Opportunities Report Search Results

How To: Make a defense-splitting pass with Ricardo Kaká

This video demonstrates how to make a defense-splitting pass. You need to see three very important factors. The first one is you need to see the opportunity. Secondly, you need to choose the right moment. And third, you must be able to put the right weight on the pass. Learn to control your ball so that you are in the position to make a killer pass. Train yourself to be able to improve on these aspects. The more you train yourself the more you will be able to successfully do it in real matche...

How To: Perform a false push through riffle shuffle with cards

The riffle shuffle is the most basic of card shuffles, one that most card players and magicians can perform easily. False riffle shuffles, however, are difficult to perform convincingly, but essential for the effective performance of card magic or for cheating your friends at the card table. Whether you are a magician or a gambler, this trick will aide you in deceiving whoever it is you plan on deceiving for fun, profit, or both. The card trick master in this video performs the move three tim...

How to Cook Indian food: Keema (ground beef stew)

Add some spice to dinner tonight by cooking up some exciting Indian fare! Cook up a delicious stew with ground beef, common spices found in most kitchens, and some versatile, delicious spices commonly associated with Indian cooking. You might not coriander or turmeric in your kitchen right now, but this is the perfect opportunity to add them to your culinary ventures. This dish is healthy and savory and is sure to bring some exciting new flavors to your kitchen and dining room table!

How To: Use the PivotTable report feature in Microsoft Excel 2011

Looking for a quick primer on how to use PivotTable (or Pivot Table) reporting in Excel 2011? This video will show you how it's done. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular digital spreadsheet application, new to Excel 2011 or even an expert merely looking to brush up on the fundamentals, you're sure to be well served by this quality video tutorial from the folks at Lynda. For all of the details, and to get started employing PT reports in your own MS Excel '11 projects, watch the video.

How To: Change verb tenses when reporting in English

In this video, we learn how to speak English using verb tenses. Verb tenses will not change if you are reporting facts, general truth, or immediate reporting. In all other situations, you will change verb tenses. An example of this is "I will buy balloons" can change to "she said she would buy balloons". This shifts a sentence back to a different tense. When shifting verb tenses back future and present go to the past and past goes to past perfect. Practice changing verb tenses in different se...

How To: Use reported speech with modals in English

In this video, we learn how to speak English: reported speech with modals. Modal verbs include: must, should, and could. The expressions include: have to and supposed to. By reading the sentences, you will see which words can or cannot be changed. If the word changes the meaning of the sentence, you cannot use it with the sentence. In reported speech, you do not change perfect modals, which are word that are in their past forms. Modal verbs that do change include "can" being switched to "coul...

How To: Easily write an SEO report

If you don't know what SEO means, it stand for search engine optimization. It's something that is commonly used with the process of improving the quality of traffic that a website recieves. In this tutorial, you will find out how to easily write an SEO report giving details about how things are going with making sure your website is being viewed by everyone. Enjoy!

How To: Deal with an incompetent boss

Millions of workers report to a moron. Here’s how to deal if you’re one of them… A worker, that is. Reporting to a moron. Going over your boss' head can be dangerous, so be careful not to jeopardize your career and reputation. Watch this video job advice tutorial and learn how to deal with an incompetent boss.

How To: Photograph wildlife

In this video, we learn how to photograph wildlife. When you go to take photos of wildlife, you have to be very careful and quiet so you can get up close to these animals. You don't want to disturb them or make them come charging at you. Use your camera to capture their true beauty in their own serene and peaceful environments. Don't yell out or chase the wildlife, or you will scare them away and you won't get any photos. There are hundreds of amazing photo opportunities out there, you just h...

How To: Craft a ladybug using a stone with your kids

Your yard is full of free crafting opportunities! In this tutorial, learn how to take an ordinary stone and turn it into an adorable ladybug. In this craft project, grab a nice flat stone, some paints and some googly eyes and put together a cute little friend for your kids to enjoy. This project is not difficult and can be done (with a little help) by kids of all ages.

How To: Perform hip opening tiger stretches

In this video from Shiva Rea we learn how to perform hip opening tiger stretches in yoga. Shiva oozes with sensuality and loves what she does. Coming forward into a lunge, take right arm in front of right shin, turn head to right side, and come back into the runner's stretch. Next time you come forward you can tuck the left toes under and turn to the left, a give a HA HA cough. And last, come forward, you can come to the edge of the right foot, turn head to the right, and get even lower, and ...

How To: Draw a male chibi character

Want to draw a male chibi? This video will show you how. First, draw a circle. Second, draw a tiny triangle underneath the circle. This will be the body of the chibi. Then, draw two little circles for eyes in the center of your face. Next, draw four little ovular rectangles for the limbs of the creature. Now you must give definition to your chibi's eyes by emphasizing them with dark shading. Lastly, add the rest of the clothes on depending upon your preference. The author takes the opportunit...

How To: Tie the Tea Cup decorative knot

If you're into arts and crafts then you know that there is more that you can do with a long piece of string than just tie your shoes. On this TyingitAllTogether video you have the opportunity to tie the teacup decorative knot using one long piece of string folded in half. The author of the video first shows you what the end product will look like then methodically begins to walk you through setting up the string in Y-configuration to "crossing each bights crook" which involves overlapping and...

How To: Fun carve while skiing

Learn how to ski by watching "The way to better skiing." This skiing tutorial sequence consists of 11 professional teaching videos taught by six of the best Danish ski instructors for all levels in all terrain: Lasse Lyck, Klavs Klavsen, Rasmus Lundby, Tue Bak, Martin Hulten and Pernille Hornhaver. In the eighth lesson, learn all about fun carving. Fun carving is a new way of skiing. With short fun carving skiis and the ultra short snow blades, new opportunities for fun on a slope have opened...

How To: Eye gouge someone in self defense

This is the #1 Self Defense Technique for Women's Self Defense or for anyone for that matter. Even with over 20 years of martial arts training I myself would use this technique because it is by far the most effective and delivers the outcome we want ,which is to be released or to provide means to escape. Think about it, could someone attack you and defend their own eyes while not obscuring their own eye site? Also in the event of a confrontation the eyes will most likely come available at one...

How To: Get your official SAT score from College Board online

The SATs are a very valuable college entrance test and could determine if you're accepted or denied to your favorite university. So, once you've learned to ace the SATs and have already taken your test, get your scores as soon as they're out! Don't sit in dreaded anticipation— go to College Board and get your SAT test results now!