Outstanding Profile Search Results

How To: Get FeedingBottle Back in Kali 2.0

Back in Backtrack5 there was a nice GUI addon for the aircrack suite called feedingbottle. I liked it because it simplified easy tasks like fake auth with a click of a button. I was hunting for sources and it seems that all I could find was an ubuntu deb package from 2013. It was a little tricky installing it on a 64-bit system so I thought I would write a quick how to. Feedingbottle is an x86 package so you must install the corresponding libraries. If they are missing you will get a "bash:.....

How To: Privacy? What Privacy? Quora Now Publicly Shows the Posts You View: Here's How to Disable It

In an effort to help posters see the various ways that people discover their posts, Q&A site, Quora has decided to make who views each post, public, along with information on how each viewer came to see the question (ex: through an email, a followed tag, or other public stream). This would probably be an interesting, helpful, and universally liked feature, except for one thing...

How To: Text Facebook for a Temporary Password to Protect Your Profile on Public Networks

We all know the dangers of logging on to our personal accounts on public networks, but we pretty much all do it anyway—especially when it comes to Facebook. But the next time you're in a public place and can't wait to check out your Facebook news feed, use this simple trick to make sure that no one gets a hold of your password. In order for this to work, your mobile phone needs to be linked to your Facebook account. All you have to do is text "otp" (for one time password) to the number 32665.

How To: Install "Incompatible" Firefox Add-Ons After Upgrading to the New Firefox

To the displeasure of many loyal Firefox users, Mozilla has been deploying what seems like a new marketing strategy to "catch up" to Google Chrome. I have no idea if this is because the version number is higher than theirs, but it is downright annoying. It's not all complaints, though. Firefox has done an amazing job at completely revamping its source code and redesigning all of its engines, making it a more than worthy competitor to Chrome. However, we are displeased with Firefox because eve...

News: Google+ to Support Pseudonyms, Google Apps & More

Since its inception, Google+ users have been a loud, vocal bunch, and they've made their displeasure known about many issues, especially on the lack of support for pseudonyms, Google Apps, and brand pages. It's been especially galling for many Google loyalists, who found their Google+ profiles suspended, when they ended up violating the Google+ "common name" policy.

How To: Share Your Laptop's Wireless Internet with Ethernet Devices

Sharing a laptop's wireless Internet connection with other computers connected to its Ethernet port is a great skill to know. It can be good for a number of reasons; Your computer may not have proper hardware to have a standard setup, or you may have an awkward network topology where sharing your wireless Internet via Ethernet would just be a better option.

News: Should Google+ Require You to Use Your Real Name?

Google started culling Google+ accounts. There are two main targets: businesses and those who are using pseudonyms. For businesses, Google is promising to provide their own version of Facebook Pages, which will be released later this year. For those who use pseudonyms, they aren't so lucky. According to Google+'s community standards, users must "use the name your friends, family, or co-workers usually call you". The purpose of this rule is ostensibly to discourage spammers and people from set...

News: The $25 USB Stick Computer

Earlier this month, game developer David Braben and his Rasberry Pi nonprofit foundation revealed a $25 USB PC. The computer can connect to an HDMI monitor on one end, and a USB peripheral on the other (such as a keyboard or a USB hub). You can use the USB hub to connect multiple items, such as a keyboard, mouse, printer, USB ethernet/wireless, creating a fully functional computer.

Altruistic Hacking: The Rise of the DIY Radiation Detector

Understandably, the tragedy in Japan has substantially risen the level of worldwide radiation-related hysteria. So much so, as an alternative to stampeding health food stores for iodine tablets, crafty individuals and organizations are hacking together personal radiation detectors. Rather than relying on the government, the creation and modification of handheld Geiger counters provides a self-sufficient solution to today's questions regarding radiation. Profiled below, three admirable organiz...

News: iPhone App = Confessional Aide = Absolution (Yeah, Right)

I'm not going to lie. I was Catholic. But one of my reasons for my faithful departure was having to tell my innermost secrets— my sins— to a silhouetted figure behind a latticed screen. With the creepy enclosed booth structure and separation of sinner and confessor, its anonymity was clear, yet deceiving. You always knew the priest and he always knew you. If I wanted total privacy, was there really a need for this intermediary to God?

News: Laying the Foundation pt.3

Having fun with those sentences So now you have about 30-50 sentences sitting in front of you and you've read through them, but don't quite have a feel for how they are supposed to sound. This is very demotivational because if you can't hear the flow of the sentence, you may be afraid that you are learning it incorrectly and that can really be a tough obstacle to get through.

News: FarmVille Orchard and Tree Gifting Links

Free Tree Gift Request Links With the new orchards and tree mastery system everyone is looking for more trees! As wishlist requests often end up with errors, I've created this list that will provide links you can put your ID into allowing people to send you the item without getting the "gifterror=notfound" message.

News: Windows Live SkyDrive

Windows Live SkyDrive which is initially termed as Windows live folders is one of the parts of Microsoft Windows online service. It is a password protected service that allow users to store file and share them with others. Here the windows live id is required to access the users profile. Anyone can make his/her files private or public. Public share file are easy to access without requiring any Windows live id.Initially it was available only few states in United States. But nowadays it expande...

How To: Stop Facebook's Facial Recognition Software from Automatically Tagging You in Photos

It seems like nowadays, whenever Facebook rolls out a new feature, it's immediately controversial. Social Ads put your name and face in the spotlight, Instant Personalization shared your information with partner sites, third-party apps were allowed to access your home address and phone number, and now Tag Suggestions implement facial recognition software to automatically identify your friends in uploaded photos. Most are calling it problematic or creepy, some insinuate CIA involvement, and it...

How To: Improve Your Vertical Jump

The vertical jump is an important part of many sports, including basketball, volleyball, track & field, football, and many more. For this reason, it is important to learn how to improve vertical jump as it will provide several advantages in the different sports.

How To: Create Realistic 3D Shadows

Setting up shadows takes just as much time and attention as setting up lights. You can think of all of your illumination as one half of your lighting design, and shadows as the other, equally important half. Shadows can add richness to the tones and shading of your image, tie elements together, and improve your composition. Besides their artistic importance, rendering shadows is a key technical area to master. This chapter will explore both the visual and the technical sides of shadows and oc...