One Bath Search Results

News: Team Building Excersize

Sign up for group laser tag as a team building opportunity. All but one will be equipped with paintball guns and neon paintballs. The unfortunate soul caught unaware of this prank will have only his harmless laser gun thingy to protect him while he is battered by glow in the dark surprise paintballs!

News: new one

First take a picture of a friends car. Second upload the picture to either ebay or any other place like that. Third drive the car to some were he or she will not find it. Fourth make sure you show the picture to your friend with he or she realising you did it. Fifth as he or she is looking every were like websites and other places get one of your other friends to buy it.Sixth get your friend to drive it somewere were your other friend is so that he or she can see it. Seventh try to make sure ...

News: All-for-One & One-for-All

This stunt involves the entire Jackass Crew wearing nothing but speedos and connected by ropes that are attached to them by the waist one-by-one like a linked chain. The length of the rope should be roughly 2-3ft long separating each person. A ledge or platform about 1ft in width can be either wood planks or some type of industrial metal, if all of their weight won’t be able to support the wood. This platform is sitting over a pool by a couple of feet. Inside of the pool is some kind of disgu...

News: pizza guy

we should someone go get a pizza dressed as osama bin ladin or some tarerest he should walk in and ask for a "large pizza with extra american i mean cheese" the pizza guy should be set up kinda like the taxi cab one.he should pull out a real pistol full of blanks and say"get the F**k out get out ill shoot" and have one of knoville walk in, the guy sould shoot knoxville and start spilling fake blood and then tell whoever got the pizza to get out there and pull down his pants then slip a fire c...

News: Butt room

ok what you you is you go to public restroom like mall and go to the urnals and pull your paints all the way down so when people go to the restroom the first thing people will see is your ass hanging out. people will laugh and while someone is in there hum a song

News: Fireman Fridge, microwave, and door/Johnny the fireman

"Fireman Fridge" You guys should get one of the really powerfull hoses that the fire department uses and when someone goes to open a fridge (that they don't know is rigged with a hole cut in the back of it), someone should turn the hose on and mow down the person/people outside of the fridge with the hose, it would be totally unexpected. You can even hallow out the inside of a fridge and have one of the cast members stand inside of it with a firefighter suit on and spray the victim down.And. ...

News: Dumb suiside

the first thing you do is get a dummy and go on a high bulding and tape a little speeker on the dummy and through him off screaming into the mic so people will think its real it will be so funny and make sure some of the guys are down there so no one down there will get hit.

News: Branding joust

My idea is kind of a mix of 2 things jackass have done before, you can use a bike or horses and have a brander like the one that was used on bam margera in the last movie and two of you or more will go against each other jousting.

News: Werewolf Prank Gone Bad

So... This is a prank on a prank. The first prank involves everyone getting drunk one night and drugging the "victim" (say a friend of a friend, because any jackass member would know it's a prank) to the point of unconsciousness, tearing portions of their clothes and leaving them covered in fake blood in the middle of the forest surrounded by fake dead animals (humans preferably). Thick Werewolf type hair could be stuck to the blood against their skin to imply that they were turned on that fu...

News: The Stool Jewel

This is very simple but would take a little time. Get a stone or cubic zirconia or jewel of some sort about the size of a gum ball . . . start with one member of the Jackass crew swallowing it and waits until it passes through their system and then they poop it out. When they poop it out, it gets washed off and cleaned and then another Jackass guy does the same thing and then poops it out, and then the next guy and the next guy until every dude in Jackass has swallowed it and pooped it out. T...

News: Grandma's Will

Basically, Buddy and his Grandma are out to lunch. When she doesn't finish her sentence halfway through their talk, she starts to get a little drowsy, seemingly. She is, in fact, dead. Buddy tries to wake her up, quietly at first, then a little louder. After holding her hand and weeping (hopefully, if done correctly, people should be catching on and feeling heartbroken) silently, Buddy feels her rather expensive ring, and also her other jewelry. In a hurry, Buddy grabs her ring and pockets it...

News: zipper crapper

since zipper rides have wide seats either connect two porta johns or find a "doublewide" 2 seater crapper. if you can get away with using just one crapper, cool. mount all safety harnesses and mount the the crapper in the ride mounts. have the guys fill the crapper/s up and have someone take the ride if you dont fill them with crap at least use the blue water or chocolate pudding

News: search n destroy

first pick your mark...preston would be perfect for this first..get one of your paintball guns n attach a gps to the side of it...type in his location...and BLAMM hahaharepeat wit others such as dunn...knoxville...ect. ect.or create a lil "blind" you can camp in wit paintball gun... while said people come into a perticular buildin everyone frequentsthey be like what the fuck?!? hahaha -RaVeN

News: F#*K Jeff Tremaine!

For those who were creeped out by the Knoxville mannequin, well now i've outdone myself! Just like Jackass has taken their game to a whole new level with 3D, i've taken mine to a new level...the Jeff Tremaine sex doll! Though I can't take full credit for this doozy, because Mr. Julien Nitzberg(genius behind The Wild Whites of West Virginia) came up with the idea. He suggested I make one, and he would hand deliver it to Mr. Knoxville himself(for reasons only to be kept secret).

Adrenaline Rush vs. Death: The Science of Risk

For some, adrenaline beats out every time. Though I've seen countless videos of base jumping, the sport never ceases to amaze. The video below, Last Walk Around Mirror Lake – Boom Bip (Boards of Canada Remix), is no exception to the rule. Shot in Norway, FroschYankee's footage is nothing short of stunning. *For more info, check out Adrenaline Rush (The Science of Risk), the film which this clip was featured in.

