Online Application Search Results

How To: Make an Excel 2010 File Appear as a Program with Vba

When programming an Excel-file with links between sheets and assorted macros for whatever is needed you may want the file to behave as a program so that users can not access the ribbon even by double-clicking on the top bar. Protect the code from being accessed by pressing alt-F8 or alt-F11. Make sure you can run the macro show_sheets_and_ribbon () from the opening sheet before continuing to step 3

How To: Unhide Mafia Wars (or any application) on Facebook

After the changes made to Facebook, some users are having a hard time trying to configure their options to their liking. If you’re a fan of Mafia Wars and want your updates to be posted on your News Feed, this video will teach you how to unhide this game or any other application. The easiest way to go about this is to log onto your Homepage. On the left-hand side, you’ll see a blue link that says “more.” Click into it and then press “links.” Now scroll down to the very end of the ...

How To: Navigate the homepage on an HP TouchSmart

In this video, we learn how to navigate an HP TouchSmart computer homepage (Windows 7). First, double tap the HP TouchSmart house icon. You will now see several different applications. On the top are applications that are running, on the bottom are applications that are not running at the moment. You can run your finger to scroll along the different windows that you have open. You can use Paint, internet, photos, videos and much more all at the same time! To scroll between pages, grab the top...

How To: Install any app for free using Installous on an iPhone

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to install the Installous application for the iPhone or iPod Touch. Users will need to have their iPod device jailbroken before installing. Begin by opening Cydia and select manage. Click sources and select edit. Add this source: Select your new source ( and install AppSync for your device's firmware, Then install Installous. Return to your home screen and run your new application (Installous. Now users are able ...

How To: Install and uninstall apps with Installer

This video explains how to install and uninstall applications on the iPhone or iPod touch. You click on the installer icon on the iPhone or iPod touch and it provides a list of installable applications that are available in the app store. You can then scroll through these applications and select any application that you want to install on your device. Once you have selected the application, you just click on the install button at the bottom of the screen and the application will be installed ...

How To: Fill out job applications

Job applications should be taken seriously, and filling them out with correct information, as well as specific details that make this application stand out, is an art form. Fill out job applications with tips from a career adviser in this free video on job guidance by following the instructions of the application, making it legible and addressing the value the applicant will bring to the company.

How To: Connect to Xbox Live with an iPhone & PC

In this tutorial, we learn how to connect to Xbox Live with an iPhone & PC. You will need: jailbroken iPhone with data plan, laptop, PDANET on the phone, Ethernet cord, and Windows. First, launch the application on your phone and then plug it into your laptop. After this, you need the Pdanet software, which you can download online. From here, right click on the software and connect. Next, you will connect the laptop to the Xbox console with the Ethernet cord and going to the network settings ...

How To: Install WordPress on your Mac

In this tutorial, we learn how to install Wordpress on your Mac computer. First, go online and download the application from MAMP. Once you download and install this, you will need to download Wordpress. Go to the Wordpress website and download their newest version to your computer. After it's done downloading, double click the program and click on "install". Run this locally through the MAMP folder and then find your downloads. After this, click on Wordpress and drag it into the Mamp softwar...

How To: Connect to an iPhone or iPod Touch from a PC via SSH

You can SSH on a iPod which is jail broken. To do this you will need the Cydia application. Open the application on your device. From the main menu of the application go to the search feature. Search for SSH. The first result is Automatic SSH. Click on it to download. Install the application. Go back to search and scroll down to find the OpenSSH program. Download and install it. Now from your desktop open your internet browser and search for WinSCP in Google. From the first result download th...

How To: Automate tasks in Mac OS X

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to automate tasks in a Mac OS X computer. This video will show viewers how to create a simple application, that when double-clicked, will open a new message that's already addressed to a specific person. Begin by clicking on the Macintosh HD and click on Applications. Open Automator. Users will be able to create a template for different work flows. Select Application and click Choose. On the left side of the window, there will be a list programs that ...

How To: Create a static FBML page for your Facebook fan page

This videos is a tutorial for using custom FBML coding on facebook fan page.The video begins by logging into facebook account.Then go to the search bar at the upper right hand corner and tpe "static fbml" and hit enter.This takes to the application page and click on "add to my page" below the default fbml picture.A window opens up showing a list of user pages and after selecting the page click on "add to page".Close the window and go to your fan page and click on "edit page".This shows a list...

How To: Multi task on your Blackberry

In this Electronics video tutorial you will learn how to multi task on your Blackberry. This video is from From the home screen, while holding down the Alt key, press the back key. Each time the back key is pressed, a different item will be selected on the top bar. All the icons represent the entire range of applications that are open on the blackberry. Select the ‘map’ application. Once you finish with the map application, you can switch back to the home screen by...

