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News: I hope this prank isnt going too far, but I have more.

Ok, so my friend Nathan and I play pranks a lot and a lot of them on his cousin Justin and we think Jackass might be able to help us pull the ultimate prank on him. He'll cry, piss, and shit his pants for sure if you help us do this. I hope this idea isnt going too far. This is a must read though. Read it all!Ok, so it will start off by us telling him that we have some movie part in California(he'll fall for that) and that they're flying us out there and they want him to come too. You guys wi...

News: Does This Make My Butt Look Big!?

Ok, this prank is an idea I have for part of a comedy film I am writing a treatment for, and it is dedicated to pranks and pranksters!This idea is based on women always, ALWAYS, going nuts over their butts and how big they are! Women are always so self-conscious about their weight and their butts, and always putting guys on the spot asking how they look in clothes and if something makes their butts look big, so this is dedicated to all those women out there!We would need a guy, maybe a cast o...

News: Butt room

ok what you you is you go to public restroom like mall and go to the urnals and pull your paints all the way down so when people go to the restroom the first thing people will see is your ass hanging out. people will laugh and while someone is in there hum a song

News: Spring Horse Rodeo

Ok, here is what I was thinking. You take a classic toy that most of us know as a child the horse with the springs that we all played on at one time or another. Then we strap that to a truck or trailer. Then we ride through the desert or dunes and try to hold on for as long as possible.

News: pepperballmaina

ok so my idea is you guys dress up like cowboys and indins and spreed out threw an arena during a wwe event and have pepperball guns and just start shooting eatchother but you dont do taht untell i blow th wisel and then thats when you start Warnings

News: Organize Yo'sef! Part One

It’s that time of year (in the U.S. anyway) when people are focused on getting organized -- or rather wishing they were organized. Being organized is great, it affords physical space, mental space and all but insures higher efficiency. But wishing and doing are two entirely different things. Wondering how to achieve the bliss of knowing where your stuff is? It’s easy... if you start small and don’t waste your valuable time watching TV shows or reading magazine articles on “how to” do it.

News: Famous Indie Game Makers Immortalized in 'The Indie Game Legend'

The indie game scene is constantly expanding, but in 2008, Minecraft, Braid and Angry Birds had not been released, along with all of the other indie games that established the financial viability of the format. Indie games were the all-but-exclusive purview of free Flash game sites and the proud users of TIGsource.com. The Independent Gaming Source is a massive forum for indie game developers to share their projects with like-minded individuals, while seeking help and approval of their games.

News: Yup, it's Oscar Season

So the Big Surprise News of today is that The King's Speech is Kicking Major Nomination Ass with twelve count-em 12 nominations, just brutalizing stuff like The Social Network (eight - nice try), The Fighter (seven - really? seven? that's the best you can do idiot movie?) and True Grit (ten - double figures is respectable... I guess...). How come that happened? I'll tell you. It's because North Americans freaking love rich British people.

How To: Read Guitar Tab

Guitar Essentials My friends and I would secretly scribble tab in the darkly lit practice rooms in our university even though we were educated musicians. So, being able to read tablature, or tab, is essential for beginning guitarists.

News: Fake death on my family

Ok, I dont care what prank we pull on my family. If they think I'm dead for a day or two, I think that would be great! My original idea for this I think was going too far or actually would have taken too much time and probably would have cost too much money. Hopefully this wouldnt cost too much, 'cause I think this would be funny as fuck! ha. Ok, well my family will know you're gonna be flying me out to L.A.. What if we make a plane crash and call my family and tell them that thats the plane ...

How To: Hack FarmVille with Cheat Engine

Many FarmVille farmers want money fast, or experience fast, or want to level up, or want to speed things up— make and earn things faster. No matter how long they play, they're not getting what they want, and that is to outshine everybody else. But you can't reach the top by simply playing the game.

News: So there's this new Predators movie.....

We don't often get super excited about upcoming flicks over at thesubstream.com, especially during the long, hot & more-often-than-not disappointing stretch of cinematic cruelty that summer has become. We've been hurt before. We've been buoyed up on cresting glorious waves of hype and what-ifs and heady nostalgia only to be sent hurling like a fat guy from Ohio on vacation down onto the cruel, razor sharp Jar-Jar Binks reef.

WC 2010 grim view: low scores, low attendance.

I still have hope that this will be a good World Cup... This article aggregates a lot of things that have been said about the World Cup experience this year (South Africa's infrastructure, low scoring games, uninteresting first round match-ups, etc). I've noticed in a few broadcasts that upper seating areas are not filled to capacity and maybe the vuvuzelas make up for this. I think this will change once the Knock-out stages begin, but Nick Webster has a point:

News: My Name is Kira, and I'm an Addict...

...a FarmVille addict, that is. Poor Kira is just one of many who pours way too much time and money into their virtual Facebook homesteads. Zynga’s FarmVille is the most popular of the many Facebook web games. In fact, it attracts more than 75 million players monthly.

News: April NPD Video Game Sales

April NPD Video Game Sales Every month around the second thursday the sales chart for video games and consoles are released for the previous month. They are released by the NPD group, the main company tracking video games sales in the US. Here are the top twenty games in the month of april (courtesy of Gamasutra http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=28566 ):

L4D2: The Port Finale

L4D2: The Port Finale The Third Chapter in The Passing is the Port Finale. It's similar to the Dead Center finale, where you have to gather gas cans spread throughout the map and fuel the generator to lower the bridge.

How To: Share Local Drives and Folders using Oracle VM VirtualBox with a Guest Windows OS

There are several virtual machine managers present in the market. However, the main functionality of all VMs are the same. Most people like to get free VM managers, so that they can install as many operating systems as they like over the host operating systems. One of these free VM managers is Oracle's VM VirtualBox, which can be downloaded from Oracle's website for all popular operating systems, such as Linux, Windows and Mac.

News: Blindfolded Tattoo

Exactly what it sounds like. Have one of the guys stare at a picture, try to memorize it . . . then out on a blindfold and give another guy a tattoo. He has other guys there to give him verbal instructions like "OK, a small circle and to the left a triangle) or whatever, but he can't see a damn thing. Make him drunk and it would be ever better.

News: the slimy ass shoot out

ok jackasses this is the ultimate prank.. ok what you have to do is when someone is sleeping suprise them with an airhorn, then with a bucket of all sorts of bugs, snakes, shit , and piss. then when they jump up and are like what the hell butter the floor and put marbles everywhere so they slip really bad. and then when there on the ground you put peanut butter all over them and put a but load of rats and mice in the room and shut the door then lock it so they cant get out. After you hear the...

News: exploding toilet poop

Ok look find a restroom that all the Jackass cast would would use...then replace it with a non working toilet.and the idea is that when a jackass member has to use the restroom they will sit down and poop,but inside the toilet there will be some poop hidden and that poop will explode on them and will be really gross but a great prank, and they will have poop from another jackass member.hehe sounds like great idea to me.oh yeah and it can only be one victim or maybe more who knows you guys try...

News: The Trap Door

This is the prank i want to send you guys! ok its going to be called the trap door and what you do is you have to cut out part of a floor and have to flap doors that will go down and underneath it should be like a big pool filled with a bunch of nasty things like cow poop, horse poop, mud, dead bugs, really rotten garbage, vinegar, a bunch of mulch and really bad sewage water! well guys i hope you like it and enjoy it! ive been watching you guys ever since you came out and i hope you like it ...