Oral Hygiene Search Results

How To: Insert a reusable menstrual cup

Learn how to insert a reusable menstrual cup with this feminine hygiene tutorial. The menstrual cup is a great alternative to disposable tampons and pads. It is very cost effective and friendly for the environment. With regular sanitizing, the menstrual cup can last years. This video is specific to the Mooncup menstrual cup, although most menstraul cups are inserted in the same fashion. Watch this how to video and maybe you will decide to use a menstrual cup during your next period.

How To: Get pink eye from your makeup

Carolyn Dickerson teaches viewers about the connection between pink eye and makeup! Your pink eye may first start off and seem like a cold in your eye! Sometimes you may not know which pink eye you have. If the week progresses and your pink eye does not get any better, then you do not have a viral pink eye! It will continue to get worse if your eye does not drain properly! First, you can use sulfur based drops but this may be too much. You can also use a oral antibiotic! Swelling, draining an...

How To: Help stretch marks, teeth, cellulite, and scars

Simple but effective tips for a better and beautiful you. For a whiter teeth use a toothpaste with a high fluoride content such as Sensodyne. Brush teeth as usual but avoid rinsing your mouth and do not spit off all the fluoride and let it stay in your mouth. Do this every night. For scars, stretch marks, cellulite, anti-aging, dry skin, use bio-oil. It is pure saline oil and a non greasy formula that has healing properties. Just spray a little bit of bio-oil to the affected area. for underar...

How To: Avoid Diabetes

Diabetes is a well known metabolic disorder occurs due to disturbance of insulin level in the blood leading to high glucose level which has a very serious impacts on our body To Avoid Diabetes; You Have to Do Four Things

How To: Prepare my child for going to the dentist

More than 25 percent of children in the United States have cavities by the time they are 4 years old, sometimes as early as age 2. Regular dental checkups are one way to help your child maintain good oral health. This program offers some ideas on how to prepare your child for that first trip to the dentist and what you and your child should expect. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children receive a dental exam after their first birthday. However some dentists, including our...

How To: Treat alopecia or hair loss

Alopecia is also known as hair loss. he most common form of alopecia or hair loss that we see is alopecia areata. It usually shows itself as round patches of hair loss on the scalp, however, it can affect the facial hair and body hair. Learn some tips on how to slow and treat the loss of hair in this medical how-to video.

News: Dogs Could Be Spreading Antibiotic-Resistant Infections to Their Owners

Our canine best friends could spread our bacterial worst nightmare, according to a recent study. The problem with drug-resistant bacteria is well known. Overused, poorly used, and naturally adaptive bacteria clearly have us outnumbered. As science drives hard to find alternative drugs, therapies, and options to treat increasingly resistant infections, humans are treading water, hoping our drugs of last resort work until we figure out better strategies.

How To: Keep your teeth healthy

In this how-to video clip series on how to maintain healthy teeth and gums, learn how to practice good dental hygiene, including how to prevent gingivitis, plaque buildup and cavities, how to brush your teeth properly, whether to use an electric toothbrush, how to clean your tongue, how to prevent bad breath, how to floss correctly, and other tips and techniques for a healthy mouth.