Opposing Intercourse Search Results

How To: Do self-inducing labor techniques

Does that baby just not want to budge? If you are towards the end of your pregnancy, or long overdue and nothing seems to be working, check out this tutorial. In this video you will receive tips from Dr. Lisa Gibbons, an OB/GYN at Cascadia Women's Clinic in Vancouver, Washington. Dr. Gibbons will share with you all of her expertise on how to make that baby come faster and give your body a break.

How To: Increase the chances of conception & pregnancy

So you've decided that it's the right time for a baby. In this video, Lisa Gibbons talks about how to increase your chances of conception. She explains that knowing your menstrual cycle is key to understanding when you might ovulate. You can also check your basil body temperature and she explains the steps to track this month to month. Ovulation prediction kits are also available over the counter and she explains how to use them to increase your chances. The last thing that she covers is how ...

How To: Turn an LCD screen into a simple EL (electroluminescent) display

Electroluminescent (EL) materials light up when electricity passes through them, as opposed to more common incandescent lights that respond to heat. EL displays are becoming very popular in advertising and art,but getting them or the materials to make them can be expensive. Watch this video to learn how to turn an LCD into a simple EL display, and also how superglue can be used as a cheap dielectric in this sort of project.

How To: Defend in FIFA 11 for the PlayStation 3

If you're new to football (soccer) and are confused about how to defend against the opposing team, this vide directly from the developers at EA is designed to help you out. You will learn about basic defense moves including switching players, challenging, standing tackles, slide tackles and more!

How To: Apply the CAGED system over minor chords

The CAGED system is an amazing way of organizing the fretboard to allow you to find any chord on any place of the neck and instantly have a shape to play on, a scale, a triad and even an arpeggio. In this video you learn how to apply the method with minor chords as opposed to major chords.

How To: Make rounded photo corners in Photoshop Elements

This is a simple Photoshop Elements tutorial on how to make rounded photo corners for quick and tidy effect. See how to make photos with one, two, or opposing rounded corners. This could be turned into an overlay, too! This is a great, detailed Photoshop tutorial on rounding your picture corners. Easy to learn.

How To: Use wood stain

In this video we are shown the proper way to stain wood. For the demonstration in this video our host uses oak cabinets. Wearing rubber gloves, use a rag to apply the coat of stain. You will want to apply two coats of stain followed by a coat of polyurethane to protect your stain and the wood itself. A rag will ensure an even finish, as opposed to a brush that doesn't always get into the cracks and does not get the coverage that a rag does. With a brush you will have to worry about the bristl...

How To: Write an argument essay thesis

In this three-part instructional video hosted by English Ryan, learn how to write an effective thesis for an argument essay. In an argumentative essay, one not only relays information about the topic or position they are trying to argue, but also presents an argument with the PROS (supporting ideas) and CONS (opposing ideas) of the argumentative issue. One must clearly take a stand on either side of the issue and write as if persuading an opposing audience to adopt new beliefs or behavior. In...

How To: Cut up a chicken for saute

It is usually less expensive and fresher to purchase a whole chicken as opposed to pieces. In this two part tutorial, learn how to cut up a whole chicken for cooking with Rob Hinsley, head of Hospitality & Catering at Stoke on Trent College in the UK.

How To: Find the volume of a rectangular prism

Another thing you will learn in geometry is volume. In this tutorial, learn how to find the correct volume of a rectangular prism. A rectangular prism is a three dimensional object, which is why you are searching for volume as opposed to area. Check out this video and see just how easy it is to calculate rectangular volume.

How To: Play Beirut's "Elephant Gun" on ukulele

This video tutorial demonstrates the ukulele strum to Beirut's "Elephant Gun." The strumming pattern is as follows: Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Down, Up, Down. When you strum, use your finger as opposed to your thumbnail and pluck just the C and G strings (or in this case C# and G#). And that's it. For a complete video walkthrough, watch this helpful ukulele lesson.

How To: Form rough agate into polished cabochons for jewelry

Learn how to turn rough agate into a beautiful drop shape cabochon by hand from a qualified lapidary at Holts, London. A cabochon is a gemstone which has been shaped and polished as opposed to facetted. The resulting form is usually a convex top with a flat bottom. Use this technique of forming softer stones into smooth oval shapes for fine jewelry.