News: wrap your brains around this one.

alright so my dumb friends and I were sitting just bullshitting and came up with an idea for a gnar prank. if ya got balls though, this shit might get your ass killed. we want you guys to skydive down and land in a state correctional facilities' outdoor recreational area, and upon landing tell the people that you missed your target and then see what happens.or just make up something crazy to say like. HEY! am I in Mexico did I make it?anyway let me know what you think if ya got time. peace ou...

News: The Bull from Hell across the corner....

Hey wuz up jackass. ok my idea is to be outin the desert while wearing a short dress. then have shopping carts. BE IN CORAL. then pair up wth smebody else. one of u gets in the cart and one of u has to pull te other one. heres the tricky part. then...... REALESE THE BULL!!!!!!!!!!!! whoever lasts the longest in the coral wins .......HOPE U LIKE MY PRANK!!!!

News: The Chase!!!

What we do is get a bunch of extras who can run fairly well. What happens is we have them all standing casually in a public place (park/mall) and have the victim walking around. As he gets to a certain point one of the extras starts to follow him. Slowly at first but then gets faster until the vicitm is running. The other extras join in as the victim passes them, creating a huge stampede of people. In other words a fun way to freak the shit out of somebody.

News: Roller Derby In a Truck 2 (Prank)

- Prank either 3 to 5 members of the jackass crew. (any members) - Tell them there was a poll on asking for people to vote on which stunt they want to see revisited the most. Making Roller Derby In a Truck (from the first jackass movie) the winner. Only this time they have to do it in only thong like speedo's or completely naked (whatever you can get away with for tv.)

News: Naked Airsofting

get pistol Co2 air soft guns two for each person get thongs one person is standing by the back door and the other person is at the front door then when they say go you load your guns and run in the house and look for each other and you get point from how many times you hit them. this goes on for 3 minutes you get a total of 4 thousand airsoft bullets points:1. butt check 5 points 2. back 2 points 3. arms 1 point 4. stomach 1 point Warnings

News: clear eyes or clear stomach

I know some people have seen or have heard about a few drops of visine in drinks can make anyone puke and the Jackass crew is always looking towards that epic vomit moment especially for the camera man. So i think having a couple of rounds of drinks and a good meal and some drops of visine on that one lucky Jackass memeber would be killer!

News: Absolom Recreation - hung by hair in Tree

For those who haven't read their Bible, this is how one of Kind David's sons died. His hair was too long, and as he was riding a horse under a tree, his hair became entangled and he broke his neck. We need a jack-ass volunteer with long hair to ride a horse under a low hanging branch. Hopefully, his neck won't break, but I'm sure the pain of hanging by your hair would be fun for the viewers to watch. Perhaps we could tie the person's hands by their side so they couldn't grab the branch to rel...

News: Mumblety Peg

Google Mumblety Peg and you'll realize this is a real game our grandfathers played in the schoolyard. The object of the game is to throw a knife at the ground by your foot. Whoever gets closes wins. Sticking the knife in your foot also wins. One variation is to throw the knife at the other person's foot. This would be the jack-ass version and of course, it wouldn't end until a knife was stuck in someone's foot.

News: One on Three

Fill three glasses with coke, water, beer or stuff like that. All the members of the cast have to spit into two of those glasses and (who wants to) sneeze in them two... to make it really disgusting! Then, one blindfolded member of the cast has the three glasses in front of him, if he will be lucky he will drink the normal glass with the normal fluid in it, if he's out of luck he will drink one of the shitty glasses with all that poo in it... The guy must drink it all until the glass is empty...

News: zombie streets

zombie suit make up ok the jackass crew walks the streets as zombies then goes door to door knocking on the doors and then when they answer the door one of the jackass members scares the person opening the door and also after the jackass crew is done being zombies a jackass member runs up to another jackass member and kicks him in the nuts by suprise

News: Irving Zismans gas attack

Have Johnny disguised as IrvingZisman and turn him loose on the general population armed with "The Pooter" ( one of the most realistic fart making noise gadgets available ) to release a gas attack like they have never heard. Let him visit crowded elevators, office buildings, crowded buses, shopping malls, taxi cabs, restaurants, movie theaters, job interviews, grocery stores, churches or what ever target he chooses. This joke would even work with the entire cast of Jackass but Irving would mo...

News: No need for a paternity test for this one. The prank that lasts 9 months.

Well the title kinda expains the main idea for this. Theres no need for a paternity test for this one. Pretty simple, but funny idea. You need to find somone thats having a baby, it would be awesome if it was one of the Jackass guys, but anyways when they're in the delivery room the doctor will say they're having complications and the father has to wait outside. He'll wait for a while and then the nurses and doctors will walk out with their heads down with like a oh shit look on their faces a...

News: mace minicylce mayhem

X amounts of bear mace , 5 mini mini motorcyles , 1 bam , 1 danger , 1 knoxville , 1 ryan dunn , and the one and only steve-o ... now in an enclosed area or a busy Los Angles street (rodeo dr.) whatevers easier , each member must be sprayed with ther bear mace while trying to slalom through a verity of objects (i.e people , cars , traffic , wee man equipped with a can of mace in each hand , crocidiles etc.) for each time one of he player miss they must start again ... the winner chooses the 4...

News: Mad Cow Meat Joust

Build wooden horses for the boys to joust on. The horses are built from the shoulder up so they can be ridden low rider style, (and a fall won't totally take out a cast member. But if you feel like making scale wooden horses, be my guest.). The horses must have some sort of hard to control motivator on them, like a sheet of thick ice, casters, or I suppose regular skate board wheels would work. (but skateboard wheels would offer maybe a bit more control than I had imagined).