Oh So Viral Search Results

News: Hackers Can Remotely Set HP Printers on Fire: Is Yours Vulnerable?

Do you own an HP printer? If so, it may be vulnerable to malware attacks. Researchers at Columbia University discovered that 25% of Hewlett-Packard printers have significant vulnerabilities that put your printer in danger from hackers—even your home. With a budget of just $2,000, researchers Salvatore Stolfo and Ang Cui were able to hack into the printers using remote firmware to install malware, and in some cases even cause the printer to catch on fire. The main issue is with the printer's c...

Tweens 'n' Teens: Charlie St. Cloud

Hey editor Mike here from thesubstream and I would like to welcome our newest contributor to the site, our tweens 'n' teens cinema specialist, my little sister Amanda. We're going to make her go watch all the movies that we don't want to see ourselves and then make her tell us and you about them. Up first: the Zac Efron vehicle Charlie St. Cloud.

News: Unconventional Edit in Mann's "Public Enemies" (DP: Dante Spinotti)

I watched Michael Mann's "Public Enemies" (DP: Dante Spinotti) last night for the first time and was struck by a very unconventional, yet effective (I think), cut. In the opening sequence (video below), Dillinger is driven up to the entrance of a prison and escorted out of the car. The scene is established in a long lens medium wide shot (probably 200mm from 150' away...Note: standard 35mm dimensions, not 2/3"). After a few steps/seconds, it cuts to a wide angle lens closeup (24-2mm from with...

How To: Download TED Talks Videos onto Your Computer with the TEDinator

The TED website offers hours and hours of amazing streaming videos, with subjects including why videos go viral and sixth sense technology. With so much great content, it make sense that you'd want to save some of it to your computer, perhaps for a long plane flight or bus ride home. Unfortunately, because TED uses a proprietary video player, you can't use the normal stream downloading sites that you would for, say, YouTube. Luckily, there's a way around that.

News: Impromptu Tear Gas Chamber

Step 1: Have most of the Jackass crew think they are doing a photo shoot for the upcoming movie. Schedule the shoot in a tear gas chamber that is dressed to look like a photo set. Have secret film cameras planted in the chamber so you don't have any obvious camera men walking around with gas masks on inside the room.

How To: Create a glossy vector logo or graphic in Illustrator

To create glossy or reflective vector image, you will need to know how to use the offset options in Adobe Illustrator and the basics for pathfinder. You will be creating a vector image that can be resized without hurting its quality. To start select you text style, which be glossy for this. You will have first a white layer, a shadow, a radiant layer, a white outline and a shadow going underneath. In this video the Oh Gizmo Logo! is being used as the template. Right click create outlines. You...

Minecraft: I'm Going Home

Back in the Super Nintendo days, playing one RPG after the other, memorizing maps and mazes became second nature if you didn't want to look at the mini map or get lost often. I would make it a point to memorize corners and the overall structure of the dungeon or location, so that graphically I would know where I am at all times. It's not like today, where major games come out with 200+ page guides detailing every last inch or going online where you can download a map or look at Youtubes for h...

News: Easy Cherry Cobbler How-To

Being from the south I am partial to cobbler, especially peach cobbler. However I had some cherries on hand that needed to be used before they went bad so decided to give this a try. The end result was a sweet decadent dessert with just the right amount of tartness. Was great served warm with vanilla ice cream but just as good the next day cold.

News: Awesome Trick with Prepaid "GoPhones" Nabs You Free Text Messaging for Life

You might be sitting there thinking that I'm crazy, but the truth is you're only partially right. You can get free text messaging for life, all for a cheap, one-time fee. But, how can that be possible? An exploit in AT&T's prepaid GoPhones is the culprit behind this sweet, oh-so rare opportunity for exploitation. The exploit grants a lifetime of free texting, assuming that the company stays afloat from now until the end of time.

How To: Make Your Own DIY Photobooth Props

The holidays are a wonderful time for people to get together and celebrate another year gone by. With all of these parties and gatherings being thrown, a "photobooth" is always a fun addition to the holiday festivities. Why not make some props to bring some extra life to your photos? In this week's Phone Snap Holiday Challenge, we are giving one lucky winner a chance to win a set of Photobooth Props from Etsy store, LittleRetreats just in time for the New Year. But if you've got some extra ti...

