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How To: Writing 64-Bit Shellcode - Part 2 (Removing Null-Bytes)

Welcome to the sequel to the latest post on writing 64 bit shellcode! This tutorial will assume that you are aware of everything mentioned in the last one, as I will try to make this tutorial void of formalities and straight to the point! If you have not read the last one, I suggest doing so unless you are familiar with basic assembly programming and system calls. This is by no means rocket science, so therefore I will simply repeat my TL;DR from last time before we get started, so that the a...

How To: Keep an Eye on Your GPA with Pointo for Android

Even though my high school days are long behind me, I still find myself waking up in a cold sweat worrying about what my GPA is and what college I'm going to be able to get into. During those days I had to rely on coming up with my own equations to figure out my GPA between grading periods—including AP and honors course, as well as weights for pluses and minuses—but now there are smartphones to do all that thinking for me.

How To: Go Incognito on Instagram by Turning Off Your Green Dot Activity Status

While it might be more common to chat with friends on apps like Twitter, Messenger, or WhatsApp, direct messages on Instagram are becoming more and more sophisticated. Case in point, the app is rolling out a new feature to users that shows a "green dot" next to friends who are online. Luckily, you don't have to let your followers know when you're browsing photos if you don't want to.

News: Samsung Pulling Latest Oreo Beta Update After Critical Bug

The Android Oreo Beta for the Galaxy S8 and S8+ has been available for nearly two weeks. Samsung started rolling out the Beta 2 update late last week in the UK, and just yesterday in the US. Unfortunately, the US version of the update firmware (G955USQU1ZQK6) experienced a critical bug with the phone app at launch. As a result, Samsung has completely pulled the US Beta 2 update for the time being.

How To: Security-Oriented C Tutorial 0x0B - User Input

Hey readers! This tutorial will be the entry point for the introduction of buffer overflows. Something like requesting user input is a very common place for vulnerabilities to pop up and we will definitely have fun while trying to make programs crash. But for now, let's start with how we can get input from a user.

Exclusive: Dual-Boot Android on Your iPhone (iOS 7+)

Today we are pleased to announce the end to the Apple vs. Android war. About a year ago, our Gadget Hacks team started working on a top-secret project to dual-boot both Android and iOS on the same phone—and we couldn't be more proud to announce that we've finally succeeded! Your phone can now run both iOS and Android—whenever you want. Right now.

How To: When in Distress, Shake Your Android to Send a Quick SOS Alert with Your Location

I've been lucky enough to never be a victim of street crime, but I have read and seen too many articles and videos to completely rule it out as a possibility. You can do some things to prevent it, but if your life suddenly turns into a scene from Friday the 13th, you'll want to be prepared with some sort of way to let others know you need help. This is where Shake2Safety comes in, a free Android app from Phontonapps.

How to : Avoid SEO Mistakes You Should

Search Engine Optimization is important for every successful SEO or blogging campaign. Therefore it is required to be implemented in the correct manner. Google consider many factors while ranking a webpage and it keeps on changing. Some of the common SEO mistakes which you must avoid are as follows:

How To: The Novice Guide to Teaching Yourself How to Program (Learning Resources Included)

Today's post is a small go-to guide for beginner programmers in Null Byte. With many of our community members picking up programming from our Community Bytes, it only makes sense to lay out a one-stop guide for your reference. Hopefully this guide will help you make an educated and thoughtful choice on what programming languages you want to learn, and how you want to learn said languages.