Patterns Printed Search Results

News: LEGO Fashion Hits the Runway

Whether you're inclined to love it or leave it, you've gotta admit one thing about JC de Castelbajac's LEGO fashion line- it's fun. More 80's pop culture revival: LEGO constructed hats and LEGO inspired prints set to cartoon blue skies. Scroll all the way down for JC de Castelbajac's  runway videos (one in LEGOmation, the second live footage of the actual runway show). Previously, Make-It-Yourself LEGO Gummies.

News: Fold-It-Yourself Pinhole Camera

Easy as 1-2-3... Print, fold and start taking pictures. Free download and instructions for the Czechoslovakian designed Dirkon camera here. The Dirkon uses 35mm film and takes hazy, blurred, highly saturated pictures typical of the pinhole format. Image examples below.

How To: Knit The Raspberry Stitch

There are many beautiful stitches to learn in knitting. Some are harder than others. Some look hard, but really aren't. The RASPBERRY STITCH (shown in the header) is a quite easy. Once you get into the rhythm of doing it and practice for awhile you'll agree.

How To: Use the Kodak ESP 3 AiO Printer and software

This interactive Kodak EasyShare software tutorial takes you through every step necessary to fully use your AiO Home Center software. If you have a Kodak EasyShare digital camera and a Kodak ESP 3 or ESP 5 All-in-One Printer, you probably have this printer suite program. Let Kodak teach you how to use the AiO Home Center software. See how to perform basic scanning with the printer, advanced scanning, basic copying, advanced copying, printing pictures, checking ink levels, and other helpful re...

How To: Run a Successful Student Council Campaign

Running a successful student council campaign requires hard work and preparation. Whether you’re part of a candidate’s support group or a candidate yourself, you need to focus and give it all you’ve got. As Vince Lombardi said, “Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.”

How To: Multiply & Divide Numbers (Basic Elementary Math)

Adding and subtracting may be the easiest of mathematical operations, but once you get it down, multiplication and division can be just as easy. That's why it's called elementary arithmetic. If it were harder, it would be called college algebra or trigonometry. But it's not— it's basic math, and once you get your head around the numbers, you'll never hate math class again! (Okay, maybe you will.)

News: crochet question

hi everyone, i have been teaching myself to crochet for a while now but when i come accros something i dont understand i get using a book n it says that this is an easy pattern. it tells meat the end of a row to miss a ch and doing this and my work is getting smaller and smaller like a pyramid...pls help me and tell me what i am doing wrong...thank u and i have learn alot from this site.

News: Fractal Pecan Pie

Following the pattern of fractal goodies, I found this great article on making a giant fractal pecan pie. Seems like you'll need some dedicated pecan pie enthusiasts (shouldn't be hard to find) to help you out!

News: Thrifty and Chic - PVC Pipe Mirror Frames

This is very similar to the PVC picture frame, but it's interesting enough to post it as well. I like circley [sic] patterns, and this little idea fits into that beautifully. This one also contains a better how-to than the picture frame article, so if you liked that concept but found her instructions a little hard to follow, this one is right up your alley.

News: Resurrecting the Video Game Magazine: PC Gamer Digital

PC Gamer represents all that was awesome about games journalism in the '90s, now sadly diminished. Brilliant, funny, full of integrity, and solid print sales were always present, and with the tragic exception of the latter, still are. Video game magazines were hit harder than nearly any other magazine vertical when the internet began its uncoordinated, but inevitable assault on print media. Magazines are now struggling to find their place in a world filled with more competitors than paying cu...

Cheat Sheet: Keyboard Shortcuts for Both Mac & Windows

If you already have your basic keyboard shortcuts under control—we're talking classics here, Control-C (copy for PC) or Command-C (copy for Mac)—it's time to load up your memory bank. There are endless shortcuts available (truly endless—since you can customize them yourself), but you don't need to memorize them all, only those you expect to use most. Below, two cheat sheets for upping your keyboard maneuvering status from "basic" to "intermediate" for both Mac and PC users.

