Pawned Merchandise Search Results

How To: Checkmate your chess opponent in four moves

The video details which pieces you will use to win a game of chess quickly and by surprise. First off he explains the basic setup of the chess piece you will be defeating which is the weakest spot on the opponents side. He explains what moves you will be making on your side by first moving you pawn that is in front of your king. You will then move the kings bishop diagonal until it is in front of the queens bishop. You will then place the queen diagonal three spaces. From there you are setup ...

How To: Do the king's Indian defense vs. queen's pawn in chess

This explores Bobby Fischer's opening strategies versus various openings. This video looks at his tactical use of the King's Indian Defense against a Queen's pawn game. Of particular interest is Fischer's strength in maintaining the tension of the position until an opportunity arises. The match took place in 1971 against Mark Taimanov, with Fischer winning.

How To: Play chess and win in two moves taught by a 6 year old

In this how-to video, you will learn how to win at Chess in two moves. First, you will need a chessboard. Pawns go up twice at the start or once. They attack diagonally. Otherwise they just go up once. The castle, or rook, go up and down or side to side. The bishop goes diagonally in both directions. The knight moves in an L shape in any direction. The queen can go sideways, diagonally, forward, and backward. The king can move only once space at a time. Once the board is set up, you are ready...

How To: Remove the vein from a prawn or shrimp

Check out this instructional cooking video that demonstrates an easy way to de-vein and peel a prawn or shrimp. Just follow the simple steps as outlined in this cooking tutorial and learn the proper way to remove the vein from a pawn or shrimp. This is a matter of personal taste, as some people have no objection to eating them with the vein. All it entails is removing the vein that runs through the back of the pawn. De-vein your shrimp so it's ready to cook!

How To: Keep a criminal pawn at bay in a chess middle game

Grandmaster Alexandra Kosteniuk teaches you how to play a real game of chess in this video tutorial. From the game Onischuk vs Carlsen in Biel (2007). Black plays and wins, by first taking white's rook and checking the king. The white king then takes the black queen, and so on. This will show you how to keep a criminal pawn at bay in a chess middle game, causing your chess opponent to resign like the loser that he/she is.

How To: Play from the Saavedra position in endgame chess

Grandmaster Alexandra Kosteniuk teaches you how to play from the Saavedra position in endgame chess. White plays and wins, but remember to look for the best defense for black. Your rook and kings will get a workout, but if you do it right, you might just get out of a chess jam and win the endgame. You'll have to advance the pawn to get a rook, yes, not a queen, a rook.

How To: Solve a chess game study from the Book of Salvio

Learn from this chess video tutorial, hosted by Grandmaster Alexandra Kosteniuk, on how to solve the chess game study from the Book of Salvio (1604). White plays and wins by sacrificing his rook and moving his pawn up the chessboard to get queened. It's as simple as that. Endgame chess is a great thing to learn to become a master.

How To: Play the Philidor position in a chess endgame

This chess game video tutorial from Grandmaster Alexandra Kosteniuk shows you how to use an important postition in rook endgmaes. It's important to know the Philidor Position which shows the easiest way to draw as the weaker side in R + P (rook and pawn) vs. R (rook). Black plays and draws the chess game. How can black save the game?

How To: Use the king's gambit declined trap in chess

This video looks at a possible trapping line, played by black, in the King's Gambit Declined. The trap offers up a free pawn to the white player that has devastating consequences if taken. The video also covers white's best option to avoid the trapping lines and create a comfortable position from which to work from.

How To: Get up and running as a seller on eBay

Experts say that every house has around 1500 dollars worth of merchandise that could be sold on eBay. eBay is a great alternative to the traditional garage sale these days, and with more and more people joining the site every day - why not get in on the action? eBay is an exciting Internet tool that allows anyone to sell anything. Check out this tutorial, for information and tips on how to start your own eBay seller's account. This is a great video to check out if you are new to eBay or have ...

How To: Checkmate an opponent in four moves with School's Mate

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to checkmate an opponent in four moves in Chess. This task is very easy, simple and fast to do. Begin by moving your pawn to E4. Then on your next turn move the bishop to C4 to attack F7. Now move the queen to A5, which also attacks F7. Finish by moving the queen to F7. This is an automatic checkmate because the opponent will lose the king in either way. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy playing board games such as Chess, and would like ...

How To: Shop at a thrift store

Go thrifty! Go vintage! Go second hand. With the right approach and an open mind, a trip to your local thrift store can yield some fashionable bargains. Buying used is a smart solution to this economy, and gives you a smart sense of fashion.

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