This one smells like a fish story. It is not. Tuesday April 13, Dave and I got up to surf westward at 7 in the morning. First rate waves. Headache cold water....sun blocked by the cliffs. Fast, clean, beach break. 3-4 foot sets, mostly lefts. About 15 dolphins swam by. Blase blase. We always see dolphins. But then some bigass whale with barnacles breaches. We are speechless. It is about 20 feet from us. We follow it for about thirty seconds and pinch ourselves. Have-you-ever? No...
Tim Hawkinson is an artist who truly inspires. The Los Angeles based artist creates complex, whimsical sculptures with simple mechanics and basic materials. One of his most notable pieces is the art-world-renowned "Uberorgan", a giant football field sized, fully-automated bagpipe, cleverly constructed with plastic sheeting and pieces of electrical hardware.
WANIGAN 61 points (11 points without the bingo) Definition: a supply chest used in a logging camp [n]
Deb and Alex's Smitten Kitchen is a treasure trove of beautifully photographed, delicious looking recipes. Every recipe is painstakingly outlined, including their recent post on making perfectly cooked, painless pizza. Personally, I have yet to get pizza dough right, so I'm anxious to learn.
Expires 10/26 at midnight. One day left on the Gemstone collection and now we can collect items for the Toy collection!
I took my son to Bocas. Because of the airline schedules we had to stop in Panama City, which is a somewhat sad place. With casinos and all the attendant vice.
The thing about building your own stuff is that it's incredibly satisfying. There's just something about taking the time and dedication to construct something beautiful out of virtually nothing but the necessities.
If you're targeting big bass during the summertime, the best bait to use is a swimbait lure. You may know that they don't give you tons of bites, but in this case, quality is the key. The best bass you'll eve catch will come off this swimbait lure. This is why swimbaits are favorites with anglers who have the confidence to continue casting them in search of lunkers. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to fish a swimbait lure.
Last week I did some beach camping at the San Onofre State Beach "Trails" and my experience was less than satisfactory. I'm hoping that by reading what happened through my trip, you'll be able to plan for a better trip.
Video game controllers are our windows into the soul of the machine, our sole means of interacting with them. More often than not, consumers seem displeased by their controllers; it's comforting to blame sticky, poorly laid out buttons for messing up your game than your own lacking skills. The original "fatty" Xbox controller was so large it caused mass consternation and prompted Microsoft to replace it with a smaller version in a matter of months.
The Jackass cast are dressed in Revolutionary War outfits and are riding and paddling a large canoe towards a beach.All around the beach is the enemy waiting for them. When Johnny and the boys are near the shore; the enemy opens fire, with bottle rockets, roman candles, fire hoses and paintball guns. The Jackass guys are armed with BB guns.If the jackass boys are knocked over into the water, they have to buy the 'enemy' a big nice dinner. If the jackass boys reach and land on the beach, the e...
Flat irons are easy to use once you learn how to use them. In this video, we show you four simple steps to achieve straight, smooth and shiny hair. Wash
You can make homemade pizza with a minimum of tools, or you can buy the entire yuppie menagerie (and let's face it—if you're a foodie, you probably want the toys). Below is a brief rundown of the different options available. Since I'm a relative beginner to the process, I've also linked out to a few in-depth reviews.
Using a location thats already being utilized, It could be a house or an apartment, mount cameras in various hidden areas throughout. Some at chest level and some up near the ceiling for good shots. Be sure that the windows and doors can be locked FROM THE OUTSIDE.
Recently, buyout talks between Google and Groupon ended with Groupon turning down Google's $6 million offer. But with Amazon backing LivingSocial, should they have? Your guess is as good as mine, but one thing's for sure— Groupon has a great voice, and they're sharing it with the world via their Public Groupon Editorial Manual.
Are you having problems because the game was released a long time ago and the more experienced players are better than you? Then you should be very excited to find out that I will be giving you some general tips & tricks about the different classes that I have learned the hard way.