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News: Ribbons

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News: Mystery Game - Black Stallion!

FarmVille added a new feature today in place of the old Mystery Boxes. This is a mystery game! It costs a bit more than the old boxes did, but you are guaranteed to get at least one of each of the mystery prizes by the time all the balloons are popped, instead of wasting tons of farm cash and perhaps opening a hundred mystery boxes and never getting that one thing you really wanted. So this is a great improvement and is much more interactive than the old 'purple sparkly poof'.

News: Top 10 Ways to Fix iPhone 4 Woes

Having trouble with your iPhone 4 voice reception? You're not alone. Thankfully Apple has made it clear with press release after press release that it's not their fault, it's ours. And they're right! Apple can only do so much; if people keep messing up so badly they're going to have to buckle under the preassure and release a fully working product! Let's hope that never happens, and with that in mind we at Load Save have found the top 10 ways on how to fix your mistakes!

HowTo: Play With Fire on Camera

Here at WonderHowTo, we appreciate the fine art of photography (including its extensively vast bag of mind boggling tricks). We also enjoy playing with fire. Sorry, most of us are little boys at heart, and we can't get enough tutorials that fall within the playing-with-matches realm.

News: Dragon Age 2 First Images

The first images for the hotly anticipated Dragon Age 2 have come out, courtesy of Game Informer. The developer, Bioware, went on record earlier saying that the sequel will have better graphics and art direction than the first one.

News: Bees have come to Farmville!

Scroll to the bottom to see what the bee feature is good for! The bees are here! Farmville users have been requesting bees since the beginning of the game and a year later, they have finally given them to us! This feature is more complex than just an item though, so check back here for more information about them as I figure it out :)

News: Happy 4th of July!

Original post by FrontierVillePost Click through to see pictures! Today we got an update for the 4th of July celebration of America’s Independence Day. Because this game is based in America around the Western Expansion movement, our pioneers deserve a chance to rest from their chores and celebrate!

News: Let Me In

Here is the official trailer for the Movie "Let Me In" directed by the same dude that did Cloverfield Matt Reeves. This however is not an original movie, its a remake of a great foreign film called "Let the Right One In".

HowTo: Read Your Own Mind

The days of trundling hoops, hopscotch and painted wooden rocking horses are long since past. The latest trend in toys? Biofeedback. Electroencephalography. A decade into the 21st century, the toy market is awash in products that incorporate functional neural sensors.

News: So there's this new Predators movie.....

We don't often get super excited about upcoming flicks over at, especially during the long, hot & more-often-than-not disappointing stretch of cinematic cruelty that summer has become. We've been hurt before. We've been buoyed up on cresting glorious waves of hype and what-ifs and heady nostalgia only to be sent hurling like a fat guy from Ohio on vacation down onto the cruel, razor sharp Jar-Jar Binks reef.

News: Foursquare Launches Location Layers

I follow new brands as soon as they're available to maximize my chances of unlocking a new badge, so the majority of my friends are brands. Recently, brands like the IFC (Independent Film Channel) and The Huffington Post have been adding content in the form of a dialogue box based on the location of your latest check in "to see the world through the lenses of my favorite organizations." It was cool to read the info at first, but after getting the same info over and over I'd opt for a mute but...


I guess this leaked a couple days early. *edit* Looks like they just deleted the news post off the website, but I managed to save a copy (see below). Wow, such a solid lineup. You do not want to miss this! If I was only able to go to one San Francisco festival this summer and had to choose between this and Outside Lands, Treasure Island would be the easy winner. Even though The Strokes are one of my favorite bands and are headlining OL, I would choose Treasure Island because this line up is j...

News: The $2,400 Video Card

For $2400 this thing might as well be covered in diamonds and friend chicken. Looking to blow a month or two of rent on something less responsible? Sure, rent might put a roof over your head but it never gave you 49.99 frames per second on Crysis.

News: Eat Obama

Yummmmy. Obama's finely shaped head sure makes one hell of a sushi roll. Master chef Ken Kawasumi created this finely crafted American platter at the Tokyo Sushi Academy. The Barack Roll certainly stands out, with its black sesame hair, fish paste teeth, and small ground shrimp for our fine president's skin. I'm also digging the smiley faces: Start small. Make your own sushi now.

News: Surf Red Frog Bungalows Bocas Del Toro

Red Frog Bungalows Eco-Ocean Resort is the only resort in Bocas specializing in all ocean activities. Surfing in Bocas Del Toro is world class. We have the largest selection of new longboards, short boards and we have added 4 new Stand up Paddle boards to our quiver. We are the first and only resort to offer Stand-up Paddle surfing in Bocas

News: The Invisible-Steering Bicycle

This is one stylin' bicycle. Ok, I admit. I stared at the handle bars and marveled. Wow, the designer and driver of this masterpiece must have impeccable balance. You know, the "look ma no-hands type of balance". But I was wrong. The design is even more clever. Finnish designer Olli Erkkila installed a steering rod running through the frame. Venice Beach bicycle fetishists are drooling in envy as you read...

News: The Wonderful World of the CALF

What is the best way to level up? My answer to you is all about the calves! They're all over the feed, free to collect, and usually easy to get as there are 10 per post available. I've been collecting calves for a a long time now, because they have the best coin collect rate per day, but tonight I did some more math that proves their awesomeness!

Metro 2033: Life

What separates Metro 2033 from other FPS games? Life. There are underground towns, markets, children, music, and so much background chatter than sometimes you can't single out a particular conversation.

News: The Most "Authentic" Sci-Fi Airshow Ever

The provenance of this Sci Fi Airshow is unquestionable. With decades of experience interpreting science fiction from a written to a visual medium, Bill George is the perfect tour guide for this fantastical, photoshopped exhibit. Assembling the collective imagination of multiple authors into one Airshow is a rare treat.

News: Apartheid in New York City

Pranking is good. Pranking in New York City is even better. These jesters with too much time on their hands decided to force segregation on the mean streets of Manhattan. You may recall "Frozen in Grand Central" and "No Pants", two events which helped create a name for these out of work thespians. The genesis for Improv Everywhere happened nine years ago when one of the founders decided to tell the ladies in the bar that he was musician Ben Folds during one late night of drinking. Ummm. It wo...