very cool effect from the game called a portal storm. It basically looks like lightning on steroids, and will give any movie that you are compositing in After Effects some really legit sci-fi flair.

How To: Use motion tracking in After Effects

Motion tracking a movie scene in After Effects is a royal pain in the butt. It takes a long time, depends largely on the suitability of the footage you are working with, and is rather confusing. This video is here to shed some light on the subject, offering many tips and tricks for basic motion tracking in After Effects. If you're having trouble getting your own scum-sucking monster to wander the desert realistically, watch this video!

How To: Take professional-quality photos using natural light

Interested in taking professional-caliber portraits but haven't time (or money) for a bulky light rig? Great results can be had by taking advantage of the available light from windows. This photographer's guide offers a number of pointers for you shooters out there. For more information, and to get started taking your own beautifully lit photos, take a look.

How To: Get yourself an agent in Los Angeles

In this video, producer and actress Kathleen Cooke, offers advice on how to find a fantastic agent in LA. You won't find much success in Hollywood without representation, so listen to Kathleen's advice and make sure you choose the right one and how to impress them so that they sign you.