News: Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Taking some time to reminisce on fond memories is always pleasant to do every now and then. Since the year is winding down, why not take this moment to get a little nostalgic? In this week's Phone Snap Challenge, we'd love to see what makes you nostalgic. Post your image to the corkboard by Monday, December 19th at 11:59 pm PST for a chance to win the JOYSTICK-IT Arcade Stick for your touchscreen phone or tablet.

How To: Deep Fry Your Thanksgiving Bird

Looking for something a little more exhilarating this Thanksgiving? Something with a bit more kick? Forget traditional roasted turkey. If you've got the stomach for it, try turducken, a wonderful triplex of turkey, duck and chicken with sausage stuffing and Cajun seasoning. Or go for good ol' American fried food, the deep fried Thanksgiving bird.

How To: Find the Minecraft Easter Egg in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

This has got to be one of the most clever Easter Eggs I've seen in a long time, especially considering current relations between Mojang (makers of Minecraft), and Bethesda (makers of The Elder Scrolls and Fallout). As seen in the video below, if you go to a certain part of The Throat of the World, the highest point in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, you'll find a Notched Pickaxe. For those who don't know, Markus "Notch" Persson is the lead designer of Minecraft, and the head of Mojang.

News: Android App Solves the Unfathomable Mexaminx (Think Rubik's Cube on Steroids)

The Android Megaminxer is mind-bogglingly elaborate, impressively combining multiple geeky mediums to solve an incredibly complex puzzle. ARM, the genius behind the stunt, uses LEGOs (a Mindstorms NXT kit to be exact) to build a robot responsible for the mechanics; they then employ an Android app as the brain, which solves a Rubik's Cube—oh wait, not a simple Rubik's (that would be too easy), but a Megaminx, which is a dodecahedron with 12 faces, each face containing 5 edges. Like the classic...

News: Thirsty Plants Text for Water

Can't remember when to water the plants? Wish they could just tell you when they need watering—just call you on the phone or something? Or maybe text you, "Help I'm desiccating!" Telecommunications researcher Kate Harman has come up with the device of an absent-minded plant owner's dreams—Botanicalls. It hooks up to your plant and sends you a short text message when the plant is too dry. Each kit costs $99 and includes metal sensors connected to a microcontroller. Insert the sensors into the ...

News: What if Super Mario Was a First Person Shooter?

The classic Super Mario Bros is perhaps the most beloved video game on Earth. Almost daily, homages to Mario pop up on the web over and over and over again. Everybody loves the charming 2D world of Mario. But what would Mario look like in 3D… and moreover, what would Super Mario feel like as a First Person Shooter game?

News: Sign up for a FREE Dragon pet!

Many of you wizards out there still don't know what this Wizard101 is. Technically, I shouldn't call you wizards, but oh well, you will soon become one.So you read the overview of Wizard101 and are very interested in it. You head over to the Wizard101 website and click Play, sign up, and have a new Wizard101 account.But wait!Along that way, you are not reminded of anything about getting a free dragon or free Crowns. But now, there's a way.On the Links box on this page (or any other one), you ...

News: Groundhog 101

Beginners don't realize that they don't need to clobber every groundhog that shows up. The best strategy is to isolate the first one someplace out of the way and just leave him there indefinitely. Only one can be on your property at a time.

HowTo: Cremate Yourself into a Vinyl Record

Think you're a music lover? Then arrange to offer up your remains as the final sacrifice to the Gods of Rock. A UK company called And Vinyly offers music fans an interesting post-death "alternative": have your ashes pressed into a vinyl recording of your favorite song, or opt for a personalized recording of your last will and testament.

News: Man Spends $20,000 and 18 Months Creating Clone of Dead Lover

Sad story: a 50-year-old businessman recently lost his lover, and grief stricken, created a sex doll replica of the deceased woman. The 18-month-long painstaking process required dozens of photos to recreate an "exact" plastic copy of her face and body shape. £15,000 ($23,169) later, the clone was finished, complete with articulated joints, a titanium skeleton and lifelike skin.