How To: Install awning mounts onto Thule's load bars

Learn how to install a ladder rack awning onto Thule's professional load bars as well as their other lines of load bars. One technical note here, this awning is specified for three load bars, instead of the two shown in this video. Chances are this will be used on a van as opposed to a pickup truck bed but everything still applies to that application.

How To: Play a linear sequenced blues riff in E on guitar

If you are looking for some new licks to incorporate into your solos on the electric guitar, then this how to video is a great place to start. In this guitar lesson you will learn how to play a linear blues lickin the key of E. A linear lick is played up and down the neck of the guitar as opposed to in one small position. Watch this how to video and soon you will be able to play this linear blue guitar lick based in E.

How To: Build a French cleat storage system

The Wood Whisperer is Marc J. Spagnuolo, a professional and passionate furniture maker, who also contributes to Fine Woodworking and Popular Woodworking. In this video, Spagnuolo shows us how to build a French cleat storage system. It's a very versatile unit, and gives you plenty of storage space without cluttering up a room.

How To: Fast on Yom Kippur

Giving up food and drink is an important part of this Jewish holiday, the Day of Atonement, because it helps focus the mind on repentance. Stay strong mentally and physically with these tips.

How To: Use Spread Offense to Improve a Youth Football Team

The spread offense is the newest, most exciting offense to come out of college football. It creates a lot of exciting big plays and confounds more old-fashioned defensive formations and coaching. This video explains some of the basic formations and techniques of the spread offense so that you can use it to improve the performance of you 11-12 year old's football team. If Jim Tressel can't figure out how to stop it, the opposing coach that you are facing in your youth's league probably won't b...

How To: Perform a kickflip on a street skateboard

Street Skateboarding: Take It to the Streets The guys on the prefab ramps and half-pipes make the X Games headlines, but the real frontier of the skateboarding world is out on the street, where everyday obstacles become the tools of the trade. Find out here how to turn your street into a house of shred. Watch this video tutorial to see how to perform a kickflip on a street skateboard.

How To: Prune a rose tree (standard)

If you'd like to have a rose tree, or rose 'standard' as opposed to a rose bush, this video will show you what to do. You'll need some pruning shears and of course, a rose bush. This video is really helpful in instructing what to look for when you're trimming, and what branches to take and leave in order to avoid your rose treasure getting a disease. A rose tree by any other name would smell the same, but it would be called a rose standard. FYI.

How To: Freeze a beaker to wood

Chemistry can be very fun when you create different kinds of reactions between elements. Note that caution should be employed to not harm yourself while performing these reactions. Ammonium Tricynate reacts with barium hydroxide octahydrate in endothermic form. Endothermic reactions are those which absorb heat from the surroundings during the reactions as opposed to exothermic reactions which produce a lot of heat during the reaction. When endothermic reaction occurs, depending up on the inte...

How To: Set up Windows XP mode in Windows 7

An interesting feature of Windows 7 is the ability to run Windows XP in a virtual machine in order to use applications that don't currently work with Windows 7. This is different than using other virtual machine options because in the final version of Windows 7, several versions will ship with this for free as opposed to other options such as purchasing VMWare and an XP license.

How To: Use & understand chemical equilibrium in chemistry

This is a video tutorial in the Education category where you are going to learn how to use and understand chemical equilibrium in Chemistry. This video answers a question about the contact process. This is a process by which sulphuric acid is made where they take sulphur, react it with oxygen to make sulphur dioxide and react it with more oxygen to make sulphur trioxide. The equation here is 2SO2 + O2 will give us 2SO3. This reaction is exothermic, that means it will give out energy in the fo...

How To: Tie a kerchief scarf

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to learn how tie a kerchief scarf. Begin by opening the square scarf and then fold the points together on opposing sides to create a triangle shape. Now place the triangle on your chest, with the pointed tip facing downwards and bring the end points around your neck. Users may choose to let the end points hang down loosely or tick them under for a more fuller look. For a more asymmetrical look, turn the scarf to one side. This video will benefit those...

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