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How To: Make a Mini Cannon From a Lighter

I love this project. It involves fire, projectiles, electricity, and is easy to put together from commonly available parts. This mini cannon fires airsoft pellets, is fueled by alcohol, and is made almost entirely from parts found in a standard BBQ lighter. The total cost is under $5. About half of the BBQ lighters out there have a divide in the gas reservoir which makes them not work for this project. In case you have trouble finding a suitable lighter, the exact one I use in this video is a...

Earth's Shadow: Time-Lapse Video of the Total Lunar Eclipse of 12/10/11

I woke up at 4:00 am this morning in order to take some video of the last total lunar eclipse visible from North America till 2014. The eclipse was beautiful. It was amazing to watch the shadow of our planet creep slowly across our nearest neighbor. Once the shadow was blocking out most of the light from the sun, the moon was significantly dimmer and the color had changed to a reddish orange. This color is caused by the same effect that makes our sunrises and sunsets so colorful. The light fr...

How To: Get the 'Who You Gonna Call?' Achievement in Metal Gear Solid 2 HD

To understand how mind-blowing this achievement is for me, it should be known that Metal Gear Solid 2 is one of my favorite games ever made. Like, in the history of video games, this is probably my second favorite game of all time. I know every where secret, item, and Easter egg is in this game. So when I saw the footage for this achievement in the video below, you'll understand why I screamed like a girl.

How To: Revert to the Old Netflix App on the New Xbox 360 Update

By now, most of you have updated to the new Xbox look. Just as expected, it's got some great new features. The dashboard looks great and Bing integration is awesome, but I'm very unhappy about the new Netflix interface. It's awkward, slow, and half of the items don't even load correctly. I can't even play some movies. And the instant play feature is kind of annoying. When I first chose a video, I was hoping when it instantly started playing that it was a trailer, à la Zune. Alas, no.

How To: Find a Bunch of Easter Eggs for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

The latest in the Legend of Zelda series, Skyward Sword, released a few short weeks ago to very little fanfare. I have no idea why that is, because the game is absolutely gorgeous and pretty darn good. Maybe it was the fact that Nintendo forced motion controls in to this one, or maybe it was because everyone is busy playing Skyrim/Modern Warfare 3/Battlefield 3. Whatever the reason, if you even remotely like the Zelda series, give this one a whirl.

How To: Get the 'Master Criminal' Achievement in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

This was one of the most difficult achievements for me to get in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Mostly because I was never able to do something horrible enough to warrant a 1000 gold bounty. However, pms00 has a great video tutorial showing the easiest way to get the 'Master Criminal' achievement, which requires you to hold a bounty of at least 1000 gold in all nine cities in Skyrim.

How To: Make an Airsoft Machine Gun (AKA Halo Mobile Turret)

Airsoft doesn't get any better than a cloud chamber BB machine gun, aka Cloud BBMG. This design has an incredible rate of fire. If you've got a full charge of compressed air, it can easily fire more than 50 rounds per second at a 350 ft/s muzzle velocity. Since this is a legit airsoft build, it should be handled safely with the same care as any other airsoft firearm, and you should be wearing the same protective gear—protective mask, safety glasses, etc. My video details the build of this bea...

How To: Get the 'You Can Be My Wingman Anytime' Achievement in Battlefield 3

In the level "Going Hunting", you take control of the co-pilot of an F-18 Hornet tasked with shooting down enemy planes. To get the 'You Can Be My Wingman Anytime' achievement, you'll need a perfect playthrough of the level. That means you don't get hit, and all the enemy planes are shot down without running out of ammo. Do this, and you'll get 30G on Xbox 360, or a bronze trophy on PlayStation 3. If you need some guidance, check out the video below.

News: International iPhoneography Exhibition in NYC Calling for Entries

MacPhun, the company who brought FX Photo Studio to the iPhoneography community, and MobiTog, have teamed up to create the upcoming International iPhoneography Show. The first exhibition will kick off in New York on December 16-22 at The Soho Gallery for Digital Art. It will feature approximately 200 pictures captured with iPhones by over 150 different artists from around the world, making it the biggest exhibition of iPhone photography of the year. There will also be more international exhib...

How To: Make a Hyperbolic Paraboloid Using Skewers

In Monday's post, we created a sliceform model of a hyperbolic paraboloid. In today's post, we will create a similar model using skewers. The hyperbolic paraboloid is a ruled surface, which means that you can create it using only straight lines even though it is curved. In fact, the hyperbolic paraboloid is doubly ruled and is one of only three curved surfaces than can be created using two distinct lines passing through each point. The others are the hyperboloid and the flat plane.