News: PatternFile Organization Software

I love this software. It's currently in development by a friend of mine, and is a great utility to keep all your patterns organized. Tag them, note where they're stored and included a brief description or sewing notes. The best part is that new features are being added all the time!

News: The Fingers Intro Part 2

Hello again ! This is the second part to Fingers from a Hand Analysis perspective.Where as the first Video just covers basic introductions to the Fingers, this part two Video takes things a little bit further and examines ......Finger Shape ;- Length suggesting mental speed, Methodical or Speedy thinker ?Finger Width ;- Suggesting which level a persons interests may lay, Mental or Practical realms ?Finger Prints ;- Amazingly interesting area to explore , Fingerprints do not change.. They star...

How To: Take measurements for sewing

When sewing your own clothes, you can take exact measurements to get a perfect fit. This how-to video demonstrates the process of measuring for clothing patterns. All you need is a measuring tape. Watch this video sewing tutorial and learn how to take measurements. Take measurements for sewing.

How To: Play jazz drum beats

This drum lesson teaches six popular jazz drumming beats that you can use at your next jazz gig. They build upon the basic jazz pattern covered in one of our previous drum lessons, and take your independence to the next level. Play jazz drum beats.

How To: Play punk drum beats

This lesson covers some of the most popular punk drum beats. Many of the patterns are relatively simple, but can still be challenging. This is due to the fact that they are typically played at fast tempos when performed in punk rock music. Play punk drum beats.

How To: Plan a kids bandana party

Martha Stewart shares some great ideas for throwing a kids' bandanna-theme birthday party. If you're planning a child's celebration, creating a theme from scratch can be as simple as selecting fun paper and rubber stamps. Here, Martha used bandanna and dot patterns to create a festive and fun celebration that's perfect for children of all ages. Plan a kids bandana party.

News: Knit the Periodic Table

Science geeks everywhere: the ultimate knitting pattern. Creator apinnick made this amazing sweater displaying the Periodic Table of Elements for her husband, a microbiologist working in the pharmaceutical industry. Click through to her blog for her periodic table knitting chart, to learn how to knit-it-yourself.

How to Be Your Own SpaceX: Design, Build & Test Liquid-Fueled Rocket Engines

Move over NASA— SpaceX is taking over. Well, not really. But today, the privately funded spacecraft company broke all expectations when their Dragon capsule fell to a soft landing in the Pacific Ocean, completing an undoubtedly successful demo flight of nearly two full trips around Earth. It was the first re-entry of a commercial spacecraft ever, bringing commercial space transportation closer to reality.

How To: Knit Fingerless Mitts

Fingerless mitts are all the rage. They can be fancy or simple, long or short. This article will show you how to make a simple pair of fingerless mitts—for men or women. By adding more colors in stripes or other patterns, you can make them more interesting. You can also add to the length to make them longer.

How To: Knit the Seed Stitch

There will be many times when you will want both sides of your work to look the same. One of those times, for instance, might be when you are making a scarf. Another time you might be making a shawl. Or it might be a baby blanket, an afghan or a throw. You'll see, as you're knitting, when you would want to use a "double sided" stitch. This is one of the best of those stitches and it is called THE SEED STITCH. It's very easy. All you need to know is the knit stitch and the purl stitch and you'...

How To: Wear a scarf for fall and winter

In this tutorial, we learn how to wear a scarf for fall and winter. First, take a scarf in any material and color that you would like for your outfit. Use a solid, lace, print, or anything else that you would like to use. After you have picked it out, you can tie it around your neck so one side is tied on the back and one is on the front. Or, you can leave both sides in the back and make it loose around the neck or tight. You can also spread the scarf out so it's a slight triangle in the fron...

How To: Make a soda can for for your American Girl doll

To make a soda can for an American Girl doll, you will need tiny spools. Cut foam to the circumference of spools and tape the foam tightly around the spools. Fill the inside space of the spool with air dry clay. Then, cover the spool with aluminum foil by wrapping, twisting and snipping the foil to size. Take the Pepsi logo from the internet and resize it in Microsoft Word. Print it out. Adhere the logo paper to the tape and then tape the paper to the foil covered spool. Your soda can project...