Optimized Cell Search Results

News: Turn Google Maps into a Trippy Kaleidoscope with Rorschmap

Gone are the good old days of McNally Maps and Thomas Guides. When you have something as powerful as Google Maps, why bother with anything else? Plus, you can have way more fun with Google's version compared to its paper counterparts. You can find cool things, create a fake chase sequence, and even prank the whole world into thinking you're dead. I imagine the only enjoying thing you can do with those paper maps is make paper airplanes, maybe some decoupage.

News: Microsoft Releases Sneak Preview of Touch-Friendly Windows 8

Microsoft recently released the first sneak peak of their new operating system, Windows 8, and it's a pretty big departure from the last few major updates. The new Windows 8 was built from the ground up, and is designed primarily as a touchscreen interface, which is perfect for the expanding tablet market. They've ditched the clunky start screen that's dominated Windows 95 through Windows 7, replacing it with grids of application tiles, similar in functionality to an iPad or Android tablet, a...

How To: Play the Snake Game Online (YouTube, Gmail & Facebook)

It's 1976. The hottest arcade game on the market is Blockade (or Blokade), an 8-bit maze game for 2 players. You and your opponent must move your characters around the screen in 90-degree angles, leaving a solid line behind them. Whoever runs into one of the solid lines first, loses. But soon you'll be able to play this fascinating game from the comfort of your own home—

SUBMIT: Your Craziest Funny Face Photo by January 30th. WIN: Massive Gummy Bear

This week's challenge will be the final Phone Snap Challenge, so let's make this count, everyone! To close off Phone Snap, we'd like to get a little silly. So start practicing all of your funny faces in the mirror and get those photo editing apps ready! Photograph somebody's funny face with your cell phone—whether it be your own, a family member's, a friend's, or your pet's, and post your very best shot to the Phone Snap community corkboard.

SUBMIT: Cell Phone Photo of a Silhouette by January 9th. WIN: SuperHeadz Wide and Slim 35mm Camera

In this week's Phone Snap Challenge, we would like you to experiment with lighting and mood setting to create a silhouette. A silhouetted photograph contains a subject that is defined with an outline, appearing dark against a bright background. The subject generally appears dark, without any detail, while the background is bright and more exposed. Silhouettes in photographs appear to be simple, yet they can convey a sense of drama and emotion. Before you get started, check out this guide on h...

News: Polish Artist Recycles 300 Dead Computers into Giant Installation

Electronic waste (or e-waste) is becoming a bigger and bigger problem thanks to the rapid growth of technology. In 2009, the United States produced 3.19 million tons of e-waste in the form of cell phones and computers. It's estimated that 2.59 million tons went into landfills and incinerators with only 600,000 tons actually being recycled or exported. Recycling programs just aren't cutting it, so what's the next best thing? Art.

New Bronze Audio Format: Never Play a Song the Same Way Twice

Thanks to digital media, music lovers can listen to the newest tune from their favorite band whenever they want, however they want. Audio files can be played in many different formats on many different devices, from iTunes on your computer to Pandora on your cell phone. The music you love will always be instantly available to you, note for note, word for word—just how you like it. But as a result of today's software-driven world, you now have another, less static option for listening to your ...