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How To: Use macro security options in Excel 2007

Some times when you upgrade your Microsoft Excel software to Excel 2007 your old macros may stop working. Some times this may be due to the settings and by enabling the macros you can get your old macros to work. Macros are turn off by default in Excel 2007. You can turn this on from the macro security settings. But the settings option is it self completely hidden. You cannot find it in any of the tabs present on the top of the program. Even the macros option present in the view tab has no se...

How To: Install Installous on your iPhone and iPod Touch

This video shows the method to install 'Installous' on your iPhone and iPod Touch. The first step involves opening up 'Cydia' on the iPhone or iPod Touch. After opening Cydia go to manage and then go to the option of 'Sources'. The resultant window will show an option named hackulo.us. Add this cydia.hackulo.us to the source. The resultant window which opens shows various sections. Find the section of Hackulous in the window. Go to the Hackulous section and find the option of 'Installous'. In...

How To: Operate the Blackberry 8330

Learn how to operate the latest Blackberry 8330 in simple steps. Follow the steps below to overview the Blackberry 8330: 1. First switch on your Blackberry by pressing the power button on its top. 2. Use the 'Trackball' to navigate around the menu options and press it to select an option. 3. The 'Send' can be used to call a contact, the 'Menu' key opens a list of options, then the 'Escape' key is used to end an application and the 'End' key is used to end a call. 4. You can find on the left s...

How To: Use Sony Vegas' audio tools

First of all put your video on the timeline where you have a wave form representing your audio track control tools. If you right click on the audio tracks then you get a lot of options available to you. Click on the 'switches' then 'normalize' and this shall choose the highest peak and calibrate the whole audio to that peak. So if your audio is little low or it is too noisy then you can normalize it. Now click on 'channels' and then you have the option of picking left or the right channel. No...

How To: Forward a domain with GoDaddy.com

Ken Appleby demonstrates how to forward a domain with GoDaddy. First, open your web browser and log onto your GoDaddy account. Click the domain manager option on the left hand side of the home page and log in if necessary. Choose the domain that you would like to forward. Find the forwarding option which is located on the top central portion of the domain manager window. Tick the enable forwarding box. Then, type the address that you would like to forward your domain to in the forward to box....

How To: Use Windows Vista's snipping tool to make a screen cap

How to Make Anything demonstrates how to use Window Vista's snipping tool to make a screen capture. With previous operating systems, you'd have to install a third party application to make a screen capture. To find the snipping tool in Windows Vista, go to the start menu and type "snipping tool" into your search box. The snipping tool box will appear. Click on the options tab. In the next screen, tick display icon in the quick launch toolbar to enable the snipping tool in the toolbar. Click o...

How To: Defragment the hard drive in Windows 7

De-fragmenting a hard drive improves the performance of a hard drive and it is recommended to de-fragment your hard drive from time to time as shown in this video. In Windows 7 you can use the Disk De-fragmentation tool. To do this go to the start menu and open the Control Panel. In the right column select the Performance Information and Tools. Now in that window in the left hand column select the Advanced tools option. In that new window scroll down to the Open Disk De-fragmenter link. Click...

How To: Use the AutoPlay feature in Windows 7

In this video the instructor shows how to use the Auto play feature in Windows 7. Auto play is an old feature which was also available in Windows XP and Windows Vista. When you insert any removable media into your computer like a CD, DVD or a USB thumb drive, Windows automatically pops up a Auto Play window where it gives you various options that can be performed on the recently inserted media. This feature is very helpful and helps you open your media very conveniently. The Auto play window ...

How To: Insert and remove page numbers in MS Word 2007

This video will demonstrate the process to implement page numbers in your Microsoft Word 2007 documents. The video starts out by showing the Insert Tab on the Microsoft Word 2007 Ribbon. On the Insert Ribbon, you will see an icon titled Page Number. All of the Page Number options are available when you click the down arrow directly beside the icon. The are many different position options such top of page, bottom of page, page margins, or current position. The customization options are as endl...

How To: Hide/unhide files and folders & view/edit extensions

This video shows you how to easily hide or unhide files and folders and how to edit extensions of files. The first thing you have to do to hide or unhide files and folders is to open Control Panel and then open Folder Options. Next, click the View tab in the upper menu and check one of the following options: Do not show hidden files and folders or Show hidden files and folders. You can hide a file or a folder by making a right-click, then clicking properties and then check the Hidden File box...

How To: Take & edit photos & videos on the LG enV3

Cell phones aren't just for calling people anymore! The LG enV3 offers a ton of photographic and video options which this video shows you how to use to their full potential. Not only can the LG enV3 record photos and video, you can edit and enhance them as well. There's even a Face Beautify option for your bad hair days, and a Funny Face setting to brighten up any frowns.

How To: Customize a website left panel in XSitePro 2

This web development software tutorial shows you how to create a custom left panel for a website using XSitePro 2. The options for XSitePro 2 have changed from XSitePro 1. Now, it's easy to change the right panel, but the options to change the left panel have been hidden. Watch as Jason shows you how to rebuild the template in XSitePro 2 to allow you to modify and customize the left panel.

How To: Create drag-and-drop file copies and aliases in OS X

When you drag files or folders on your Mac OS X system from one location to another, you expect them to be moved to the new location and not copied. In this video tutorial, you'll learn two things you can do while dragging these files and folders to change the default behavior. Learn to copy and create file aliases using the option and option buttons with this OS X video tutorial.

How To: Shut Down & Restart the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max & iPhone XR

The iPhone X ushered in the Swiss Army Knife-like Side button, which can perform numerous functions, such as summoning Siri and opening Apple Pay through click gestures. This has carried over into the iPhone XS, XS Max, and iPhone XR, so if you've upgraded to one of these devices from a Home button-equipped iPhone, you'll have to learn how to shut down your new device.

Kodi 101: How to Customize the Main Menu

The default look for Kodi is a menu that shows all of the possible media playback options available to the media player. From movies to radio, Kodi's main menu has an option to meet your needs. But everyone's needs are different, and sometimes we don't want all of these options.

How To: Add a Full "Reboot" Menu to Android 5.0 Lollipop

If you're someone who likes to customize their user experience, stock Android is a lot like a blank canvas. The firmware that comes preinstalled on Nexus devices is just Android—no manufacturer skins or carrier bloat involved. This simplicity opens up the door for many root mods and flashable ZIPs that can be installed in a custom recovery.

How To: Tweak System Settings & Activate Hidden Features in Yosemite with TinkerTool

Most diehard Mac users have used TinkerTool at some time or another, and if you haven't, it's time to start. Whether it's to change your system's font or to disable UI animations, it seems like anything you could ever think about tweaking in Mac OS X is doable through TinkerTool. And now, developer Marcel Bresink has updated his app to work with Yosemite, so let's see what it can do now.

How To: Set up payment and shipping options when selling on Etsy

Need some help figuring out how to create shipping profiles when selling on Etsy? This brief video tutorial from the folks at Butterscotch will teach you everything you need to know. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get learn more about setting up payment and shipping options as a seller on Etsy, take a look.

How To: Implement an option button or check box in a Visual Basic application

In this video guide, you'll learn how to implement an option button or check box within a Visual Basic 6 application. free Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular event-driven program language & IDE or a seasoned developer merely looking to improve your chops, you're sure to find benefit in this free Visual Basic programming lesson. For more information, including a complete demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.