How To: Use GPS/navigation free on Verizon Blackberry Storm

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to use a GPS/navigation free on a Verizon Blackberry Storm phone. Begin by clicking on Browser and go to this web address: Google Maps. Now install the application onto your phone. To access it, go to Applications and select Google Maps. Once downloaded, users will be able to use the application to navigate the map. It will also trace the point of where the user is onto he map. This video will benefit those viewers wo have a Verizon Blackberry Storm p...

How To: Create an automator workflow to upload to Flickr

Learn how to create an automator workload that will upload pictures to your Flickr account in this video tutorial. Simply Google "automator Flickr." Upload it to Flickr to allow access to your Flickr account. This means you will have to sign into Flickr and allow for the application to have access to your account. Every time you use the application, you will have to give the photo a title as well as tags. You will then save the photo as an application with whatever title you want. Anytime you...

How To: Sync Twitter with Facebook

Syncing Twitter with Facebook is what we learn to do today. Go to your left hand corner and click applications. Go to browse more application and type in Twitter sync. It will pull up the application. Click on that. Go to tweet sync on Facebook and then become a fan. Then you will go to application. There are some nice options so you're not swamped with tweets. Now click on if you have a private Twitter account and enter your Twitter id. Now whatever you tweet or Twitter will automatically be...

How To: Calculate acceleration with a practical application

This academic tutoring video, made by BrainKindle, defines acceleration in simple to understand terms and shows how to measure acceleration. He shows how a plain cardboard box, pencil and string are used to make a simple pendulum, which moves as the car accelerates. Using data from the arc of the pendulum, he shows how to calculate acceleration. This is an easy method to use if you do not have an iPhone with an application to measure acceleration. A great trick for a budding scientist or phys...

How To: Set default applications for file types in Mac OS X

Oftentimes a friend will send you a PDF, MP3 or some other type of document such as a spreadsheet. When you open the file, an application opens. But sometimes it's not the application you wanted to associate with that file. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to define which programs open what sorts of files. For more, and to learn how to set filetype application defaults in Mac OS X, watch this video tutorial.

How To: Build a simple Core Data application in Mac OS X

Core Data is a powerful data-management framework introduced with Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger. When you take advantage of Core Data, it slashes the amount of custom code you need to write in order to manage application data. Opening, saving and undo management can all be handled by Core Data, freeing you to concentrate on creating unique features for your application. This video tutorial, which presents a general introduction to using Core Data, will walk you through the process of building a simple...

How To: Create an application, or app, bundle on Mac OS X

Wondering how to create an app bundle in Mac OS X? In this two-part video tutorial series, you'll learn how to create an application that is completely self-contained and is drag-and-droppable/relocatable. Frameworks, PlugIns, and Resources are embedded in the .app bundle, thus avoiding the need for installers and avoiding issues like dll-hell. There is also a quick demonstration on how to enable Universal Binary building at 15:46. Take a look!

How To: Set up app shortcuts on your Android cell phone

What's the quickest way to get to an application on your Android phone? It's a shortcut icon, much like on your Windows and Mac computers that take you to the application quick without having to dig in your applications folder. So how do you add a shortcut on your phone? Best Buy has answers. The Best Buy Mobile team explains how simple it is to set up shortcuts on your Android enabled cell phone.

How To: Write a value to a cell using VBA in Microsoft Excel

See how to use VBA to write a value to a cell within a Microsoft Excel workbook. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular digital spreadsheet application, new to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) or merely new to using the two in tandem, you're sure to benefit from this free video software tutorial from the folks at Lynda. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Run a VBA routine in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

This clip presents a general overview of how to execute a VBA routine within an MS EXcel spreadsheet. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular digital spreadsheet application, new to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) or merely new to using the two in tandem, you're sure to benefit from this free video software tutorial from the folks at Lynda. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Get started using FileMaker Pro 11

This clip presents a general introduction to FileMaker Pro 11, providing special emphasis upon the application's new features. Whether you're new to FileMaker Pro database management program or just want to learn how to take advantage of FileMaker Pro 11's new features, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial from the folks at Lynda. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this handy FileMaker Pro user's guide.

How To: Automatically hide other apps with QuicKeys in OS X

This clip demonstrates quick and simple QuicKeys workflow that automatically hides other Mac OS X applications when a specified application is opened. This quick clip presents a general introduction to creating macros and automating processes within Mac OS X using QuicKeys 4. Whether you're new to Startly Software's popular macro and automation application or are merely looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're certain to be well served by this free video software tutorial. For mor...

How To: Wrap text around an image in Microsoft Word 2010

Learn how to add use text wrapping in your Microsoft Word 2010 documents. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular word processing application application or a seasoned MS Office professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the Word 2010 workflow, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, and to get started wrapping text around images in your own Word documents, watch this free video guide.

How To: Swap between applications with the OS X app switcher

Want to switch between various open applications via keyboard shortcut? With Mac OS X and the app switcher tool, it's a breeze. It's so easy, in fact, that this home-computing how-to can presenta complete overview of the process in just over two minutes. For more information, and to get started using this essential window- and life-changing key command yourself, take a look.