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How To: Do the "Houston" country western line dance

The line dance is a dance with repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines, all facing the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time. Line dancing's popularity grew out of the 1970's, when the country-western dance continued to explore and develop this form of dancing.

How To: Do the "Fly Like a Bird" country western line dance

The line dance is a dance with repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines, all facing the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time. Line dancing's popularity grew out of the 1970's, when the country-western dance continued to explore and develop this form of dancing.

How To: Do the "Lookin' Out My Back Door" line dance

The line dance is a dance with repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines, all facing the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time. Line dancing's popularity grew out of the 1970's, when the country-western dance continued to explore and develop this form of dancing.

How To: Do the "Little Rhumba" western line dance

The line dance is a dance with repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines, all facing the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time. Line dancing's popularity grew out of the 1970's, when the country-western dance continued to explore and develop this form of dancing.

How To: Do the "Take It Away" country western line dance

The line dance is a dance with repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines, all facing the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time. Line dancing's popularity grew out of the 1970's, when the country-western dance continued to explore and develop this form of dancing.

How To: Do the "Honk if You Honky Tonk" western line dance

The line dance is a dance with repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines, all facing the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time. Line dancing's popularity grew out of the 1970's, when the country-western dance continued to explore and develop this form of dancing.

How To: Do a multiplayer glitch in Saints Row 2

xFL1PPYx has found a cool and fun way to your stomp your online opponents in "Saints Row 2". In this video he shows a cool and easy glitch. The glitch allows you to become hidden behind a wall where your enemies cannot go. All you need to do is hit the corner with your bike and if timed and executed properly (as shown in the video) you can attain this ability and give yourself that extra edge to win.

How To: Do the Brazilian Twist

Take a look at this demonstrative video and learn how to execute an exercise that covers agility, balance and co-ordination. Be as quick as you can with the upper body when turning. Keep the legs neat with a high knee action and stay light on your feet bouncing on the ball of your foot. Use 5 hurdle up to waist height. Perform 3 reps clockwise and 3 reps anti-clockwise for one set. 2 - 3 sets will do it.

How To: Do the "Crazy Foot Mambo" country western line dance

The line dance is a dance with repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines, all facing the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time. Line dancing's popularity grew out of the 1970's, when the country-western dance continued to explore and develop this form of dancing.

How To: Do the "Kalimba" disco style line dance

The line dance is a dance with repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines, all facing the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time. Line dancing's popularity grew out of the 1970's, when the country-western dance continued to explore and develop this form of dancing.

How To: Find & Exploit SUID Binaries with SUID3NUM

File permissions can get tricky on Linux and can be a valuable avenue of attack during privilege escalation if things aren't configured correctly. SUID binaries can often be an easy path to root, but sifting through all of the defaults can be a massive waste of time. Luckily, there's a simple script that can sort things out for us.

How to Hack with Arduino: Building MacOS Payloads for Inserting a Wi-Fi Backdoor

Arduino is a language that's easy to learn and supported on many incredibly low-cost devices, two of which are the $2 Digispark and a $3 ESP8266-based board. We can program these devices in Arduino to hijack the Wi-Fi data connection of any unlocked macOS computer in seconds, and we can even have it send data from the target device to our low-cost evil access point.

How To: Perform a Pass-the-Hash Attack & Get System Access on Windows

Passwords on Windows are stored as hashes, and sometimes they can be tough to crack. In certain situations, though, we can get around that by using the hash as is, with no need to know the plaintext password. It's especially interesting if we can manage to get the hash of an administrative user since we can then authenticate with higher privileges by performing an attack known as pass the hash.

How To: Exploit EternalBlue on Windows Server with Metasploit

Particular vulnerabilities and exploits come along and make headlines with their catchy names and impressive potential for damage. EternalBlue is one of those exploits. Originally tied to the NSA, this zero-day exploited a flaw in the SMB protocol, affecting many Windows machines and wreaking havoc everywhere. Here, we will use EternalBlue to exploit SMB via Metasploit.

How To: Advanced Techniques to Bypass & Defeat XSS Filters, Part 2

Cross-site scripting can be one of the easiest vulnerabilities to discover, but to be successful with this type of attack, it is essential to learn how to get past filters. In the previous guide, we explored some ways to do this, such as abusing attributes and event handlers and tricking the application into accepting unusual characters. Now, let's take a look at more techniques used to defeat filters.

How To: Manipulate User Credentials with a CSRF Attack

Web 2.0 technology has provided a convenient way to post videos online, keep up with old friends on social media, and even bank from the comfort of your web browser. But when applications are poorly designed or incorrectly configured, certain flaws can be exploited. One such flaw, known as CSRF, allows an attacker to use a legitimate user's session to execute unauthorized requests to the server.

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Disabling Security Cameras on Any Wireless Network with Aireplay-Ng

Electronic warfare tactics work by jamming, disrupting, or disabling the technology a target uses to perform a critical function, and IoT devices are especially vulnerable to attacks. Wireless security cameras like the Nest Cam are frequently used to secure critical locations, but a hacker can surgically disable a webcam or other Wi-Fi connected device without disturbing the rest of the network.

Hacking macOS: How to Remotely Eavesdrop in Real Time Using Anyone's MacBook Microphone

Google, Amazon, and Facebook are always listening. But what's worse? Hackers are listening, too. Windows PCs are particularly vulnerable, but with a few simple commands, a remote attacker can even take over the microphone on someone's Mac computer, streaming audio and listening to private conversations in real time without the victim's knowledge, abusing an overlooked security consideration.

How To: Easily Detect CVEs with Nmap Scripts

Nmap is possibly the most widely used security scanner of its kind, in part because of its appearances in films such as The Matrix Reloaded and Live Free or Die Hard. Still, most of Nmap's best features are under-appreciated by hackers and pentesters, one of which will improve one's abilities to quickly identify exploits and vulnerabilities when scanning servers.

How To: Use the Koadic Command & Control Remote Access Toolkit for Windows Post-Exploitation

Koadic allows hackers to monitor and control exploited Windows systems remotely. The tool facilitates remote access to Windows devices via the Windows Script Host, working with practically every version of Windows. Koadic is capable of sitting entirely in memory to evade detection and is able to cryptographically secure its own web command-and-control communications.

How To: Load & Use Keystroke Injection Payloads on the USB Rubber Ducky

Keystroke injection attacks are popular because they exploit the trust computers have in human interface devices (HIDs). One of the most popular and easily accessible keystroke injection tools is the USB Rubber Ducky from Hack5, which has a huge range of uses beyond simple HID attacks. The USB Rubber Ducky can be used to attack any unlocked computer in seconds or to automate processes and save time.

Hack Like a Pro: How to Evade AV Software with Shellter

Welcome back, my tenderfoot hackers! One key area on the minds of all hackers is how to evade security devices such as an intrusion detection system (IDS) or antivirus (AV) software. This is not an issue if you create your own zero-day exploit, or capture someone else's zero-day. However, if you are using someone else's exploit or payload, such as one from Metasploit or Exploit-DB, the security devices are likely to detect it and spoil all your fun.